The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 219 The way to become stronger

Naturally no one dares to doubt Doflamingo's words.

Many big guys turned their gazes to daybreak. Only then did they smile at dawn, and then stood up: "I am Reinhardt, everyone in the underground world of the North Sea, everyone will work together to continue the North Sea cake. Bigger."

"No problem, Reinhardt, you will take over the shipping business. I am the first to agree." Elonkova first stood up and supported Dawn. They had already established an agreement on offensive and defensive alliances. At this time, they could not compete for shipping business. Naturally, he was the first to support Reinhardt.

Elonkova looked at the group of people sitting, and then mocked in a slightly yin and yang voice: "Which other guys have objections, say it now, so as not to stabbing my brother in the back later."

Doflamingo personally decided it, but these people didn't dare to have any opinions, so they were silent.However, through Elon Kowa’s words just now, they all understood in their hearts that the cooperation between Merlin and the Kingslayer Reinhardt should not be a day and a half. It is very likely that Reinhardt will come to participate in this dark conference. Behind it is Mai Lin single-handedly promoted.

If their two forces cooperate, it will be disadvantageous. Many people have this idea in their minds, especially the decibel loan shark. After understanding it, they are very shocked. Merlin has found a strong alliance, which is for decibels. The most threatening.

The king of loan sharks looked gloomy. After scanning from Elon Kowa in Melin, he set his sights on Reinhardt. He had a bad hunch in his heart. The first thing he suffered from the combination of the two was the decibel. , Then the only way to start is to start first.

Thinking of this, the king of loan sharks couldn't help showing a sneer.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Doflamingo nodded, and then said: "From now on, everyone will turn in 20% of the profit every quarter. What I can guarantee is that there will be no other companies outside the North Sea. People are making trouble here."

"As for the profits you hand in, I won't check every point carefully, but if one day I find out that some of you are deducting their share..."

"You should all have understood my method."

Everyone was shocked, and no one had a fluke mentality anymore. They still handed in the profit obediently, so as not to worry about being killed by Doflamingo all day long.

The meeting continued, and after a long time, it finally ended.

The big bosses of the Beihai Underground World all left one by one. After Xiao Xiao winked with Elon Kowa, they separated, and then Xiao Xiao moved to the distance to have a sullen look at him.

That was... the fat-eared loan shark, Dawn pretended not to notice, and then walked alone towards the hall of Don Quixote family officials.

"Reinhardt, the North Sea shipping business is a great gift." After walking to the hall, Doflamingo laughed.

Dawn shook his head: "Beihai is too small, no wonder you look down on it. For me, it doesn’t matter whether there is a shipping business or not. The brewery is the most important thing, and the New World Hero series you get from me Agency, in the future you will know how valuable it is."

Without waiting for Doflamingo to react, Xiao Xiao continued: "In fact, I chose to cooperate with you after careful consideration. The reason is simple, because you are very strong, and because you do not. Strong."

Speaking of this, Doflamingo stunned, but Torrepol, the slug next to him, chuckled and laughed: "Little devil Reinhardt, you said Dover is not strong. He is really a little devil. Fuke is Qiwuhai, one of the most powerful pirates in the world."

Doflamingo's forehead twisted, even if he was so despised, he still maintained his sense and restraint... What restrained was the cruelty in his heart.

"You can talk about it, strong or not?"

"You are strong because there are no weak people in Qiwuhai. All are big pirates who dominate the world. If you are not strong, it is because you cannot rule the new world. Your line fruit ability is the only one I have seen in my life. A few of them can develop such a powerful existence, but the thread is inherently limited."

Hearing this, Doflamingo was shocked, and Torrepol next to him was about to scold him angrily, but he was stopped by Doflamingo.

"Although you don't want to admit it, what you said really makes sense, is there a way to solve it?" Doflamingo laughed, he seemed very sincere, which surprised Xiao Xiao, even though he was an extremely bad scum. But the scum also has the temperament of a hero.

Xiao Xiao did not directly answer him directly, and continued: "I choose you as a partner, because you can deter most of the pirates, and at the same time, the strength has not reached the top and will not be able to eat me in the future.

"Oh, it seems that you have already thought about it, one day I will annex or eradicate you?" Doflamingo smiled slightly. This guy's vision is indeed long-term. He does have this plan, waiting for future cooperation progress. When it reaches a certain point, directly eat up the power of Reinhardt and claim it for himself.

"It doesn't matter if you have thought of it or not. As the BOSS of Reinhardt Working Group, I must plan ahead and never let my family fall into a dangerous situation." Xiao Xiao said with a smile.

"Humhhhhhhh, Reinhardt, I admire you more and more." Doflamingo laughed.

There is another reason for seeking cooperation with Doflamingo, which is that when his strength grows to a certain level in the future, Doflamingo will never move the mind of annexation, because there is something about Golden Emperor Tezolo. .

At that time, the Golden Emperor snatched the priceless golden fruits from Doflamingo. When the strength of the Golden Emperor rose to a certain level, Doflamingo also chose commercial cooperation.

Therefore, he has reason to believe that when his strength is improved to a certain level, their cooperation with each other will continue, and no matter how bad it is, it will continue until he is defeated by Luffy.

For the entire great route, Doflamingo is actually the most suitable collaborator. For example, the Four Emperors will not consider him, because he will be annexed at any time if he cooperates with the Four Emperors, while the others in Qiwuhai, Hawkeye is a lone ranger, Alone, the female emperor is too weak to provide help. Jinping is a natural defect of the murloc, even more impossible for Moria and the bear. The best collaborators are Crockdale and Doflamingo Up.

And Crockdale is still far in the New World Alabastan, and all that can be chosen is Doflamingo.

Doflamingo's special status and the resources of the underground world he controls are the best collaborators.

"There are many options to become stronger." Doflamingo laughed, seeming not to care.

Dawn shook his head: "There may be many kinds for others, but for you now, the only option is to strengthen physical training."

Doflamingo stunned slightly, then snorted, "You mean to strengthen physical training?"

"The physical skills of labor and capital are not weak!"

Suddenly, Doflamingo seemed to be irritated, raised his foot and kicked it violently.

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