The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 402 402. The Bell Pirate Group

"That's..." Captain Bell took the binoculars and observed for a while on the sea not far away, and suddenly saw a figure, which was running wildly on the sea, while still carrying a person in his hand.

Is that guy still human?Running on the sea with a person in one hand.

After seeing this scene thoroughly, Captain Bell was shocked. His feeling at this time was exactly the same as that of the watchman just now. He felt a little unwilling, but he felt even more shocked.

Because he knows that anyone who can run on the sea has unimaginable strength. He also knows that there is a powerful physical skill in the navy called six styles. One of the six styles is called moon step. It is very similar to the running posture of this man on the sea.

It is very possible that a man running on the sea will use Moon Step. After all, Captain Bell has been on a great route. Although his strength is relatively weak, he has a lot of knowledge.

"Turn around, speed up, hurry up."

Thinking of this, Captain Bell immediately put down the telescope, and then shouted at the helmsman, navigator and others, "Retreat immediately, retreat with all strength."

Regardless of whether the other party is malicious to him or not, he must never be able to contact the other party.

The pirates under his team were shocked and didn't understand what Captain Bell meant, but as a group of pirates who had traveled on a great route, they knew that they had to obey the captain's orders absolutely, so although they had huge doubts in their hearts, But eventually the order was executed.

Zizizi...The sailing boat quickly turned its direction while accelerating, and then the whole sailing boat was shaken, almost causing huge damage to the sailing boat, and the sailing pirates were violently busy.

Captain Bell’s decision is of course extremely correct, because a person who can run on the sea like a flat ground is absolutely powerful. Even if the entire pirate group adds up, they will not be the opponent's opponent at all, so running away immediately is the best A good way to minimize the risk factors.

However, although his decision was correct this time, he encountered not ordinary people.

"That pirate ship seems to have spotted us, seems to be turning around and fleeing?"

On the sea, Weiss saw this scene with a telescope, and then said anxiously.

"Don't worry, they can't run." Reinhardt chuckled. He was very close to the pirate ship. He didn't need a telescope to see all the movement on the pirate ship with his domineering look.

Chong Ceng... After a few consecutive crisp noises, Reinhardt's speed suddenly increased, and the waves behind him stomped violently with a rumbling sound, and then his body broke through the air like a cannonball.


The crisp sound that pierced the air was like a burst of thunder, accompanied by a white rainbow penetrating through it, directly hitting the deck of the Pirate Ship. The wooden deck broke a huge hole, and the entire hull shook rumblingly. Fortunately, the hull is relatively strong and does not cause substantial danger.

The pirates on the pirate ship were stunned at this moment. This scene made them a little unacceptable. Why suddenly there was a huge Changhong penetrating the deck, but they were only surprised when they saw two figures jumping out from the bottom of the ship. It was discovered that the cause of the white rainbow phantom scene just now turned out to be two men. One of them looked very young, but his whole body exuded a faint air of oppression.

Captain Bell's gaze was a bit sluggish, but he didn't expect to be run up by this guy. This looks full of aura from his outfit, plus he exudes the aura of a superior person all the time. However, Captain Bell was a little frustrated.

However, before Captain Bell could speak, his men directly yelled at Reinhardt.

"Where did the bastard kid dare to attack the Bell Pirates."

It was a middle-aged man in his forties, with tangled hair on his head and the arrogance and cruelty that pirates always have on his face. He didn't seem to feel the shock of Reinhardt's body.

"Uh... Bell Pirates?" Reinhardt shook his head, and said slowly, "Are you...famous in the North Sea?"

In the North Sea, the pirate group that he and the navy eliminated was no more than three hundred, but there were more than one hundred, but he had never heard the name of the bell pirate group. Among the powerful pirate groups in the North Sea, he heard most often It's just the more famous ones such as the Alcoholic Pirates, the Disco Pirates, and the Billy Pirates.

"Damn kid, he ran into someone else's pirate ship for no reason, and even said silly things." The middle-aged man was immediately angry and pointed his finger at Reinhardt.


Reinhardt suddenly raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man's mind was shocked, and his body began to tremble strangely. After the tremor started from the soles of the feet, it could not stop, so he subconsciously He took two steps back, but fell directly to the ground.

"No one in Beihai has ever dared to speak to me like this." Looking at the middle-aged pirate who was scared to the ground, Reinhardt gave him a faint glance.

After this gaze, the middle-aged man foamed at the mouth and passed out with white eyelids.

Really a guy who lives and lives.

After watching the middle-aged man-like pirate collapse to the ground, Weiss shook his head, then walked a few steps forward, came to the front of the pirates, and said coldly, "Who is the captain of you?"

But no one answered, and Wes repeated it towards the pirates crawling around.

"I... I am the captain."

Feeling that this level could not be avoided, Captain Bell immediately struggled to get up and answered Weiss.

The scene where his men scolded Reinhardt just now, he did not react at all, otherwise he would definitely stop the behavior of the middle-aged pirates, but what happened just now was too sudden, just a single glance made him feel like falling into ice. The feeling of cave.

"This pirate ship is requisitioned." Weiss looked at the bell and said. With this pirate ship, we should be able to return to Polkaria soon.

"This..." Captain Bell hesitated for a moment, and then heard Weis's dissatisfied cry: "What? Are you not willing?"

"It's your honour for us adults to requisition you pirate ships of hateful pirates."

"No... yes..." Captain Bell's gaze rolled away from Reinhardt, and he felt his gaze hit a fierce beast, suddenly feeling extremely dangerous.

The oppressive force shown in the gaze just now can directly stun the most powerful combatant of the Bell Pirates group. This shows how powerful the opponent is, and he doesn't have the slightest resistance in his heart.

The words in his mouth were intermittent, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted directly by Weiss: "What is it? From now on, you can't help it."

Captain Bell did not answer, and his pirates also lay on the ground, and the entire deck was immediately quiet.

However, at this moment, a voice with an icy chill came directly from the inner cabin.

"It's not him who is in charge, is it the two of you outsiders who are in charge?"

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