The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 403 403. Electric gun? Laser rain

As the end of that voice fell, Weiss turned his head suddenly and saw a figure standing four meters high at the door of the cabin.

"Who?" Weiss subconsciously yelled, but stopped again in amazement. The figure standing at the door of the cabin turned out to be a huge monster with strong hair?

""Monkey"?" Weiss murmured. The face of "Monkey" opposite to "Monkey" has large golden hair growing, with a golden hoop on his forehead, wearing a black coat, and holding a handle over him in his right hand. The tall, bright silver spear, the gun body is pitch black, with weird patterns tattooed on it, but the shape is very modern, and electricity flashes through the top from time to time.

"Boy, you don't know how to respect people." At this time, the huge "monkey" monster spoke again. After that, the "monkey" jumped up immediately, and the current burst from the tip of the gun in his hand and it pierced directly. : "I will teach you a lesson."

"My lord, save me." Weiss felt the great danger and immediately shouted.

After hearing the name, the Captain Bell, who collapsed on the ground, subconsciously stunned, his gaze secretly looked at Reinhardt, and then there was a huge wave in his heart.

The black feathers are like peacock feathers, the smiling face is always hung, the eyes are as calm as water but deep as the abyss, and the obvious clock pattern on the back of the left hand.

Couldn't he be... Captain Bell didn't dare to think further, so he immediately cut off his own thinking, how could it be possible, how could that big figure appear here?

But after a sea breeze passed, Captain Bell suddenly shook, and then the unbelievable in his eyes turned into fear.


Captain Bell was instinctively horrified, and his body couldn't stop shaking. After the sea breeze passed, it happened to expose the scar covering Reinhardt's left cheek.

He has long black hair, black feathers, a serene face and angelic clear eyes, as well as the iconic clock pattern on the back of his left hand. Not many people know the scar that is always clamped on the side of the left face.

This is not the most limelight in the North Sea, with many names such as [Black Duke] [King Killer] [Vicious Party Leader] [Adjudicator] [Nightmare] [Boss], Reinhardt!!!

In the North Sea, the name of Reinhardt has only spread in the past few years, but in just three years, it has created so many industries, and it has ruled Katan Island, Svalo Island, and Winter. The island and many other sea areas have faintly dominated the North Sea until now.

Why does such a big figure from the North Sea suddenly appear here?

Among the many rumored versions circulating, Reinhardt’s notoriety is as much as the good name, which includes how cruel and bloody his methods are, how weird and changeable his temperament is, and he will use all means for power and wealth, I don’t know. How many people have died in his hands.

But in addition, there are more people who agree with him, thinking that Reinhardt is a brave, decisive, strong, talented and perfect ruler. If you say that those followers, or those who try to follow him, treat him. How high the evaluation is, then how low the evaluation of those who oppose Reinhardt will be.

Regardless of whether Reinhardt’s reputation is evil or good, positive or negative, the most convincing and commendable thing about Reinhardt is that he never maliciously harms civilians whether it is launching wars or invading islands. On the contrary, civilians. Under his rule, life is happier.

Many people call him a combination of the goodness of angels and the evil of demons. These two opposite personalities are concentrated in one person.

About this, Captain Bell has never heard of it many times in the North Sea, but he has never seen Reinhardt, even the photos, because all Reinhardt news will not publish photos. But no one does not know the obvious characteristics of Reinhardt.

His face was pale, and his fear reached its extreme, as if all his breath was squeezed in the edge of his throat. At this moment, he heard a violent concussion.


The crisp metal sound vibrated on the pirate ship, and the hull shook suddenly.

The "monkey" suddenly stunned, feeling that the stun gun in his hand could no longer be pierced. A powerful force gathered in the gun body, causing the electric current system inside the stun gun to appear chaotic, and then the current flickered and sparks. crack.

"I don't remember that there is a guy in the fur clan with a hot temper like you." Reinhardt held the stun gun pointed by the "monkey" with one hand, and looked at the "monkey"-like guy opposite.

"Monkey" was very surprised. He didn't expect that the guy in front of him would use his own specially developed stun gun with one hand. How powerful the electric current in the stun gun is. He knew in his heart that even the sea kings in the great route would be affected by his A shot can be shot instantly, but the guy in front of him caught it with just one hand, and he seemed to be able to do it with ease.

What surprised him most was that Reinhardt gave out his true identity in one mouthful. Not many people in this world know about the fur clan, and he is an ancient race living in the Zau country, among the war beasts." "Monkey" fur is born to be a master of battle.

"Who...Who are you?" "Monkey" was very surprised, so he asked subconsciously.

"Mr. Long..." Captain Bell said in horror. He awkwardly moved towards the distance with a stun gun. "Monkey" looked at the monster: "He is... he is the Black Duke... Reinhardt ."

These seven words seemed to be extremely heavy. Just when the words fell silent, the surrounding air suddenly condensed, and then the scene fell silent. In the next second, the pirates on the ship caused a great riot.

No one in the North Sea does not know the name of the Black Duke Reinhardt. As a pirate, he does not know Reinhardt's cruel methods of treating the pirates.

"Is it a newcomer who has only risen in the North Sea?" Long can feel the fear of the pirates around him. It seems that this name has extraordinary magic power in the North Sea. He looked at Reinhardt, and the stun gun in his hand once again. , "I don't know the Black Duke Reinhardt."

The golden hair on Mr. Long's body grew suddenly, and then the hair pulsed, forming a white lightning, which flickered and flicked directly into the stun gun from the palm of his hand.

After receiving this majestic electric current, the stun gun seemed to have received some kind of instruction. The joint part of the gun blade and the barrel suddenly clicked, and a round steel tube with a diameter of 40 cm wide appeared. With sixteen black holes, they completely covered the link between the blade and the barrel.

In the next second, the electric current burst, and electric current began to condense in the sixteen black holes, and the electric current on the gun tip was even worse. At this moment, Mr. Long was covered by the huge electric current.

He picked up the gun and left, as fast as lightning, and rushed directly in front of Reinhardt.

"Mr. Long don't want it." Captain Bell yelled eagerly, but it was too late. "Monkey"-looking Mr. Long had already rushed over with his gun.

Reinhardt saw the change of the stun gun in the hand of the "monkey" slightly. This sci-fi weapon would appear in the North Sea. The current on the tip of the gun, and the 16 currents after the change in the shape of the gun body The flickering black hole seemed like a muzzle.

"Stun Gun•Laser Rain!"

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