The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 474 474. Navy Admiral Huang Yuan (seeking monthly ticket)

"Of course, my goal has always been the new world." Reinha nodded and said in agreement.

From the beginning of this series of plans, his goal is the new world.

The plan to develop Polkalia and finally achieve the unification of the North Sea was also in his vision. Although the development process in the past six years has not been completely as planned, it has not deviated too much, and the final result is the same. of.

Unifying Beihai and then obtaining the invitation of Qiwuhai from the world government is still one step away, and it is also the most critical step.

Fiona looked at Reinhardt with a scrutiny gaze. Over the past six years, the man in front of him has changed too much, especially in terms of personality. On the surface, there has been little change, but his inner temperament has essentially changed. For this, Fiona, who is thoughtful, knows better than anyone.

To this day, he has formed a maniac trait. Between his gestures and gestures, there is an oppressive aura that makes people kneel and surrender. The smile that overflows from the corners of his mouth is a kind of possessiveness in Fiona's eyes. A manifestation of a strong personality.

The longer he thinks about it, the more surprised Fiona will be. In the past six years, he has completely risen from a penniless little figure to a dominant ruler. In retrospect, all this is as unreal as a dream.

"What about Qiwuhai's invitation quota?" Fiona asked again. The name Qiwuhai was enough to shock most people or pirates in the world.

"Need to wait." Reinhardt shook his head.

"How long to wait?"

"I don't know, maybe just two months, maybe two or three years in the future."

The only thing he is not sure about is this.

The two chatted for a long time, and finally Fiona left the king's hall with a golden sword.

After thinking for a while, Reinhardt also walked out of the King's Hall. He must always pay attention to the situation in the North Sea and the New World, so as not to be caught off guard.

At this time, somewhere in the sea in the new world, in the sea kingdom of Germa 66, Vinsmok Gage looked at the World Classic for a long time, his eyes drifted a little, and then turned around before walking towards the deck. .

"Father." The woman with pink hair walked to the deck and called.

"Rejiu, you are here." Gage noticed Vinsmok Rejiu next to him, so he looked down.

Vinsmok Leijiu nodded, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes: "Father really decided to go to the waters of the Star Islands of Orebel?"

"I've decided that I must go there in person this time. If I miss this opportunity, I don't know when I will wait next time." Jia Zhi said in a deep voice.

"That guy made this request, obviously he didn't care about the safety of our Kingdom of Djerma 66, that kind of war is not something we can approach."

The guy she was talking about was naturally the leader of the evil spirit pirate group who had reached a cooperation with the Kingdom of Germa 66, Dolson Carter Sith.

"We can't refuse, which bastard's assistance is needed." Gage exhaled, and can still think of the evil spirit's ugly face. If he does not act according to his plan, he will refuse to assist himself in accordance with the content of the previous agreement. In carrying out the plan to rule the North Sea, Gage had no choice. The weak had no right to speak. He knew this point better than anyone else.

"Fortunately, our Kingdom of Djerma 66 is a mobile kingdom, we can withdraw from the sea at any time, and this mission is just a preparation for evil spirits."

Speaking of this, another young man walked over to Kage. He was Kage's eldest son, Vinsmok Iji.

"He wanted to avoid the pursuit of the navy after the incident, so let us venture to the waters of the Auberge Star Islands to meet him." Izhi said that the Kingdom of Djerma 66 is a member of the world government and moves on the sea. The speed is also very fast. Naturally, the navy will not easily attack the countries that join the world government. So this is the plan of the evil spirits. After defeating the Redhead Pirates, a large number of navies will inevitably come to hunt down. He currently does not want to cooperate with the navy. Any conflict arises between, let alone this time.

Another advantage is that after leaving through the Kingdom of Jermah 66, the navy’s attention will not be on him, but on the ghost cow and the blood diamond. In this way, it may also be indirect. That helped him a lot.

The plan is indeed very thorough. It can be seen that the evil spirit Dolson Carter Sith is also an extraordinary pirate, not only a powerful combat force, but also an IQ comparable to combat effectiveness. This series of combined vertical and horizontal Plans are not something ordinary people can imagine.

After a while, Gage made a few simple words, and then immediately issued the order: Go to the sea area of ​​the Aureibal Star Islands.

At this time, big people all over the world are paying attention to this battle all the time.

Somewhere in the New World, a naval warship is sailing on the sea. The speed of this warship is not fast.

Eight hundred elite navies were on board the warship, and the seamen in white uniforms all had muskets in their hands.

At this time, a crisp sound rang from the deck, which seemed a little impatient.

"General Huang Yuan, please speed up, the Warring States Marshal ordered us to rush to the target sea area as soon as possible to wait for orders."

"Really impatient, Marshal of the Warring States Period." Huang Yuan said lightly, lazily and refused.

The man standing on the deck has black curly hair, a yellow and white striped suit, a beard on his face, and a pair of sunglasses. He is tall and thin. He wears a white navy coat on his shoulders. The golden stripes have the word "Justice" written on the back.

As always, he was lazy and uncooperative, leaning on the ship's side and looking at the sea in the distance.

"General Huang Yuan..." The navy urged again, but there was no effect. The navy ship still sailed slowly.

Seeing this scene, the navy was not urging, but took the phone worm and started a call.

Huang Yuan holds a few reward orders in his hand, namely [Ghost Bull] Thaddeus, [Evil Spirit] Dawson Carter Sith, [Blood Diamond] Diamond Lance and [Red Hair] Shanks , These four people are the purpose of his preparation to go to the sea area of ​​the new world Orebol Star Islands this time.

However, it is impossible to defeat these four pirates only with the configuration of one general and three lieutenant generals. Fortunately, the four pirates are rivals this time. When they finally decide the outcome, it is not too late to start. .

This is what Huang Yuan thinks. Not only is he not stupid, but he is very clever. He arrived in the sea area of ​​Auberge’s star islands too early, and he might be discovered by the Pirate Alliance composed of three large pirates. So he deliberately reduced his sailing speed and followed him. Assessing the strength of the red-haired ghost cow, the evil spirit, and the blood diamond, this war will take at least a week before it is possible to decide the victory or defeat.

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