The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 475 475.Red Hair VS Evil Spirit Blood Diamond

The sea area of ​​the new world Orebel Star Islands, Star Island.

At this time, the sky was surging with wind and clouds. After a period of darkness, thunder and lightning were suddenly added. The dim sky and the deep, secluded and rough sea seemed to be linked together, which looked like the end of the world.

After this repressive darkness passed by, the squally wind and heavy rain converged, and the sound of the earth's ups and downs was full of rumbling winds.

Click... At this moment, a huge impact erupted from the center of the island. The crisp sound was as loud as a melodious piano string, and then the sound line immediately turned into infinite murder, and the sound wave carried With the invisible air current sweeping in all directions, the island suddenly shook.

The island seems... to split apart!!!

After seeing this scene, someone immediately exclaimed, and the three figures in the sky seemed to freeze forever, and between the three ten thousand breaths, the three people immediately separated.

The biggest figure is nearly eight meters tall and has an unusually pale skin. He is wearing primitive clothes, which seems to be ancient costumes.

He continued to let out weird laughter like "Godatata", his huge body contained infinite power, his feet quickly stepped on the air, and after rising to a certain height, he held huge double knives in his hands. Like an eagle spreading its wings directly, its body suddenly fell.

Om... The restless cracking sound resembled the whistling of a machine's spinning. The blade in his hands slashed directly at the man who was less than two meters tall below, and the sharp air blade seemed to cut the air.

The air surging, the energy bursting from the blade rushed straight into the sky, and a huge hole was punched in the suppressed black cloud in the sky, like an instant burst.

This huge body, extraordinary strength, wearing ancient clothes and always exuding iron and blood, cruel man, is the captain of the blood diamond pirate group, Diamond Lance, known as the [Blood Diamond], his two blades , Has a resounding title like a diamond-[Eternal]!

And his goal and opponent are self-evident, red-haired Shanks.

Shanks’ expression at this time was completely opposite to that in normal days. His whole body exuded an extremely strong spirit, especially in his relatively ordinary eyes, which exuded shocking domineering all the time, cooperating with the three on the left eye. The scars of Dao Claws looked even more fierce.

Seeing the double knives slashed by the blood diamond Diamond Lance, the red-haired right arm was holding the sword. As the mind turned, the blade was raised horizontally, and a calm and solid stroke hit it, a huge spark flickered, The hands of the blood diamond holding the knife shook abruptly, and then a force came in, and suddenly felt a strong pain and numbness, but the blood diamond didn't care at all, and the two knives were slashed with one stroke.

But when Shanks blocked this move, another horror-"monster" exuding a white air current charged from the other side. His whole body was wrapped in a weird white air current, inside the white air current. It is a skeleton over four meters high.

Skeletons... undead creatures, even in the bizarre world of pirates, are still very rare.

The face of the skeleton monster is terrifying and full of evil. In the right hand is a jet black long sword, and in the left hand is the white air current condensed into a whirlpool. On the head is a huge white tauren mask and a black coat. There are sharp claws on the fingers of a skeleton. This skeleton shape will make people feel terrified.

This skeleton monster covered with white air currents is exactly the captain of the evil spirit pirate group, Dolson Carter Sith. This skeleton body is exactly the shape of the evil spirit of the human fruit of his animal type fantasy beast. It looks like he can not only reincarnate from death, but also control a large amount of life to supplement his physical strength. In a way, he has the same immortal characteristics as the animal-based phantom beast, bird, fruit, and undead form.

And the white air currents gathered around him are precisely the "spirit" that only the evil spirit form of the phantom beast can control. The "spirit" is an innate ability of the evil spirit form. It is a special kind of energy that can attack and defend. , Change, repair, and powerful ability to manipulate puppets.


The violent sound vibrated again, [Evil Spirit] The long sword transformed from bones has been blessed with armed domineering, and it is already completely dark. In the process of slashing, the special [spirit] energy also follows. After pressing the past, it happened to collide with the Western sword drawn back by the red-haired Shanks.

The two collided again, and the scene in the sky changed again, and the entire sky seemed to be completely cut apart.

"My'old friend', this time I won't be defeated by you again." [Evil Spirit] said immediately after he laughed.

However, while talking, the [Blood Diamond] on the other side of Diamond Lance's huge double knives cut over again, but it did not pose too much threat to the red hair.

[Red hair] Slightly relaxed, swung over their weapons, and sneered: "Really?"

"[Evil Spirit], do you know why I just beat you every time but never kill you?"

What he meant was that in the past the Evil Spirit Pirates could escape because his men were merciful.

Hearing these words, [Evil Spirit] was taken aback. He didn't expect the red-haired face to be so thick.

"Hehe..." The evil spirit laughed in a low voice, and then the right skeleton arm pushed hard, the [Spirit] on his body exploded again, and sharp auras formed on the dark long sword again.

After the laughter, the whole island could hear the roar of the evil spirit: "Idiot! Arrogant idiot!"


After the roar, the evil spirit's indifferent and evil skull stared at the red hair: "Although you can defeat me once, it doesn't mean you can kill me completely."

The red hair did not answer, and the evil spirit continued to speak.

"You should regret that you did not do everything to kill me."

"So, today Star Island is your burial place."

The [spirit] that burst out of the evil spirits gathered in vain, forming a huge white skull behind him. The skull was vivid and swallowed with a huge mouth open.

Huangquan swallowed!

The reason why evil spirits are called evil spirits is that they are not only inhuman creatures, but also powerful evil beings walking in the yellow springs. The giant skulls that he transformed with [Spirit] are one of the abilities of evil spirits.

"Die bastard!"

[Evil Spirit] The hatred for the red hair has reached its extreme, and the moment the huge skull flies past, the [Evil Spirit] roars again.

But there was a sense of despair in his voice.

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