The Pirate: The Black Duke

Chapter 812 812. Bounty after becoming the Four Emperors

Doflamingo's gaze swept across Ben Beckman, Sabo, Tezolo, and Flame Cinder, and then said with a smile: "Reinhardt sent you the chief executive to meet him personally."

"Everyone is a world-famous person. Of course, you can't neglect it. As the chief affairs officer of the Redding Kingdom, these belong to me."

Sake chuckled softly, and then his gaze swept across Doflamingo and others. His gaze focused on Ben Beckman and Yanban Jin, both of whom were the strongest under the Four Emperors. If the boss has a war with any of the Four Emperors in the future, both of them are worthy of attention in advance.

"On behalf of the Redhead Pirates, I came to congratulate Reinhardt on becoming the Four Emperors, and brought some small gifts."

Ben Beckman said, and then a dozen pirates in the distance came over with two boxes.

"Let the deputy captain of the Four Emperors personally congratulate, it seems that our boss has a lot of face."

Sake laughed immediately, and then said, "Our boss will remember the friendship of the Redhead Pirates."

The soldier behind Sake walked over and took the box.

Jhin, Sabo, Doflamingo, Tezolo and others also brought a lot of gifts. After a while, the soldiers moved the gifts into the city.

Sake led the crowd towards the palace.

Inside the palace, the king's hall.

The main hall is magnificent, and the golden walls are hung with countless exquisite lamps. On the left and right walls of the main hall, on the three golden pillars in front of the throne and the wall behind the throne, more than a dozen reward orders are posted. These are the captains of the Black Duke Pirates, [Three Kings] Six ExtremesSeven Armed ForcesThe latest reward.

On the left wall is the reward order of [Seven Armed Forces].

Sea Shark Koselops has a bounty of 422 million Baileys.

Pluto Leviathan has a bounty of 397 million Baileys.

Cannibal Pomfret Minotaurs has a bounty of 467 million Baileys.

Behemoth Behemoth has a bounty of 560 million Baileys.

Guiren·Tifang Haidi has a bounty of 590 million Baileys.

Funeral Phoenix, with a bounty of 580 million Baileys.

The Dark Archon Vlad has a bounty of 680 million Baileys.

After Reinhardt became the four emperors, the bounty of the [Seven Armed Forces] also increased significantly, with an increase of 100-300 million bergs since the last reward.

The wall on the right is a reward order from the [Six Jizhong].

The evil party Ghaith has a bounty of 280 million Baileys.

Panther Anubi has a bounty of 490 million Baileys.

Elf Chitila has a bounty of 356 million Baileys.

Dr. Dafeisis Long, a bounty of 560 million bergs.

Musketeer Mosel, with a bounty of 640 million berry.

Big Sword Bender has a bounty of 750 million Baileys.

[Six-poles] members’ bounty fluctuates very large, as low as Ghaith, the bounty is less than 300 million bel, and high, such as Bender, has a bounty of more than 700 million, which shows that in the [] In , the strength of the members is uneven. Compared with the [Seven Armed Forces], the overall strength may be slightly inferior, but there is a reason why [Six Extremes] offers a lower reward than [Seven Armed Forces].

[Seven Armed Forces] The members are all well-known pirates in the New World, and they have been offered rewards many times, and their age is much older. In addition, these people have acted without taboos to plunder, slaughter, and destroy everywhere, so the overall reward is high.

But [Six Extremes] is different. Counting this time, [Six Extremes] was only offered a reward for the second time, and the members of [Six Extremes] are relatively young and have great potential in the future, so even if the bounty is higher than Not up to [Seven Armed Forces], but the strength may not be weak.

Below the throne, on the three huge golden pillars near the stairs, there are also three reward orders posted.

This is the reward order of [Three Aces].

On the left pillar is a reward order from the fierce tiger Blatter, which is 1.03 billion bergs.

On the right pillar is the reward order of Thor Aini Road, which is 998 million bergs.

On the middle pillar is the reward order of the night demon Meister, with a reward of 1.25 billion Baileys.

These three golden pillars, each separated by five meters, are arranged in pairs, facing the Iron Throne on the steps, and on the huge wall behind the Iron Throne, a huge reward order is posted.

The reward order is a lifelike bust portrait, with long hair like ink, eyes like stars, dark clothes, and a straight demon sword. Looking directly at the portrait can not only feel a majestic appearance, but also feel a domineering aura. .

The owner of this bounty is Reinhardt, the captain of the Black Duke Pirate Group, the current Four Emperors.

The Black Duke Reinhardt has a bounty of 3.58 billion bergs. Although it is the lowest bounty among the four emperors today, considering that he has only just become the four emperors, the bounty can exceed 3.5 billion berries. , Is already terrifying.

Today's Black Duke Pirate Group, whether it is the bounty from top to bottom, the strength of the members of the Pirate Group, and the forces that they occupy, it has become a true imperial group.

"Boss, Sake has greeted them in the past, and it is estimated that they will be here in a while."

At this time, Meister said something.

"Well, this wine tycoon meeting is the biggest event since I became the Four Emperors, and now the eyes of the whole world are focused on us, it must be done beautifully."

After pondering for a while, Reinhardt took his eyes back from the reward order and said softly.

"Don't worry, all departments have already arranged it. This is not the first time that we have held a wine tycoon meeting. There will be no problems."

Meester nodded.

A big man walked outside the hall, carrying a huge sword, and walking steadily.

"Bender, how are the defenses in the city?"

After seeing Bender walk in, Meester asked.

"Half of the soldiers in the kingdom were transferred to the city defense regiment. Twenty patrol teams were divided into the royal city. Each team is composed of a hundred elite soldiers. They will patrol day and night to ensure that there will be no problems."

Bender nodded confidently.

"Remember, if you encounter a difficult enemy, you must deal with it quickly."

Speaking of this, Meister said again, "Let the [Seven Armed Forces] stand by at any time. Some troubled pirates cannot be resisted by these soldiers."

"Understood." Bender nodded.

After listening to the two of them, Reinhardt said again: "Bender, if you don't have enough manpower when necessary, you [Six Extremes] can do it yourself."

"I know."

"Pay attention to the people of CP0, I think this time the people of CP0 may sneak in secretly. The world government will not give up this opportunity to hit us."

"CP0..." Bender was stunned. He did not think of this. CP0 itself is one of the best agents in the world. It is not difficult to sneak in. Fortunately, the Black Duke Pirate Group also has intelligence. Department, Chitila was also a member of the CP system.

"I have warned this matter in advance."

Outside the hall door, Chitila's voice came, with a smile on her delicate face, and then walked in.

"Don't worry." Chitila grinned when he saw Reinhardt's projected eyes.

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