
Naval Branch Base No. 78!

It is one of the several naval bases set up by the Navy in Beihai. The sea area under its jurisdiction is connected to the sea area closest to the Grand Line from Beihai.

Paradise Island, which is well known to the people of Beihai, is one of their jurisdictions.

Genos, the current head of Naval Branch Base No. 78 and a rear admiral of the Navy, is sitting at his workbench processing documents meticulously.

Normally, most documents are processed quickly and smoothly. After all, the power of the Navy can still suppress most things in Beihai. When he saw the documents from Paradise City, his face suddenly became ugly.

"On August 10, Tian Tian Tang Cheng, the suspected"culprit of the July 17 kidnapping case," appeared"

"On August 12, 37 children disappeared in the waters near Paradise Island.……"

"August 13……"

Genos's scalp was numb after reading the accusation documents against Paradise Island one after another, but thinking about his previous experience, Genos shook his head helplessly.

Could the Navy really not know about this island called"Paradise" but actually hell? The Navy knew it, and even many places in the North Sea were asking the Navy to deal with this place.

Genos was actually an extremely righteous and stubborn Navy before, and he had led many Navy to suppress Paradise City!

But... when he went there, the group of guys hid as if they knew the news in advance, and he was directly caught empty-handed, and it was the same several times afterwards, and after many times.

Someone in the top of the World Government actually gave him an order, asking him not to target Paradise City again!

Later, he gradually understood the meaning and discovered how terrifying the background of Paradise City was. It relied on terrifying tribute methods, and the shadows of the forces behind it were already numerous... Its every move affected the interests of all parties.

How could the Navy wipe it out at will, so the Navy could only punish it when it went too far... to satisfy some people.

"Alas... the world is so helpless, sometimes I feel that what I do is unworthy of the military uniform I wear."

Genos smiled bitterly, but suddenly a marine in charge of intelligence rushed in with a panicked look on his face.

""Oh no, oh no, sir, something big has happened in Paradise City!"

Genos looked at his soldiers with some displeasure.

"It would be strange if Paradise City wasn't in chaos. Why are you making such a fuss?"

"No, sir.……"

The Marine quickly told Genos about the great intelligence from Paradise City. Genos's expression was normal at first, but he became more and more frightened as he listened to the rest... In the end, he stood up in excitement.

"What?...You mean a boy suddenly came to Paradise City and declared war on the entire city. All the forces in the city sent out their own powerful lineups, and several pirates with bounties of no less than 20 million Baileys besieged one person...but they were all killed by this boy?"

"It was not until the real leaders of the several major districts took action together that they repelled the boy who looked only twelve or thirteen years old!"

Genos' face flushed,"Are you kidding me?"

If he didn't know that his own soldiers would not make a fuss about such things, Genos really didn't believe it... because this was really too ridiculous.

Paradise City was actually overthrown by a teenager, what a fuss!

"Not only that, when the boy retreated, he also said... He would come out to challenge them every once in a while until all the pirates in Paradise City were killed, or no pirate dared to show up in Paradise City anymore."The

Marine reminded him, and he couldn't help but feel his blood boiling when he said this. It was nothing but... This boy was just too crazy.

Just hearing these rumors made him feel this way, so you can imagine how shocking the scene was at that time.

After thinking about it, the Marine asked

"Sir, if he makes a scene... Paradise City will be in chaos. What should we do?"

"What to do?"

Genos was stunned for a moment, then his lips curled up suddenly,"What else can we do... Could it be that such a big event has been robbed of all the limelight by a teenager, what should our navy do then?"

"Pass on my order, block the routes from other seas in our area. I don't want to see any outsiders from other seas involved in this incident."

This time, Paradise City made such a big fuss, those dishonest guys will definitely send people to support them. Genos can't openly go to war with Paradise City, so he can only do something like this.


The Marine was panicked. He didn't expect his superior to be so generous. Wasn't he afraid of being blamed by his superiors?

"That man... is just a boy of about twelve or thirteen years old. Sir, are you trusting him too much?"

"Yes... a teenager."

Genos suddenly laughed at himself. A teenager dared to do something, but a navy man like him was so timid.

"Go ahead and do it. I, Genos, will bear all the consequences myself. At worst, I can start over again."

Genos' eyes were firm. All he could do was trust the strange boy.

"The cancer that had been living in the North Sea for decades might have a chance to be eradicated...

Genos murmured.



〖Host: Luo Xiu〗

〖Physical fitness: Low level (twenty times lower than that of an average person)〗

〖Mental strength: Intermediate (20 to 50 times that of an average person)〗

〖Talent: Three Magatama Sharingan〗

〖Ninjutsu: Fire escape, small fireball technique! Water escape, water tornado! Earth escape, earth flow wall! Clone technique, substitute technique, transformation technique……〗

〖Revenge Points: 586〗

In a remote corner of Paradise City, Luo Xiu was leaning against the wall and looking at his current data panel.

The huge revenge points of 586 were his harvest from this battle. Luo Xiu looked at himself covered in blood...his entire robe was almost completely stained red.

He didn't even know how many pirates he had killed, he only knew that it was a lot...a lot. Those second-in-commands from various districts were actually quite powerful and dangerous to Luo Xiu.

But after Luo Xiu exchanged a few more ninjutsu with revenge points, his strength increased again and he killed them one by one.

But unfortunately, there were too many people who came in the end, and with the arrival of several real strong men from the districts...Luo Xiu's physical and mental strength were almost exhausted, so he chose to use the clone technique and substitute technique to retreat.

"My current strength should be enough to match the pirate with a bounty of 50 million berries, but it is still not enough to deal with the entire Paradise City."

Luo Xiu knew that there were real strong people here, so in order to better accumulate revenge points, Luo Xiu decided to continue using revenge points to exchange for some powerful ninjutsu.

It's worth it!

After scanning the mall, Luo Xiu quickly locked on the ninjutsu he requested.

〖Raikiri: A powerful ninjutsu that gathers all the strength in the palm of the hand. When performing the technique, it can increase the strength many times and will also cause a certain amount of damage to the body. Price: 200 revenge points!〗

〖Multiple Shadow Clone Technique: An enhanced version of the clone technique, which uses its own powerful strength to increase the number of shadow clones. Thousands of shadow clones can be created at one time. The clones have a part of the strength of the original body and have entities. They can actively survive in the periphery for a period of time. Price: 300 revenge points! 〗

Raikiri is one of the high-burst damage ninjutsu in the Naruto world. It possesses extremely abnormal power and is the only choice under the forbidden techniques.

The Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is also a bug-level skill. In essence, as long as the energy is sufficient, you can have countless clones, and these clones can also fight alone. It can almost be called the first ninjutsu under the forbidden ninjutsu!

The ninjutsu that Luo Xiu wanted to learn this time was these two, and their prices were also the highest.

But after thinking about it, Luo Xiu quickly made his choice.

"Although Raikiri is very harmful to the body, in the world of One Piece where people have abnormal physical conditions... I think the flaws of this ninjutsu should be able to be compensated for well.……"

"And the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique should also be able to be better developed in the One Piece world."

Luo Xiu analyzed expressionlessly, and then said in a deep voice,

"I choose Raikiri and Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

〖Ding, exchange successful!

After the words fell, Luo Xiu's mind quickly had everything about the two ninjutsu, Raikiri and Shadow Clone Jutsu, and he felt the surging power slightly... Luo Xiu set his sights on a tall building in the distance.

Then... he began to walk towards it expressionlessly!

〖The awakening of the two divine powers is in the 20th chapter, please stick with me! The author guarantees that it will be exciting! 〗

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