Luo Xiu had never thought that the headquarters of the so-called pirate group, which was equivalent to human traffickers, would be here... and this place was so prosperous.

Luo Xiu still vaguely remembered that everyone in the village went out to sea to fish every day, but they could only earn a meager income... most of them could barely make ends meet.

They thought that as long as they worked hard, they could change their current situation, but when Luo Xiu saw this sinful city, he instantly realized how ridiculous this statement was.

Alan and the middle-aged woman on the side were also shocked by the luxury of Paradise Island.

"Brother Luo Xiu, do what you want to do!"

After a moment of shock, the girl put away her shocked eyes and turned to look at the boy who had been traveling with her for a long time with a complicated expression.

Although Luo Xiu did not talk too much about himself, the smart girl knew what Luo Xiu was going to do, and after communicating with him, she found that Luo Xiu was different.

"My mother and I will protect ourselves... and wait for you to come back."

The mother touched the girl's head lovingly and did not reject the girl's proposal.

Luo Xiu stared at them for a long time, then smiled slightly... a relieved smile. The feeling of being trusted and relied on was still so good. Luo Xiu stood up and began to walk into the city.

Alan and the woman behind him looked at Luo Xiu's back, and Alan murmured

"Mom, Brother Luo Xiu is really different from others"

"What's the difference?" the woman asked

"Although he carries a lot of hatred, he will not casually inflict this hatred on other innocent people. He keeps saying that he is a pure avenger... But I feel that his heart is very complicated."

"She seems to want to change……"The girl thought about it seriously and said,"If you want to change this world,"

"He is really an amazing person!"

The woman touched her daughter's head and smiled gently at Luo Xiu's back.

"Yeah...he's an amazing person."



Looking at these tall buildings, Luo Xiu took a deep breath and said softly

"This era is really too absurd... In this case, I, Luo Xiu, will end it as an avenger."

After saying that, he began to step into this city of sin!

When Luo Xiu really entered this city of sin, he realized that the decorations outside were child's play... It was more prosperous inside.

And along the way, he saw the most people he had ever seen in his life. The streets were really crowded... Most people were still laughing while shopping. It seemed that this was not the place called the city of sin by the people of Beihai. It seemed like a real paradise! But those who passed by Luo Xiu saw him, a child wandering alone in the city... Their eyes were a little weird.

This made Luo Xiu a little confused. Could it be that he had seen this place wrong... Is this really a beautiful city?

"Hey, kid... why are you playing alone on the street? Where is your parents?"

Suddenly, a man walked up to him and asked him. He was very friendly when he smiled.

Looking at the man's eyes, Luo Xiu suddenly smiled.


He said softly, as if he was repeating something very ordinary. The corners of the man's mouth twitched immediately. Is it so easy to say that your family members are dead? He is really a filial son.

However, when he learned that Luo Xiu was an orphan, his smile became even wider.

"That's really pitiful... How about this, I'll take you to our place, I happen to be the person in charge of our orphanage."

He was about to pull Luo Xiu away, but at this moment another charming woman squeezed over, pushed the man away and shouted angrily

"Hanks, are you looking for death? This is the South City District... our Sky Snake Pirates' territory. What do you mean by coming to our territory to rob people?"

Hanks was a little angry after being pushed away.

"What do you mean your people? The people I see are mine."

"Are you going to start a war?" The woman was furious when she heard this, and she was ready to start a fight.

"Let’s start the war! We, the Wild Wolf Pirates, have long disliked you women... Why can you stand alone with the resources of the South City District?"

The man was not afraid!

"Why? Of course it's based on strength.……"

At this time, a group of women quickly came out of the crowd. They all had long whips on their waists and looked very difficult to deal with.

And a woman with a thick rose tattoo on her face came out with half-closed eyes, she seemed to be smiling... Seeing this woman, Hanks cursed angrily.

"Since the snake girl is here... I'll give this child to you."

"Damn, I'm so unlucky. The goods I got are gone... The boss will scold me again when he finds out."

After saying that, he was about to leave. Luo Xiu looked at the group of people who suddenly gathered here, and then treated him as a commodity in front of people all over the street.

"I said... did you guys ask for my opinion?"

Luo Xiu said expressionlessly, but no one paid any attention to him. The snake girl looked at Luo Xiu as if she was looking at an ant.

Including those people who were still playing on the street, they just looked at Luo Xiu with indifference... as if they saw a dead person.

This is the real Paradise City!


Luo Xiu raised a wicked smile, and the next moment they flashed, and blood flowers instantly burst out in the field!

Several women standing in front of Luo Xiu fell into a pool of blood with their pupils shocked. Luo Xiu stood on the body of a woman, and the blood in his pupils seemed to want to eat people.

"Now... can you listen to me?……"

Luo Xiu looked at everyone with fear on their faces with an expressionless face.

"Kill him!"

Anyone who can survive in the City of Sin cannot be a mediocre person. The snake girl made a decision in just one second. She said in a deep voice.

Several people from the Sky Snake Pirates immediately brandished their swords and rushed towards Luo Xiu, and the crowd began to get chaotic... It seemed that more and more people were rushing over.

Of course, some people seemed to have nothing to do and just watched the excitement.

"Making trouble in Paradise City... How stupid! Does he think he is the Akainu from the Marine Headquarters?"

"This kid is in trouble. The Snake Pirates are a well-known pirate group in Paradise City. Their captain, Snake Girl, is a pirate with a bounty of 30 million Baileys."


Luo Xiu didn't care what others thought of him, or how they said he was stupid... Because making trouble in the city and letting everyone come to kill him was the way he chose to become stronger.

Either fight his way out of here, or be killed here!

There was no other choice!

"Fire escape! Small fireball technique!"

"Earth escape, earth flow wall!"

"Water escape, water dragon bullet!"

Facing the attack of countless people, Luo Xiu would not foolishly go forward to fight, but chose to use ninjutsu.

Bang! Bang!

Chi! Chi!

For those weak pirates, Luo Xiu's attack was undoubtedly fatal, and soon a large number of pirates began to die.

〖Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a 2 million Bailey pirate, rewarded with 2 revenge points〗

〖Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a 1 million Bailey pirate, rewarded with 1 revenge point〗


A series of kill reports began to sound in Luo Xiu's mind. Luo Xiu listened expressionlessly... and then continued his journey of harvesting.

"Oh no... This kid has a natural devil fruit ability. Everyone retreat."

"Support, support... call for support……"

The whole place was in chaos. The second-in-command of the Sky Snake Pirates, the snake girl with a bounty of 15 million, was also angry, with a pretty face full of coldness.

"Very good... very good. No one has dared to cause trouble in the southern part of Paradise City for a long time. Little devil... don't even think about leaving alive today."

"You must die here today!"

After saying that, she swung her long whip and attacked Luo Xiu. The whip made a sound of breaking wind with a casual blow. She wanted to kill this boy.

Facing the arrogant words of the snake girl, Luo Xiu stared at her with a pair of Sharingan and said seriously

""You guys are not enough to kill me?"

Luo Xiu pointed at the pirates from other districts who were watching the show and said loudly.

"You guys come together!"

"I... Luo Xiu begs to be killed!"

Tsk! Tsk!

After the words fell, the field obviously fell into a strange silence, and soon one figure after another walked out of the crowd.

Some passers-by who knew these people could not hide their shock in their eyes.

Because all these people who came out were bigwigs from various parties in Tiantangcheng.

Some of them were the deputy captain of the Wild Wolf Pirates in East City District, Jack, known as the Blood Wolf.

Some were the second in command of the Wild Ape Pirates in West City District, Belton, known as the Iron Monkey.

And the captain of the Magic Tiger Pirates in North City District, Genesis, known as the Tiger King.

None of these people's bounties were less than 20 million Baileys, and some were even as high as 35 million Baileys!

And this group of real bigwigs in Tiantangcheng were now slowly gathering around a boy who was nearly twelve years old.

Just because of the boy's arrogant words just now!


But when Luo Xiu saw a group of strong men coming to kill him, there was no fear in his eyes as everyone thought, but only abnormal excitement.

"Let's fight!"

Luo Xiu's bloodshot eyes widened, and he rushed towards everyone with a knife!

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