To be honest, it is an almost impossible task to fight against millions of pirates all over the world with one person's strength.

In his heart, Luo Xiu has always known how difficult this road is, and his awakened system must also walk in endless killing.

Maybe in the next moment Luo Xiu will die in the hands of a pirate and become a cold corpse, so Luo Xiu has been restraining his emotions and even actively cut off those ties.

People like him are born unworthy of having beautiful feelings, because possession means means pain.

Luo Xiu doesn't want to experience that kind of extreme pain again, nor does he want others to experience it.

Looking at the night, Luo Xiu walked on a small path by himself, and he said self-deprecatingly

"People like me don't deserve to lie in the land of comfort. Killing gave me a new life... and I will live in killing forever. ……Until he dies!"

Feeling a little depressed, Luo Xiu decided to vent his anger on those hateful pirates tonight. Only in this way could Luo Xiu feel that he was still alive.

His life still had meaning!

"Which family should we attack this time?……"Luo Xiu began to think, but he had a direction in just a moment.

In more than a month, he almost turned Paradise City upside down. Because he was in the South City District... most of the pirates here were almost eradicated by Luo Xiu. The ones who were still there were almost all small fish and shrimps, and Luo Xiu often visited the nearby East City District and South City District!

The vice captain of the two major pirate groups there, the Wild Wolf Pirates, and the Mad Ape Pirates were almost wiped out by him. Their captains were all big pirates with bounties of more than 50 million Baileys, which caused a lot of obstacles to Luo Xiu.

But in the end, they were killed by Luo Xiu, and after their boss was killed... the rest of the people were naturally scattered, and were soon eaten up by other pirate groups.

The threat is not great anymore, so now there is only one big pirate group left in Paradise City that can still hold the scene.

That is the Magic Tiger Pirates in the North City District!

The captain of the pirate group, Genesis, is called Tiger King. He is a pirate with a bounty of over 60 million Baileys, the highest bounty in the entire Paradise City. The

North City District is also the most powerful district in Paradise City, which is why Luo Xiu put this guy last.

Relying on the transformation technique to disguise himself as a normal passerby walking on the streets of the North City District, Luo Xiu began to analyze the information about this Tiger King Genesis.

"Tiger King Genes, the user of the Tiger-Tiger Fruit, will activate the beast form when enraged and transform into a giant tiger with extremely powerful destructive power."

"Three years ago, a man destroyed several villages and killed hundreds of civilians... His crime attracted the intervention of Rear Admiral Genos, one of the highest commanders of the North Sea at the time."

"The two had a great battle on an island. The details of the battle are unknown. We only know that Tiger King Genesis was defeated and fled... but it also left a huge costly injury on Genos' chest. From then on, Tiger King Genesis began to become famous.……"

After seeing this information about Genesis, Luo Xiu frowned slightly. He didn't expect that Genesis could escape from the hands of a rear admiral.

This is really not easy. Although the navy of the North Sea is generally not as powerful as the Navy Headquarters, but... that refers to the ordinary navy.

And a navy that can sit in the position of rear admiral and control the North Sea must be very strong.

Luo Xiu roughly estimated that the strength of this rear admiral should not be lower than those pirates with bounties of over 100 million.

Therefore, it can be inferred that the strength of this Tiger King should be between 80 million and 100 million Baileys, and it is absolutely not enough to just look at the amount of its bounty.

"This guy should be the most powerful enemy I have ever encountered."

Luo Xiu made a judgment quickly, but he was not panicked at all, because he didn't know how strong he was now... Anyway, it was definitely stronger than this so-called Tiger King!

And this was just over a month later!

Luo Xiu thought so, and stepped into the North City District again!

What Luo Xiu didn't know was that at the moment he stepped into the North City District, many ships from the major ports of Paradise City quietly landed on the island under the cover of night.

One after another, powerful men with strong auras began to get off the boats.

Looking in the direction of Paradise City, the group of people laughed.

It looked ferocious and terrifying in the dark!



Luo Xiu, disguised as an ordinary passerby, walked on the ordinary streets of the North City.

Compared with the past bright lights and feasting, the current North City seems much quieter, and many places have even closed directly due to poor business. The number of pedestrians walking casually on the road has decreased by more than half compared to before, and the pirates who dare to stroll freely on the streets now... are either stupid and rough with lack of martial arts and problems in their brains.

Or they are people who think they are very powerful, but no matter who they are... the topic of casual chat during this period is inseparable from the name of one person.

Several big men were drinking and bragging on the road, and suddenly they thought of something... A big man suddenly said

"It seems like it's a new three days now. The killer named Luo Xiu is going to start hunting pirates again."

The others behind him laughed and echoed,

"Yes, I wonder which pirate group is going to be unlucky again! I heard that three days ago, the leader of the pirate group in Dongcheng District was visited by the killer... That scene was really tragic."

"There was a pirate with a bounty of 30 million berries in there, but he was killed by a kid... It's really sad."

Several people had complicated expressions. When did those high-ranking pirates end up like this?

"But small fry like us shouldn't worry."

After taking a sip of beer, the scarred man at the back showed a smug smile.

"That Luo Xiu should be hunting those big pirates. He shouldn't care about ants like us."

Everyone laughed and agreed, but the next moment the air suddenly became quiet.

Several people touched their throats in disbelief, looking at the blood on their hands... their eyes were full of disbelief.

"Sorry... I will kill any pirate."

"Luo Xiu said expressionlessly, but the next moment the scarred man who was covering his throat suddenly laughed. Luo Xiu immediately looked at the scarred man's hand and found that the latter had taken out a flare and had already lit it.

The scarred man said hoarsely and shrilly

"Go... go to hell, damn kid."


Huge fireworks spread in the air, and the next moment... the whole Paradise City began to move.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Luo Xiu frowned and looked at the street!

He saw that on the originally quiet street, windows suddenly opened, and a group of pirates with weapons jumped out with a grin.

The street vendor next to him also pulled out a knife from the side and walked towards Luo Xiu with a smile.

Fruit shops, food and lodging shops, tobacco shops... countless stores began to pour out a large number of pirates!

The whole street was mighty... It was densely packed with pirates, and some of the original passers-by had already screamed and ran away.

At this moment, all the pirates present had fierce eyes, pointing directly at Luo Xiu. Obviously, this was already prepared. The pirates gathered tonight definitely exceeded 70% of the Paradise City!

That's right... They are going to surround and kill Luo Xiu today!

"Damn little devil...don't you want to kill us all?"

""Then come on!!!"

All the pirates looked at Luo Xiu with a grim smile. They would pile up Luo Xiu to death even if it meant a pile of human lives. Did they really think that there was no one in their Paradise City?

"Very good!"

Luo Xiu smiled softly and shrugged at everyone, then disappeared in front of everyone with a puff!

It was as if he had never existed here!

Ninjutsu! Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

All the pirates present were stunned immediately!

"Oh no... This guy is using a sleight of hand again, everyone, hurry back to defend!"

In a flash, the group of pirates who originally planned to surround and kill Luo Xiu became a mess.

While this group of people was in a mess, the lairs of the major pirate groups became lively.

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