As an A-level ninjutsu in the original Naruto world, the power of the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique is unquestionable. However, because the physiques of people in the Naruto world are generally average, this powerful ninjutsu is greatly limited.

In the world of pirates where almost everyone has abnormal physiques, the usability of this ninjutsu will be brought to the extreme!

With Luo Xiu's current physique and mental strength, he can easily create hundreds of clones, and these clones also have impressive strength. This ability is the basis for Luo Xiu to really dare to challenge the entire Paradise City!

With Luo Xiu's insightful Sharingan, how could he not know the abnormality of the entire Paradise City? Even the group of outsiders who sneaked into the city were noticed by Luo Xiu.

So tonight, Luo Xiu directly used the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique to create hundreds of clones to go to various corners of Paradise City to make trouble, in order to... defeat them one by one!

Luo Xiu is not a fool. He has to go looking for a group fight for no reason!

When the clones attracted the attention of most pirates in Paradise City, Luo Xiu's original body finally���Arrived at the base camp of the so-called Demonic Tiger Pirates in the North City District!

Of course... as expected, the Tiger King discovered their whereabouts.

At this moment, there were also a group of pirates gathered around Luo Xiu's body, but these pirates were not like the small fish and shrimp outside!

The bounty of the worst pirate here exceeded 5 million, and such a group of bigwigs in the North Sea pirate world stood respectfully behind a man.

It was a man wearing a tiger skin coat. He should be seven meters tall, with explosive muscles all over his body. His calves were as thick as his arms. He was a humanoid monster!

At this moment, he was looking at a boy in front of him with indifference!

"The person standing in front of me now should be your real body, right? Luo Xiu!"

"As expected, he is the guy who can deal with all those guys... He even made the entire Paradise City go around in circles with ease."

"Luo Xiu, you are really a genius! But……"

Tiger King Genesis looked at Luo Xiu coldly and said,"Aren't you a little too arrogant? You dare to come to me alone. Do you think I am one of those trash from the Sky Snake?"

Tiger King Genesis was really furious. He didn't expect Luo Xiu to dare to break into his base alone?

This was too much of a disregard for him!

Facing Genesis' words, Luo Xiu just replied seriously,

"I never underestimated you, I just think that I am good enough to defeat you now!"

"So... I'm here to kill you tonight, that's all."

Hearing this, Genesis was furious and wanted to speak, but Luo Xiu didn't give him a chance. He kicked his legs and rushed towards him.

"I don't have time to waste on you. I'm going to kill you before those outsiders come!"

If he had a choice, Luo Xiu didn't want to be beaten up!

""Fire escape, great fireball technique!"

Without any hesitation or reservation, Luo Xiu used the strongest fire escape technique he had mastered.


A huge fire dragon several dozen meters long rose out of thin air and rolled towards all the pirates present. The scorching heat of the fire dragon made everything around it begin to distort!

Bang! Bang!

All the pirates present were forced to defend themselves, and a few pirates with poor physique were roasted half-cooked on the spot!

"Damn it!!"

When Genesis and the others were about to stand up with an angry curse, another water tornado rushed over!

Pressing them down again, Tiger King struggled to break free... But soon there was a movement under his feet, and Genesis' eyes were shocked.

The ground under his feet collapsed directly into a vortex, trying to suck him in!

This is the power of earth escape!

But it's not over yet, Luo Xiu soon used wind escape to dazzle everyone and greatly reduced their speed!

Then... there were several fierce fire escape and water escape!

The strength of ninjutsu has never been the destructive power of a single unit, its strength lies in... coordination!

The clever coordination between ninjutsu can achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than two!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the coordination of more than a dozen ninjutsu, everyone was completely at a loss and unable to resist... In the end, Genesis relied on the power of the Tiger-Tiger Fruit to transform into a super-large saber-toothed tiger that was more than ten meters long and rushed out of the siege.

But even so... his body was also charred, and it was obvious that he had suffered a lot of injuries!

When he turned around and looked at his teammates, he was stunned!

Because at this moment, they were so miserable, almost all of them had lost their combat capabilities, and some of the weaker ones even died directly under the previous wave of attacks.

On the other hand, Luo Xiu was just breathing slightly, and the gap between the two sides was huge... and this was just a face-to-face encounter.

Finally, Genesis's defense was broken!

" can your strength improve so quickly? Last month, you didn't have the strength to crush us."

"But your current strength is at least several times higher than it was a month ago.……"

Genesis took a deep breath and continued,

"Who are you?"

He had no idea how Luo Xiu could improve so quickly, this... was unscientific!

"Is this your last words? If so... then you can die!"

In response to Genesis' question, Luo Xiu simply answered like this, and then he formed a seal again... and began to condense the Raikiri with one hand!

Sizzle! Sizzle!

How piercing was the sharp sound of thunder in the dark night!

The next moment Luo Xiu rushed towards Genesis holding the Raikiri, and where the Raikiri touched... the land was shattered in large pieces.

Now Luo Xiu's Raikiri's power is much stronger than the one that killed the Sky Snake Girl a month ago!

���What the hell is this kid?……"

Genesis watched this scene, clenching his teeth... and then the next moment he felt a great threat. This man, who was respected by many as the Tiger King, made a decision that no one could have imagined!

That was... to escape!

The saber-toothed tiger that Genesis transformed into turned around and leaped, trying to escape at lightning speed.

"Damn it... This kid is so scary, his abilities are endless and there is no way to beat him... Anyone who wants to beat him can do it, I don't want to play anymore"

"I will never come to this Paradise City again!"

Genes was directly shattered by Luo Xiu. His previous arrogance was gone. Now he only wanted to survive. As long as the green mountains are there, there will be no worries about lack of firewood.

"Did the boss just run away like that? He actually abandoned us.……"


It was hard for the remaining pirates. They had no way to escape from this battlefield and could only watch their boss flee in despair.

"Is this what you pirates call brotherhood?" Luo Xiu's cold voice came from behind them.

"It's ridiculous. Pirates are really hypocritical and selfish.……"


Someone wanted to refute, but Luo Xiu killed him with a lightning strike. He didn't want to listen to their arguments!

The rest of the people tried their best to resist but it was futile. They were soon killed by Luo Xiu.

〖Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully killing a pirate with a bounty of 10 million Baileys, and reward 10 revenge points〗

〖Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing a Bailey pirate with a bounty of 12 million, and reward 10 revenge points〗

〖Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing a Bailey pirate with a bounty of 8 million, and reward 8 revenge points〗


Looking at the madly fleeing Genesis, Luo Xiu followed him expressionlessly.

Luo Xiu's figure shuttled through the city like a ghost!

"Do you think you can escape, Pirate?

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