On the other side, at the World Government Headquarters!

After waiting for nearly two hours, Akainu finally received the news of the summons!

""Master Marshal Akainu, the others have finished their work, you can go find them!"

The man in charge of receiving Akainu said kindly.


Akainu replied lightly and turned around and walked straight in!

The headquarters of the World Government, Akainu had been here several times when he was an admiral, so he was naturally familiar with it... Soon he relied on his memory to pass through the corridors and finally came to a magnificent hall!

The hall responsible for the ceremonies of the World Government is naturally magnificent and filled with an indescribable majesty. It is more majestic than the meeting room of Marinford, and the hall is extremely empty, with only five huge chairs placed in the front.

Several old men of different shapes were already sitting there waiting!

Some of them drank tea, some drank coffee, or just leaned on the chair and pretended to squint, looking very casual... Even when they heard that Akainu was coming, several people did not raise their eyebrows.

It was as if they didn't see Akainu at all!!! This was the first time that Akainu was treated like this. In the past, Sengoku was in charge of such occasions.

In the end, Akainu spoke with a cold face and broke the calm.

"My Lords, I would like to ask you about the battle report. Why is the battle report described in the newspaper so false? Our navy did not make such a great contribution, and the contribution of Akatsuki was completely wiped out!"

"Can you give me a reasonable explanation, sir?"

Although he knew that the people sitting in front of him were the Five Elders, the real rulers of the World Government...Akainu still asked without any concern.

But the next moment, several scolding voices suddenly rang out from the hall.



"Akainu... are you accusing us of something?"

One of the old men with a mustache immediately stood up and shouted loudly. The expressions of the other five elders were also very unhappy. The old man with a knife on his waist at the side even put one hand on the scabbard.

"No... no!"

It seemed that Shunli did not expect these old men to react so strongly. Akainu took a deep breath and replied weakly.

"No? I think after becoming the Admiral of the Navy, Akainu, you really started to look down on others, didn't you?"

""Have you forgotten who gave you the power in your hands?"

The old man with a mustache sneered. Akainu remained silent, but his face became uglier!

The old men looked at each other and smiled with satisfaction. The arrogance of the new admiral of the navy was too much. He had to be suppressed, otherwise the other party would not be able to tell the difference between the big and small kings!

They had planned before Akainu came, and they would not give Akainu any good face.

So what if he was a navy admiral? After all, he was just a dog under their world government!

"I just want to know the reason why the World Government did this. After all, I, Akainu, am the Admiral of the Navy... I need to give an explanation to the people below for what happened."

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Akainu changed his tone and spoke in a more peaceful tone.

However, his fists were already clenched.

"Heh... Explain, does my World Government need to explain to your Navy? You Navy just need to follow my instructions."

However, several of the Five Elders had already decided not to give Akainu a name, so their tone was still harsh.

"However... As the Admiral of the Navy, you are still qualified to know the secrets of these things."

Give a slap and a sweet date, the old men naturally know this truth.

Akainu looked up at the five elders, only to see the latter slowly speak.

"This time your navy did a great job in launching an all-out war against the pirates. After all, these years... these pirates have been developing too fast. Ever since Roger's last words opened up the Great Pirate Era, countless powerful pirates have been born."

"However, in just 20 years, there were dozens of times more pirates than before. This unstable force had a great impact on the rule of the world government and world peace."

"If you continue to let them develop, these pirates may become so powerful that your navy will not be able to suppress them."

The old man with a mustache looked at Akainu with praise,"So... as the admiral of the navy, you are doing your best to increase the navy's strength and launch a full-scale war. It is indeed a good strategy, and it has achieved such a great victory!"

"You are very good!!"

"I dare not... I just did my job." Akainu replied coldly, and then continued to explain,

"In fact, a large part of the reason why our navy was able to achieve such a great victory this time was because of the Akatsuki organization, especially its leader Luo Xiu. If it weren't for him... perhaps our navy would have suffered great losses."

Akatsuki organization?

When the name of Akatsuki appeared again and again in Akainu's mouth, the faces of several old men suddenly turned cold.

Several people narrowed their eyes and looked directly at Akainu with cold eyes!

The atmosphere in the field was a little more solemn.

Akainu also instinctively felt that something was wrong,

"Did I say something wrong?"

Akainu thought to himself. He has never been a qualified politician. He always speaks directly. If it weren't for the special time, he would not be suitable to be the admiral of the navy!

"Akatsuki, Akatsuki? Why do you keep mentioning this name? Without them, can't your navy do anything?"

"Can't pirates be eliminated?"

"No... not really……"Akainu weakly defended himself.

An old man with blond hair sneered loudly,"You should know that your navy is the main force to destroy the navy... It's just a group of only a few people, and they only play a supporting role."

"Our world government needs a strong navy... The people need your navy, not a few unknown guys to protect them."

"It's such a simple truth, don't you, Akainu, understand?"

"I don't understand!!"

Akainu answered sincerely, and several of the Five Elders held their breath, choking on Akainu's honest answer.

"I only know that those people from Akatsuki organization made huge contributions in this battle. They killed at least tens of thousands of pirates... and saved hundreds of thousands of lives of my navy. They are great contributors to my navy and also great contributors to the World Government!"

"Heroes should be rewarded and praised!!"


After hearing what Akainu said, several of the Five Elders were silent. They had thought that Akainu was very straightforward, but they had never thought about how straightforward he was. Could it be that he didn't understand the twists and turns at all? The

Akatsuki organization was too strong, and it was not controlled by the World Government. They were recognized by the people of the world, so what? Wouldn't this be another revolutionary army?

As if they had figured something out, several of the Five Elders looked at each other and nodded.

The old man with a mustache in the lead didn't hide anything and spoke directly.

"Akainu, you know the Revolutionary Army, right?"

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