"Akainu, you know the Revolutionary Army, right?"

The words of the Five Elders made Akainu frown. He said woodenly.

"Of course I know that the Revolutionary Army is trying to subvert the order of the entire world, and its leader Monkey, D., Dragon has always been known as the most vicious criminal in the world!"

"My navy has fought the Revolutionary Army many times before, but I didn't get any big advantage. These people are too cautious... Once they are exposed, they will withdraw directly, not giving me a chance to gather the navy."

"And the other party’s headquarters has not been able to find the exact location!!!"

In fact, the major forces on the sea of the New World can be roughly divided into three categories, the World Government, pirates, and the Revolutionary Army!

Unlike the brutality and murder of pirates, the Revolutionary Army takes another path, which is to gather the people. This is why this force that appeared in a short time has developed so quickly!

The threat they pose to the World Government is even greater than that of pirates!!

"Are you afraid that Akatsuki will become an organization similar to the Revolutionary Army?"

Suddenly, Akainu took a breath and murmured. Even if he was stupid, he understood something!

"Yes! I am afraid that this so-called Akatsuki organization will become the second Revolutionary Army.……"

The old man with a mustache said bluntly. He slowly stood up and walked to the front. He looked at Akainu with deep eyes and said:

"As you said, this new Akatsuki organization is really powerful... It also played a huge role in this war with pirates. Almost every one of them possesses extremely powerful strength, comparable to the admirals in your navy!"

"Even... their leader Luo Xiu is even more terrifying. In fact, since the emergence of this organization, it has quickly appeared in the field of vision of our world government... We have also sent many people to investigate their background, but unfortunately... we have found almost nothing."

"This Akatsuki organization reminds me of Monkey, D., and Dragon... No, they are even better than them. When Monkey, D., and Dragon first founded the Revolutionary Army, their strength was not exaggerated. Our World Government could even easily destroy them. It's just that we were too proud at that time and didn't take them seriously at all."

"This is what led to the current revolutionary army becoming bigger and developing to its current level.……"

Akainu couldn't help but interrupt when he heard the old man with the mustache saying,

"But...but Luo Xiu and his Akatsuki organization are different"

"Different? What's the difference... These guys of unknown origin are not under the control of our world government at all. Are we going to repeat the same mistakes again?……"

The old man with the mustache shouted angrily,"Our World Government can no longer bear the birth of a second revolutionary army!!!"

The other five elders also echoed,

"In the past few years, the revolutionary army has taken control of several countries... one of them is even a big country, which is very disadvantageous to us."

"Those guys have always wanted to overthrow the World Government... Most of our energy is focused on that, and we are no longer able to resist the birth of a force comparable to the Revolutionary Army.……"

Hearing this, Akainu froze in his tracks... He opened his mouth and felt as if his throat was being strangled. He said in a hoarse voice:

"So... are you going to take action against Akatsuki?"

Akainu raised this terrible question. The World Government obviously had obvious ill will towards Akatsuki.

But his navy was different. If they had to take action, the navy led by Akainu would definitely be ordered to take action, but... how could this be possible?

This was completely against Akainu's original will!!!

"No... who said that our World Government is going to go to war with the so-called Akatsuki organization!"

But the old man with the mustache calmed down Akainu's expression with his next words.

"This so-called Akatsuki organization has been fully developed. Its overall strength is even comparable to the Four Emperors Pirate Group. Although our World Government is not afraid... but it will not invite enemies at will."

"So what exactly does the world government want to do?"

"What?...Of course we have to cooperate with them!"

The old man with the mustache looked at each other and smiled meaningfully.

"I think these Akatsuki members are all extremely powerful and are fully capable of doing the work of our World Government’s intelligence organization... Compared to them, the current CP0 is shockingly weak!"

"If they are willing to take over their jobs and serve our World Government, I can give them better treatment than CP0, and even just below our Five Elders... Unless there are special circumstances, I will not order them!!"

That's right, making the Akatsuki organization submit to the World Government is the ultimate goal of the Five Elders!

This kind of powerful force is of course best in their own hands, otherwise... there will only be destruction!

They will not let such an uncontrolled powerful organization exist safely, this is the bottom line of their World Government!!

Akainu obviously understood the meaning of the Five Elders, but he also knew that this was simply impossible.

He knew Luo Xiu, this guy was unwilling to submit to others when he was weak, let alone now... Asking them to submit is almost the same as starting a war!

"I heard that you, Akainu, have a close relationship with Luo Xiu, the leader of their Akatsuki organization, so you will be responsible for conveying the intentions of our World Government to them!"

"We, the World Government, came here with the most sincere intentions. We hope that the so-called Akatsuki organization can understand... Don't reject our good intentions!"

The old man with a mustache looked at Akainu and smiled softly. Although he was smiling, the threat in his eyes was very strong!

Akainu stared at the five elders!

He clenched his fists, and his heart was filled with anger... These guys knew the relationship between him and Luo Xiu and still asked him to do this, which was simply humiliating him.

But he soon calmed down.

But now, what can Akainu, as the admiral of the navy, do?

Do you really want to rebel against the World Government?... Akainu thought to himself.

After thinking for a while, Akainu said in a deep voice

"OK...I'll convey your ideas!"

"That's good!"

Several of the Five Elders smiled with satisfaction!

After the discussion, Akainu did not stay in the World Government any longer and left soon!

However, anyone could see that Akainu was very uneasy at the moment.

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