After walking out of the World Government, Akainu still felt that the experience he had just had was like a dream!

The World Government might actually take action against Luo Xiu's Akatsuki!!!

Just thinking about this possibility made Akainu feel his scalp tingling. What amnesty? What cooperation? These are all empty words. Akainu is sure that even if Akatsuki agrees to the World Government's request, there will not be peace!

Because Akatsuki is too powerful, as long as they exist... the Five Elders who are in power in the World Government will not be able to sleep for a day!

They will definitely control Akatsuki little by little, and eventually completely control them!

Only in this way can they better maintain their rule.

Although he understood, Akainu was still angry.

"Those Five Elder Stars are a bunch of bastards who deserve to die... How can the World Government possibly control Luo Xiu and his gang? It’s obvious that the best solution is for both sides to live in peace!"

"You just want to step on the landmine... Isn't this courting death?"

Akainu can imagine the reaction of Luo Xiu's explosive temper after hearing the attitude of the World Government. Going to war is almost inevitable!

And if they want to go to war with Akatsuki, their navy will definitely bear the brunt... The two who were just allies before will break up in an instant!

This is the result that Akainu least wants to see!!

The difficulty of going to war with Akatsuki is even no less than the previous war with the Four Emperors Pirate Group!!!

"Luo Xiu has so many hidden cards up his sleeve that it is the stupidest choice to become his enemy... I will never drag the navy into the abyss!!!"

Akainu frowned and murmured firmly, and suddenly... a ray of light flashed through Akainu's mind.

"Oh right... be careful of the World Government!"

Akainu suddenly recalled that Luo Xiu seemed to have said this to him before he left. Could it be that Luo Xiu had already guessed what was happening now?

Such accurate judgment... it's simply terrifying!!

Akainu started to leave the World Government quickly with an excited expression. He wanted to contact Luo Xiu... just show his cards and see what Luo Xiu would do?

He believed that Luo Xiu would not cheat him!!!



On the other side!

Demon Island!

Luo Xiu, who was dealing with the corpses, didn't know that the World Government had actually done so many things around their Akatsuki organization, but even if he knew... he would just laugh it off! In another month, when he has mastered all the powerful corpses, he will not be afraid even if the World Government is mobilized in full force!

It is no exaggeration to say that in order to defeat the Akatsuki organization led by Luo Xiu now, unless God himself takes action or really uses the power of God!

Looking at the entire pirate world, there are only two possibilities for things or people who have the power of God... Either the three super ancient weapons, the King of Heaven, the King of Pluto, and the King of the Sea, or the mysterious master of the throne of the void, Im!

However, the threat level of these two things is average now. The former has almost no clues and may be just a legend, and the latter, the mysterious king of the Celestial Dragons, even if he is powerful, must have great limitations, otherwise it is impossible for him not to show up for eight hundred years.

In short, Luo Xiu is not panicking!


But Luo Xiu, who was dealing with the corpses, stood up suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"It seems that there is an extremely powerful aura approaching the Demon Island. There is not only one, but also several powerful auras... I am not familiar with the owners of these auras. Are they looking for me?"

Luo Xiu frowned and whispered. It seems that he has been peaceful for a long time and has relaxed his vigilance. He didn't expect that one day his nest would be found?

And he was found by someone!


Luo Xiu's mouth suddenly grinned, and blood flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Xiu! It seems that someone is approaching us... and has broken most of our restrictions. The opponent is very fast and seems to be very strong!"

The group of uninvited guests who attacked the Demon Island did not seem to intend to conceal their aura, so all the members of the Akatsuki organization on the island felt several amazing auras.

They all rushed to Luo Xiu to report.

"I didn't expect that someone would dare to attack our Demon Island. Chief, are we going to sink their ships?"

"Hehehehe...I will be responsible for twisting their heads off!"

"One strike from me is enough!!!"

Zoro, Blackbeard and the others said eagerly, someone actually dared to attack their Demon Island, this is the first time!!

They naturally want to make the attacker pay the price!!!

"No need... You just need to do your own thing, I will take care of this group of people!"

Luo Xiu replied expressionlessly, and Blackbeard and others immediately wilted. What a pity!

"Brother Xiu, do you know the identity of these attackers?... That powerful aura also makes me feel a little palpitated. I have only felt this feeling in your reincarnated Rocks and Shanks."

Xiao Lan said at the side. There are not many people of the same level as Shanks and Rocks in this world!!!

"I think I know their identities.……"

Luo Xiu suddenly smiled playfully, with a very strange expression.

Without wasting too long, Luo Xiu left the cave directly and began to float into the sky.

With the amazing insight of the Mangekyō Sharingan and the domineering of observation, Luo Xiu could even see the movements dozens of miles away!

At this moment, in Luo Xiu's field of vision, he also quickly saw the true face of the group of people who attacked the Demon Island!!

A total of five ships!

Each ship was extremely huge, especially the giant ship at the head, which was even comparable to the main ship of the Four Emperors Pirate Group. There were hundreds of people standing on the deck of each ship, and everyone was holding a weapon, looking very difficult to mess with!

Luo Xiu roughly felt that the aura of this group of people was generally very high, even stronger than some elite navy!!

And judging from their clothes and appearance, they didn't look like pirates. Everyone seemed to be well-trained... Luo Xiu just took a few glances and confirmed his guess!

Revolutionary Army!

This group of uninvited guests turned out to be the Revolutionary Army, one of the three major forces on the sea!

Luo Xiu knew how powerful these guys were. They were a real headache for the world government, but there was nothing they could do because they were almost invincible. You wiped out one group... but soon another group would pop up from some corner!

"A group of people who, like me, want to overthrow the original regime of this world?... Oh, interesting, but this group of revolutionaries is still a little too naive and too idealistic!!"

"Thinking of negotiating with the World Government or exchanging some cards, this is really stupid... and the style is too indecisive, destined to accomplish nothing!!"

Luo Xiu gave his evaluation of the Revolutionary Army directly. In his opinion, this group of Revolutionary Army is a group of idealists, and there is no real effective way to go... Even if the World Government is overthrown by them, they can only become the second World Government at most!

However... Luo Xiu is very interested in the leader of this Revolutionary Army!

That is Monkey D. Dragon!

The most vicious criminal in the world, with a bounty even higher than the former Pirate King Roger!

Although the bounty does not necessarily represent the level of strength, the bounty of a person with high strength will definitely not be low!!!

""Is that person... coming?"

Luo Xiu slowly moved his sight and soon found the figure he was looking for on the largest ship!

The man stood at the front of the deck, with his hands behind his back. He was wearing an exaggerated windbreaker that covered most of his figure. There were several conspicuous tattoos and scars on his face, and his stern expression... made him look even colder and more fierce!!

Cruel, fierce!

This man almost had these two words written on his face!!

Just when Luo Xiu looked at him carefully for several seconds and was about to look away, the man suddenly raised his head... His sharp eyes seemed to penetrate the space and attack Luo Xiu directly!!!

An invisible domineering aura was quietly spreading!!


Luo Xiu also responded instinctively, the dazzling blood light of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan directly penetrated the thick fog, and the two of them stared at each other from a distance across who knows how many miles of sea!!

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