On the other side of the sea!

Several young boys and girls who had just escaped were still immersed in great grief. On the stormy sea, several people sat on a small boat and cuddled together!

They stared at the dark sea with lifeless eyes, and no one knew what was in their mind?

The atmosphere was deadlocked for a while, but the youngest girl, Xiaonan, couldn't help it... She buried her head and sobbed.

"It’s gone, everything is gone... the village is gone, mom and dad are gone... Uncle Helen is gone too, and now brother Luo Xiu is going to die to protect us?"

"What should we do?"

Hearing the girl cry, the younger Xiaohu also subconsciously pouted and started to cry, but the next moment... Xiaolong, the oldest of the children, stood up.

The little boy yelled at the two with red eyes,

"Crying... just crying, will crying be useful? Can crying make Brother Luo Xiu and the others come back?"

As the oldest person here, Xiaolong felt that he had an obligation to set a good example for his younger brothers and sisters. He straightened his chest with all his strength.

"Our lives were earned by everyone... We are the last hope of the village, so we must never give up on ourselves and must work hard to survive!"

"Only by living can there be infinite hope... only by living can there be a chance of revenge, do you know that?"

Xiaohu and Xiaonan stared at the boy who looked like a little adult, and replied blankly.

""Know... Got it!"

Soon both of them wiped away their tears. Although their eyes were red... their faces were full of stubbornness.

Yes, they were the only hope!

But it seemed that God was deliberately targeting these children who came to the Conch Village. They drifted on the sea for a while... and encountered a big storm!

Bang! Bang!

With several huge thunders falling, the sea surface immediately began to surge violently... How could their small boat withstand such a big storm! They snuggled together, letting the wind and rain hit their faces, but it still had no effect.

"Damn it... We still have a blood feud to avenge? Are we going to die like this?"

Several people said in a daze, with unwillingness on their faces. However, just when they were desperate, a ray of light suddenly came from the distance!

And accompanied by a dull rumble, the light became louder and louder, and soon... a huge ship appeared in front of them at some point.

Xiao Longqiang opened his eyes and saw a black shadow flying down from the warship, and then directly picked him up

"Report to the commander, several children are found here!"

A loud voice sounded from the boy's ears. Xiaolong was stunned for a moment... Then he smiled with satisfaction and fainted directly.

Under the moonlight!

On the deck, a man in a red suit and a cloak of justice with the pronunciation of the navy slowly walked out. His knife-like face was particularly prominent on his face. This man was like a sharp sword!

Because his name is Sakaski, also known as Akainu, an absolute strong man famous at home and abroad for his absolute justice! He is currently one of the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters!

Because he was born in the North Sea, he often goes back to the North Sea to take a look.

Akainu stared at several thin boys sitting in a small boat drifting in the sea. As a navy, his sixth sense told him... Something bad must have happened.

"Bring them up!"

He frowned and said,"and then ask these children what happened?"

He walked into the cabin, and several navy officers immediately came down to pick up the unconscious children and took them to the warship!

After a few hours of recuperation, the children woke up slightly, and immediately told them that their village was slaughtered by pirates, and begged them to go and save their village. The middle-aged navy officer who took the lead was instantly in trouble, because they had other missions on this trip, and after so long, the attacked village should have fallen long ago... those pirates should have run away long ago.

Xiaolong looked at the middle-aged navy officer in front of him with a dull look, his face full of disbelief.

"You... Aren't you the navy? Why don't you help us?"

Xiaonan also cried.

"That's right... The old people in the village said that the navy is there to fight pirates and will protect us."

"You... why are you different from what they said?"

The middle-aged navy officer looked extremely unhappy. Just as he was about to scold these ignorant brats, a fiery red figure walked in.

It was Akainu!

He said seriously while smoking a cigar,

"Change course and head to Conch Village! Let's deal with those pirates first……"

""Sir... what about our mission? Several heads of state are waiting for us?"

The middle-aged navy officer persuaded him. Akainu didn't even look at him and just spoke calmly.

"There is no mission more important than killing pirates and saving civilians!"

As he spoke, he stepped closer to the children, stroked their heads with one big hand, and squeezed out some tenderness on his cold face.

"You can always rest assured that the duty of our navy is to eliminate pirates and protect innocent civilians like you."

Xiaolong and his companions stared at the stern-faced man in front of them. For some reason, they felt that this man who called himself a navy was different from others.

Although the surrounding navy was dissatisfied, they did not have the courage to contradict their superior, so they could only nod in agreement.

Buzz! Buzz... Hiss... Hiss!

The warship quickly turned around and headed straight for Conch Village!



And on the other side is Conch Murakami!

"I want you to... go to hell forever!"

Luo Xiu's devil-like moaning rang in everyone's ears, and Cassius was frightened back several steps by Luo Xiu's terrifying bloodshot eyes.

At this moment, Luo Xiu's eyes were filled with blood and tears. To be honest, he really looked like a devil crawling out of the abyss!

""Go! Come on, all of you... What are you guys still doing? Kill this guy!"

Cassius, who was a little flustered, roared repeatedly. He was actually a little afraid of this boy at this moment, because the boy's eyes were really too scary, as if they wanted to suck people in.

Several pirates looked at each other, gritted their teeth and rushed towards Luo Xiu, and several long swords attacked Luo Xiu's head at different angles.

"Go to hell!"

Faced with several attacking blades, Luo Xiu just tilted his head and looked at them with a bit of evil, his eyes were blood red and the bodies of several people were instantly stiffened together.

One of the additional characteristics of the Sharingan... Illusion!

"You...will suffer the consequences!"

Luo Xiu said expressionlessly, and then walked past several people. After he walked past them, the pirates took their knives and cut their own throats.

Blood splattered everywhere!

Luo Xiu touched his eye sockets. It seemed that the weather was hot and suitable for these eyes. Its ability was simply for Luo Xiu's life.

Seeing such a terrible scene, Cassius was really panicked.

"Damn... what's wrong with you? Your eyes... do you also have the power of a devil fruit?"

Luo Xiu did not answer this question, but slowly walked towards Cassius. He smiled bitterly, and tears mixed with blood flowed down.

"Why are you pirates so hateful... Why did you destroy everything I have?……"


Luo Xiu roared. He didn't want to be a killer. Was this damn world forcing him to do this?

Feeling that he was actually frightened by a child, Cassius jumped up in shame and anger and punched Luo Xiu in the head!

"Don't play tricks on me, you little brat... I'm a pirate with a bounty of tens of millions!!"

"Is it not okay to kill you lowly civilians?... Why are you resisting?"

The giant bear paw that appeared was slapped directly at Luo Xiu.

But the next moment Luo Xiu rushed towards him with a knife, dodged his attack as if he could foresee it, and then stabbed him in the chest with lightning speed.

Puff, blood splattered, Cassius groaned and was about to continue to beat Luo Xiu to death, but his attack seemed to lag behind Luo Xiu every time.

It was as if Luo Xiu could predict the future, and Luo Xiu's attack methods were extremely tricky.

But after a while, hundreds of wounds of various sizes appeared on his body, and there was almost no good meat on his body.

And Luo Xiu was still attacking with an expressionless face, as if he would never get tired... but he kept muttering words that he could not understand.

"This knife is for Xiaonan's mother, and this knife is for Xiaohu's father.……"

"This knife is for……"

Luo Xiu muttered to himself as he attacked. He controlled every attack so that it would not hit Cassius' vital points and kill him instantly.

"Damn it... Is this guy going to torture me to death?"

Cassius's face turned pale. He finally felt what fear was like at this moment, because he could not see any reverence for life in Luo Xiu's eyes.

He was scared! He didn't want to die...

He bent his legs and knelt down directly in front of Luo Xiu, begging for mercy.

But Luo Xiu stretched out a finger in front of him and said with a somewhat crazy look:

"Shh, don't beg for mercy... Because it will make me lose a lot of pleasure in revenge, please let me be a pure avenger"

"And your begging for mercy is not because you know you are wrong, but because you know... you are going to die!"

"Devil, you are a devil……"

Cassius looked at Luo Xiu's emotionless eyes and was completely defeated. He completely lost the will to fight and turned to run.

Luo Xiu chased after him with wild laughter. After another half an hour of the devil's pursuit, Cassius finally collapsed to the ground.

He was covered in blood at the moment, but his expression before that was relieved... as if he was eager for this moment to come.

From then on! Luo Xiu was the only living person left on the field!

A boy who was nearly twelve years old stood in front of a pile of corpses, without any fear on his face... only a little sadness.

〖Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing a pirate with a bounty of 10 million Baileys, and reward 10 revenge points. (The Pirate Revenge System will calculate the corresponding reward of revenge points according to the strength of the enemy killed by the host. According to the calculation on the Pirate World board, every 1 million bounty is equal to one revenge point.〗

〖Revenge Points can be exchanged for anything the host needs in the Revenge Mall!〗

〖Host: Luo Xiu〗

〖Physical fitness: Low level (twenty times lower than that of an average person)〗

〖Mental strength: Intermediate (20 to 50 times that of an average person)〗

〖Talent: Three Magatama Sharingan〗

〖Ninjutsu: None〗

〖Revenge Points: 10〗

The system's voice soon rang in his mind again, but Luo Xiu turned a deaf ear to it and slowly walked towards the body of a one-armed man.

He slowly squatted down, and the boy finally threw away his stubbornness... He burst into tears!

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