Bang! Bang!


Luo Xiu was quietly holding Uncle Helen's body. Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky, and heavy rain began to fall in an instant.

Tick! Tick!

The lightning flickered, and the forest was directly rendered white as if it were day, and then it was night again, but Luo Xiu was still holding Uncle Helen's body expressionlessly.

Luo Xiu's mind gradually fell into memories...

In fact, Luo Xiu's life in his previous life was really bad. When he was only a few years old, his father was a gambler and alcoholic... In the countryside, where the legal consciousness is weak, beating and scolding wives and children is commonplace.

And Luo Xiu was the unlucky one among the unlucky ones, because after his mother was beaten by his father, she turned around and took her anger out on him, as if he, Luo Xiu, was the culprit.

The sentence Luo Xiu heard most often at that time was

"Why did you come into the world? You bring only suffering, you know?"

"It’s all your fault… It’s all your fault!"

So when Luo Xiu was only a few years old, his body was covered with scars, and he lived without the love of his father and mother for several years… His father finally fell into the river and drowned after getting drunk one night, and his mother remarried without any hesitation.

When Luo Xiu learned the news that night, he did not feel the pain of losing his parents at all, but was relieved. After all this happened, Luo Xiu was naturally sent to an orphanage and became an orphan.

But the disaster that happened to him seemed to never disappear. The orphanage he was sent to turned out to be a black-hearted orphanage. On the surface, it called for donations under the banner of love, but secretly put all the money into its own pockets.

And the food given to the children in the orphanage… was worse than that of dogs, and they would beat and scold them if they were not satisfied!

Fortunately, there was an old TV series in the orphanage , and it just happened that he could watch some anime like One Piece... Luo Xiu relied on these spiritual comforts to survive until he grew up.

He yearned for the love, hatred, and freedom in it, and envied the free and easy nature of those pirates.

But in the end, after growing up and suffering injustice and betrayal again, Luo Xiu chose to commit suicide one night... It seemed that someone heard Luo Xiu's desire, and then he came to this world.

The world of the anime One Piece!

Here he is also an orphan, but fortunately he was adopted by a man. The man was rough and uneducated, and often swore... But he taught him everything hand in hand.

Literacy, reading, and martial arts.

And the people in this peaceful village seem to be equally kind, so... Luo Xiu grew up eating at hundreds of people's homes, and here he experienced family love and friendship that he had never had before.

"Little Luo Xiu, this sea is really big... There are many, many magical things outside, you really must go and see them."

The sun sets, on a certain beach, one day!

The man told Luo Xiu about some of the things he had seen and heard, but the man had only been out of the village once... and he had only walked a short distance.

So he gave all his hopes to Luo Xiu, hoping that the boy could go out and see for him, but he also reminded Luo Xiu

"Luo Xiu, you can go out and see the world...but you must not become a pirate"

"Why can't I be a pirate?"

Luo Xiu, who had just traveled through time and was still a little kid, asked in confusion, because in his original impression, it seemed that being a pirate was a very fun and glorious thing. Luffy

, Zoro, Usopp... Straw Hat Pirates, these were some of Luo Xiu's good impressions of pirates.

Hearing this, the young Helen struggled with his expression, as if he remembered some bad memories, and finally he said in a deep voice

"Because pirates are the most hateful people in this world! They are just like those dirty maggots in the sewers... hypocritical and hateful."

"They claim to be fighting for freedom, but they are targeting innocent people who are weaker than them."

"These bastards shouldn't exist in this world."

When young Helen said this, her eyes were so angry that she almost spit fire. Luo Xiu, who had never really come into contact with pirates, could only nod his head in confusion.


Retracting his messy thoughts, Luo Xiu gently closed Uncle Helen's eyes and said with a self-deprecating smile:

"I didn't expect that my first encounter with pirates in the pirate world would end like this... Uncle Helen, you are right."

"Those dirty pirates should not exist in this world."

Luo Xiu's eyes glowed with dazzling red light. Thinking of the innocent villagers who died and his broken hometown, he spoke word by word.

"I, Luo Xiu, swear on my life that I will destroy all the pirates in the world!"

Bang! Boom! Boom!

As Luo Xiu uttered this oath, there were bursts of huge thunder in the sky, as if responding to Luo Xiu's oath.

Listening to the rumbling thunder, Luo Xiu did not say a word... He just picked up Uncle Helen's body and began to walk into the depths of the forest.

Because he was going to bury everyone in the village, Luo Xiu quickly walked into the village at night, but the village in front of him had long lost its original appearance.

Corpses were everywhere! The flames that had shot up into the sky had long been extinguished by the heavy rain, so at this moment, the village had no other breath except the strong smell of blood, and there was not even a trace of sound.

Luo Xiu looked at these villagers who were originally familiar but died tragically, and looked at this scene that was like hell. There was no fear in Luo Xiu's eyes, only a silly smile.

"Don't be afraid, everyone... Luo Xiu will take you home!"

Luo Xiu said with tears of blood, his face full of smiles, the breeze blew... Luo Xiu's bloodstained robe rustled. If you ask how long it will take to dig a pit big enough to bury hundreds of people, Luo Xiu will tell you that it only takes one night.

One person and one shovel all night, Luo Xiu hardly stopped at all, just kept waving the shovel... When it was dawn, Luo Xiu finally dug a big pit.

Then Luo Xiu arranged all the bodies one by one and buried them in the pit. After everyone was buried, Luo Xiu erected a stone tablet on it and carved a few lines of words with a knife. The tomb of all the villagers in Hailuo Village, the unworthy descendant Luo Xiu, stands!

At this moment, the heavy rain has stopped, and the morning sun has just risen... And Luo Xiu is standing alone in front of this huge tomb, saying unspeakable words

"Please rest assured, after I have wiped out all the pirates... I, Luo Xiu, will come back to see you all."

"Don't worry, that day is not far away.

Luo Xiu said firmly, but soon after he finished speaking, an inappropriate voice appeared.

"Destroy all the pirates, can you do it with a little brat like you?"

Luo Xiu frowned and turned around. It turned out that a man had walked out of the forest. It looked like he was wearing... navy clothes!

The navy who was sent to be the vanguard looked at Luo Xiu with displeasure, because he hated those who talked big but didn't take any responsibility, even if they were just a child.

Destroy all the pirates, this is something that even their navy can hardly do.

After saying this to Luo Xiu, the middle-aged navy didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the matter. Instead, he asked Luo Xiu carelessly:

"Hey, kid, where are all the villagers here? I only see some dead bodies of pirates outside the village."

"Could it be that a master suddenly appeared here? That would be great... It would save me a lot of trouble. After all, fighting pirates is not an easy job."

The middle-aged navy man walked towards Luo Xiu while smoking a cigar. He was about to raise his hand to pat Luo Xiu's shoulder, but the next moment he saw a black shadow flash...



The middle-aged navy soldier cried out in pain and fell to the ground, looking at the boy in disbelief as he grabbed his arm with one hand and broke it instantly.

Is this the power a child can possess?

"What are you doing? I am a marine... I am here to protect ordinary people like you."

The middle-aged marine looked at Luo Xiu with a puzzled look, but Luo Xiu cursed with an abnormally angry face.

"Protect the people? Is this how you marines protect the people? When our village was hopelessly slaughtered by pirates yesterday... where were you?"

"Now you, the navy, are here to make comments! Why?"

Luo Xiu was really angry. He thought that the navy, who came late, would care about ordinary people like him who were affected by the disaster, but he didn't expect that they would mock him as soon as they came.

In addition, they made comments, as if ordinary people like him could only survive because of the grace of the navy!

It was just the first time he came into contact with the navy, and Luo Xiu's favorability towards the navy dropped to the extreme.

"What happened?"

Hearing the noise, a group of navy officers came running from the edge of the forest. When they saw this scene, they all loaded their guns and pointed them at Luo Xiu. They frowned and said in unison

"Young man, please stop attacking our navy, or we will open fire."

Looking at this group of uninvited navy guests, Luo Xiu's chest rose and fell, and his pupils shrank... The three magatama Sharingan reappeared instantly, and just when he was about to take action, a loud voice came from far behind,

"Stop it!"

A cold-blooded man in a fiery red suit and a cloak of justice came from behind, smoking a cigar. That's right, it was Akainu who had arrived!

They rushed here overnight, and as soon as they got to the island, they found something wrong... There were corpses of pirates everywhere, even the captain of the Paradise Pirates, but not a single corpse of the villagers.

And it seemed that a fierce battle had taken place, so he ordered his navy to search around the island.


Everyone saluted to the stern man with respect, but Akainu turned a deaf ear and walked straight to Luo Xiu.

After briefly understanding the reason, Akainu slapped the face of the navy who had spoken rudely before.

He said angrily

"Asshole! The most important thing for a navy officer is to serve and protect the people... It's not for you to be arrogant in front of ordinary people."

"Starting today, your military rank will be reduced by two levels... You will receive the punishment yourself when you go down!"


The man ran away in disgrace with an ugly face.

Akainu's face was extremely ugly. Were the navy under him stupid? They just rubbed salt into other people's wounds casually... Damn it.

Arrogant! He couldn't understand why the navy under him couldn't eradicate that arrogant attitude when facing the people.

Luo Xiu's face eased a little, but he still looked at the navy with a sullen face, including the cold man who had a little impression in the original work.

Sakaski! The top powerhouse known as Akainu.

A man who believes in absolute justice!

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