"Weak, weak, weak...why can you be so weak!"

"As pirate supernovas with bounties exceeding 100 million, is this the only strength you have?"

"Disappointment... It's so disappointing!"

The young man used the three-sword style and shuttled between Drake and Hawkins like a ghost. The speed was so fast that the two could not touch each other at all.

They could only passively take the beating and listen to the young man's endless heart-breaking words!

Drake and Hawkins were in deep distress, especially Hawkins, who had just been beaten by the sword girl and had lost most of his strength. Several scarecrows had died.

Now he encountered a swordsman with even more abnormal strength. How to play this game?

Even Hawkins, who always regarded himself as a gentleman, couldn't help but break his defense.

"I am weak? When I was racing across that sea, I didn't even know where you, a damn bastard, were?... How dare you, a nobody, humiliate me!"


Hawkins roared and broke through the young man's attack, slapping him directly with his palm.

But the young man did not change his expression and directly blocked it with his knife, and said calmly

"Humiliating you? No... I'm just stating a fact."

"You don't know how I have survived these years, nor do you know how powerful the person I am fighting is... Compared with him, your strength is so weak that it is outrageous... It doesn't even make me feel the slightest bit of death."

This group of people didn't know that the young man's name was actually Roronoa Zoro!

He was from the East China Sea, which is known as the weakest sea among the four seas. His childhood experiences made him set a dream of becoming the world's number one swordsman!

So he started to venture into the East China Sea when he was very young, and in a very short time, he became a well-known bounty hunter in that sea area!

Many pirates were terrified when they heard his name, which made him proud for a while. He also thought that he could become stronger little by little in this way, and eventually become the world's number one swordsman!

Until that day...

Zoro used the three-sword style to repel the two, and his mind unconsciously began to recall the unforgettable past.

Zoro can't remember the specific day now, he only knows that one day a few years ago... He was exercising on the beach as usual, and a man wearing a red cloud black robe and a vortex mask suddenly came to him who was exercising. It was not until he finished exercising that he realized that there was another person in front of him.

He was about to speak when he saw the masked man speak

"Weak... Really too weak. With this level of training, you want to become the best swordsman in the world? It's ridiculous!"

"You have always lived in the weakest East China Sea, like a frog in a well... You will never become a truly strong person."

The masked man came up and humiliated me to the extreme. I couldn't stand it at that time. I immediately raised my sword and went to meet him, determined to make him pay the price for humiliating me.

But the masked man just picked up a short knife and answered calmly as if he was fighting a child.

"There is no knife smaller than this, so use this one……"

Then... a wave of horrible memories came to Zoro. Even now, he still remembers clearly how the opponent humiliated him.

He used a short sword to break all his sword skills, and he couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes. He was as weak as a child in front of him.

It made him confused at that time. It turned out that he had been sitting in the well and watching the world. The gap between him and the real strong was so big.……

"Am I... am I so weak?"

I murmured absentmindedly at that time, but at the same time, the desire to become stronger was unprecedentedly strong!

Because he already had a goal within reach, he wanted to surpass the man in front of him.

"Want to become stronger? Roronoa, Zoro!"

The masked man suddenly looked at him and said,

"I can give you the best means of training and be your most qualified sparring partner, so that you can become stronger in the shortest time... and become the world's number one swordsman!"

"I'll give you time to catch up with the true end of this world……"

At that time, I looked at him in disbelief. I couldn't see the face of the masked man, but only his bloodshot eyes.

At that time, I naively asked such a question,

"Aren't you afraid that I will surpass you?"

"I'm waiting for the day when you surpass me!"

The man said expressionlessly, and after a long silence, he finally nodded.

Since then, he joined the other party, and learned that the other party was the leader of an organization called Akatsuki, and he naturally became a member of it.

Code name... North!

Even now, Zoro does not fully understand this organization. He does not know who is in it... This is not something he should consider.

After that, he has been following the masked man, who seems to know him very well and gives him the most suitable way to become stronger.

Within a few years, his strength has changed dramatically.

With this great favor, Zoro naturally asked the masked man who changed his life what he needed to do to repay him.

But the latter has always said that,

"You just need to keep getting stronger... You are not qualified to help me now."

At that time, I argued somewhat rebelliously that I already had enough strength and wanted to challenge him...

Then... I was easily defeated. The gap between me and the other party seemed to have always been so big, and it did not decrease at all... There was even a trend of expansion. Zoro had no idea how strong that guy was.

Until now... Zoro received the other party's first mission request for the first time.

He wanted to come here by himself to kill the pirates called supernovas, and of course he accepted this task.



Put away your chaotic thoughts!

Zoro once again used the three-sword style to repel Drake and Hawkins, then held his breath and concentrated and once again made a strange pose.


Zoro's breath began to rise slowly, and Hawkins and Drake on the opposite side changed their expressions. This time they really felt the strong smell of death.

"Is there such a way to increase attack power? This young swordsman who uses the three-sword style is really strong……"

Even Rayleigh couldn't help but exclaim in admiration. After that, he looked at the masked man in front of him with a complicated expression.

Two young men with abnormal strength respectfully called this man the leader. Who is this masked man?

Rayleigh really wanted to know, but after decades of experience, he couldn't imagine that there was such a powerful person on the sea that he didn't know.


Rayleigh was about to speak when the masked man suddenly made a gesture to silence him.

"Shh... Keep looking, your pirate supernovas are not all dead yet."

Rayleigh was shocked, and saw Zoro started to move again. He shouted softly

""Three sword styles, blue dragon seal, flowing water!"


The next moment, his figure flashed and disappeared in front of everyone again.

Everyone could only see a flash of afterimage, and when he appeared again, he was already behind Drake and Hawkins.

He slowly put away the sword, and Hawkins looked at his empty chest in disbelief, muttering how could this be possible...

Then he fell to the ground with a bang, becoming the fifth supernova to be killed.

Drake was the same, but the difference from Hawkins was... He looked at Zoro with a puzzled look, and then fell to the ground with an unbelievable bang.

He became the sixth pirate supernova to be killed!

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