As Drake and Hawkins fell to the ground, everyone present fell into a dead silence.

Everyone opened their mouths and was at a loss, their throats were as if they were being strangled and they couldn't speak.

In just half an hour, six supernovas fell one after another.

Kira, Appu, Urouge, Bonnie, Drake, Hawkins... These six people are all top-level masters in the sea area they belong to. Their bounties are all over 100 million, and they are really masters who have already entered the door. These people are very young... They are real pirate geniuses.

Given time, they may not be able to catch up with the older generation of big pirates and become the real giants of the new world!

But these six people with talent and potential were killed one after another, two of them fell at the hands of the genius navy. The other four fell one after another at the hands of the people from the Akatsuki organization. Can you believe this?

Originally there were ten pirate supernovas, but now six are dead, two have escaped, one has rebelled, and one is still fighting hard!

The hidden intelligence personnel present were going crazy. The intelligence he had passed on... his own forces would think he was joking and curse him!

Because after seeing it with his own eyes, he could hardly imagine that it was true.

"The new world is really going to change……"

The intelligence officer looked at the three masked men, then at the three geniuses from the navy, and Pluto Rayleigh.

The fall of the six pirate supernovas will definitely set off public opinion in the New World, as well as the man who calls himself Akatsuki...

This Akatsuki will definitely become the subject of discussion among all the major forces, because the other party has only exposed the strength of two people, which is already no weaker than the general Seven Warlords of the Sea.

What's more, the man called the leader has never made a move, and they have no idea how many people there are in Akatsuki... This small organization is too mysterious!

What the intelligence officer thought, but soon his face changed again, because he saw the masked man called the leader of Akatsuki move...

Didn't that guy think he hadn't made enough trouble?



Boom! Boom!


The masked man looked at Xiaonan who was standing beside him and hesitated before speaking.

"You go back to your navy camp, and leave the rest to me... I owe this to someone in your navy."

"A favor from someone in the navy? Who is it?"

Konan looked at the masked man who suddenly spoke to her in a daze. She didn't know why she felt that this person who everyone thought was dangerous, she didn't feel any threat from him. The masked man didn't say anything but strode forward. Just when the masked man took a few steps to leave, Konan suddenly spoke up.

"Brother, is that you?"

After the words fell, the masked man paused for a moment... but soon sped up again.

"South, North... After ten minutes, whether the mission is completed or not, retreat immediately!"

The masked man said as he walked towards Rayleigh... For some reason, everyone felt a hint of rage from the masked man. What was going on? Did someone provoke him?



Law and Zoro, codenamed South and North, responded immediately, and then turned their attention to Kidd.

Kidd, who was fighting with Tiger in the second awakening state of his Devil Fruit ability, immediately felt the eyes staring at him from behind.

"I'll deal with this one, you go chase the one that escaped!"

Zoro said softly, licked the corner of his scarlet mouth, and tightened his knife again. Luo hesitated for a while, but nodded and agreed, and immediately rushed towards the direction of Bege who had just escaped.

Everyone was shocked. This Akatsuki organization really didn't intend to let a pirate supernova go. As they said, they would kill them all!

What about killing Pluto Rayleigh?

Everyone thought, the most weird masked man in the field was already standing in front of Rayleigh

"Change place?"

Rayleigh narrowed his eyes and asked the man who came. The masked man nodded.


He didn't want to completely expose his ability to everyone, and Rayleigh just didn't want to destroy the place where he had lived for a long time.


The next moment, Rayleigh pointed his toes and shot out like a cannonball. The huge force caused a big hole in the ground.

The masked man narrowed his eyes and slowly disappeared in the field. Yes... disappeared, little by little.

Soon there was no trace of the two in the field!

What everyone present didn't know was that at this moment, above the sea hundreds of miles away from the Sabaody Archipelago, a stream of light was rushing towards them at a high speed.

If someone looked closely, they would find that this stream of light was actually a person, a middle-aged man...but what was special was that the face of a real man was... He was covered with stubble and wore orange sunglasses. He was filled with a sense of vulgarity. He was none other than

Kizaru, one of the three admirals of the Marine Headquarters.

The warship he was on was accidentally attacked by a mysterious man, causing several warships to fall into chaos.

Many navy officers who had eaten devil fruits fell directly into the sea.

It took a lot of effort to rescue them one by one, and it took a lot of time.

When the matter was almost resolved, Kizaru did not hesitate for a moment, and immediately used the power of the Pika Pika Fruit to start his journey.

Because of this abnormal attack, he knew that something big was going to happen.

Although Kizaru was slow in doing everything, he was still willing to exert his strength at the critical moment.

"Masked man... strange spatial ability, can control sea water, and a pair of blood eyes... this"

As he was hurrying on his way, Kizaru remembered the appearance and ability of the masked man who had just attacked him. For some reason, he felt a little familiar.

It seemed that he had heard such a similar description before.

After a long time, Kizaru still couldn't think of anything, so he had to shake his head and speed up a little.

"I hope it's not too late.……"

Whoosh, whoosh, the light flashes away!



Meanwhile, in a hidden forest in the Sabaody Archipelago,

Rayleigh had already stood still, his aura had reached its peak, and he stared intently at the masked man who appeared in front of him little by little.

I have never seen so many gifts in my life!!!! Thank you so much!!

You don’t have to spend so much, just give a little to show your love, and I can get 10 cents for every 30 seconds of advertising you watch!

§(* ̄▽ ̄*)§

Wait till I save some manuscripts and then explode!

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