Looking at the figure that appeared in front of him little by little, after a moment of silence, Rayleigh narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice

"You are really extremely confident... Do you really think you can kill me alone?"

"Although I am old, my strength is still not weak... Even those guys who are called the Four Emperors, or those powerful beings like the navy, don't have the confidence to defeat me."

Rayleigh was really shocked by the indifference and decisiveness of the masked man in front of him. The other party seemed to be calm and indifferent all the time, and really regarded himself as an easy prey!

It is hard to imagine that he, who was once the deputy of Pirate King Roger and had seen the most peak scenery in the last era, would become a prey.

Rayleigh felt extremely humiliated. No matter how good his Qi-cultivation skills were, he couldn't withstand such repeated defenses!

Finally, after a while, the masked man's body completely appeared in front of Rayleigh, with a pair of scarlet eyes emitting a strange red light.

"Just because others can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it either. My confidence comes from my strength... and my strength comes from the suffering I've endured over the years."

The masked man paused and then continued,"It comes from the suffering you pirates have given me, so I'm now ready to return this suffering to all of you pirates."

"Well, I don't have time to continue talking nonsense with you... In ten minutes, a troublesome guy will come, and I don't want to have a conflict with him. I want to deal with you quickly."

"You, a remnant of the old times, must die here.……"

Just one sentence made Rayleigh's expression solemn again. Even from such a distance, he could clearly feel the other party's anger towards the pirates.

Rayleigh knew that there was no possibility of reconciliation between the two sides. One person must die in this battle.

After a moment of silence, Rayleigh frowned and asked

"Before the battle...can you tell me your name?"

The masked man raised his head and looked at Rayleigh calmly, as if he was looking at a dead man. He said calmly

"My name is Luo Xiu, Xiu means"never give up!"

Upon hearing this name, Rayleigh's pupils widened instantly, as if he had seen a ghost.

Although he had been living in seclusion in the Sabaody Archipelago, this did not mean that he was oblivious to what was happening outside.

On the contrary, he was still very familiar with some major events. It would have been fine if Luo Xiu hadn't said anything... He remembered them immediately after he said it.

Five years ago, it seemed that a boy named Luo Xiu had caused a huge disturbance in the New World. At the age of thirteen, he single-handedly destroyed one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea... leaving that position vacant until now.

And Rayleigh also heard that when the boy was in the North Sea, he had once single-handedly suppressed an entire city, suppressing all the sea... Even thieves can't raise their heads.

That year, the boy named Luo Xiu was recognized by everyone as the most talented boy in history, no doubt about it... Even the resurrection of the Pirate King Roger couldn't do it.

He is the synonym of genius!

At the age of thirteen, he created a feat that many people cannot create in their lifetime.

However, such a talented boy disappeared directly from the public eye in the days that followed, and disappeared completely. No news about this talented boy was heard in the entire sea.

Some people said that he was assassinated by jealousy, and some said that he died because of excessive training... Anyway, no one knew where that boy was. What happened to him?

The people in the new world gradually forgot that such a person ever existed.

Until now...

Rayleigh swallowed his saliva, looking at the figure in front of him with an unprecedented solemn expression.

A pair of scarlet blood eyes, suspected of mastering powerful spatial abilities, various abilities emerging in an endless stream... everything matched!

The masked man in front of him is Luo Xiu! The young genius who had disappeared for five years... He hadn't shown up in five years but suddenly showed up today. What does this mean? Rayleigh has no time to think about it now.

Because the next thing they should consider is how to survive, yes... survive. After Rayleigh and others learned that the opponent was the young genius Luo Xiu, they immediately knew that in their current state, they were most likely not the opponent's opponent.

Five years ago, he was able to defeat Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. How strong must the opponent be now!

Without any hesitation, Rayleigh decisively activated one of his strongest killer moves.

Overlord Haki!


The Overlord Haki, which was even stronger than the one he had just fought against the sword girl, instantly swept towards Luo Xiu. The fierce gale blew the trees within a radius of nearly a thousand meters and rustled!

Rayleigh's chest rose and fell, and he directly pulled the strength of the Overlord Haki to the maximum! The green energy breath was extremely terrifying!

"Oh... Domineering Haki? Is this your trump card... maybe that's not enough."

Facing such a powerful Domineering Haki, Luo Xiu took his time... and stepped on it with one foot.


The next moment, with him as the center, the entire ground cracked instantly like a spider web, and then a powerful and ancient aura suddenly appeared in the field! The blood-red energy aura began to spread, and it actually directly suppressed Rayleigh's green Domineering Haki!

Bang! Bang!

"You... Domineering Haki?"

Rayleigh's face changed drastically. He didn't expect Luo Xiu to have mastered Domineering Haki, and it seemed that he had not mastered it at the elementary level.

The two people's powerful Domineering Haki collided with each other, and neither could suppress the other, but how old was Luo Xiu!

Seeing that Domineering Haki could not suppress Luo Xiu, Rayleigh immediately chose to use his sword to fight the enemy. Armament Haki instantly covered the blade... and then used Domineering Haki to entangle it.


This is the attack method of the top strong. He wants to see how strong Luo Xiu is now?

Buzz... snort!

Rayleigh raised his sword and chopped it directly. The huge blade light rushed directly towards Luo Xiu. The huge power attached to the blade light made the space begin to tremble.

But... how could such a substantial attack hit Luo Xiu, who had double divine power?

Luo Xiu directly used the virtualization to let Rayleigh's attack pass through his body.


The huge blade light directly bombarded a small hill behind him and razed it to the ground. The strong wind blowing in the opposite direction made Luo Xiu's black hair rustle.

Luo Xiu has tested it over the years, and the magical skill of Kamui to avoid materialized attacks is still effective in the pirate world.

It's just that it will consume different amounts of power due to the armed color domineering, domineering color domineering or special code devil fruit abilities in this world.

In other words, to avoid this type of special attack, Luo Xiu has to spend more of Kamui's power, and his body will suffer greater damage.

This should be the suppression of bug skills such as Kamui in the pirate world, otherwise Luo Xiu can directly rely on double Kamui to be invincible in the world.

The skill of Kamui is not unlimited, even the current Luo Xiu can't afford such a large consumption.

That's why he has to spend several years looking for geniuses in this world, bringing them over in advance to train and brainwash them for his own use... preparing to use these integrated powers to purge all the pirates in this world and use their power to rebuild order.

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