That night!

After most of the high-ranking navy officers finished their meeting and left, only a few people were left in the entire conference room.

Navy Marshal Sengoku, Navy Admirals Aokiji, Kizaru, Akainu... four people!

Several people sat in the conference room and looked at each other. No one spoke for a while, and the conference room seemed a little silent.

Finally, it was Sengoku who broke the silence and spoke. He squinted his eyes, and his eyes were full of fatigue. The pressure on him in this operation was extremely great.

If something unexpected happened, he would be the sinner of the entire navy!

"Ace will be publicly executed in seven days, and the Whitebeard Pirates will almost certainly show up... so it's up to you guys then."

"The guy who is known as the strongest man on the sea is extremely difficult to deal with, although his current physical condition is not as good as before... and the strength of the captains under him should not be underestimated!"

Kizaru raised his eyebrows lightly,

"Of course, of course... I try my best every time I work!"

Aokiji replied indifferently.

"Got it!"

Only Akainu answered with dignity.

"As long as Whitebeard dares to come, I will try my best to keep all the people in the Whitebeard Pirates... The Navy Headquarters will not tolerate pirates being presumptuous!"

The three admirals gave different answers, which made Sengoku really tired, but there was nothing he could do... After all, among their generation of navy, only Akainu and a few others can carry the banner.

Aokiji has become depressed since the O'Hara incident, and Kizaru has been thinking about something in his head. Only Akainu is still as courageous as ever!

Although Sengoku sometimes doesn't like some of Akainu's practices, he likes Akainu more in comparison!

At this time, Sengoku seemed to have thought of something, and he suddenly asked with a serious face

"The impact of this public execution is too great, and we must eliminate any possible threats... By the way, have we investigated the news about the Akatsuki organization?"

"This mysterious organization helped our navy fight against pirates in the Battle of Sabaody Archipelago. If we can invite them to come and help hold back a few captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, then our chances of winning this battle will be greatly improved."As the

Admiral of the Navy, Sengoku was naturally paying close attention to the sudden appearance of Akatsuki, and he was even more excited because they were also fighting against pirates!

However, his intelligence department could not find any useful information.

Hearing Sengoku suddenly asking about the recent appearance of

Akatsuki, Kizaru and Aokiji's faces also became serious, especially Aokiji.

He had almost heard about this small organization so many times in the past few days that his ears were almost covered with calluses. With his personality, he was also very curious, so he asked softly.

"Is the so-called Akatsuki organization really that strong?... Rumor has it that they killed Pluto Rayleigh!"

"Tsk tsk……"Kizaru crossed his arms and smacked his lips. He was the only one in the field who had been to the Sabaody Archipelago and said with a smile,

"If you meet him, you may understand that the little devil who disappeared mysteriously five years ago has really become a big shot now... Maybe even you and I dare not say that we can beat each other."

"Besides, the other two little devils who appeared were also very strong. The little devils under Sakaski might be inferior to them now.……"

Kizaru seemed to be really interested in this so-called Akatsuki organization. He hardly spoke during the meeting, but when he talked about Akatsuki, he actually talked nonstop.

Finally, Kizaru looked at Akainu and suddenly said,

"Sakaski... That kid is the Luo Xiu you mentioned before, right?"

Aokiji and Sengoku immediately looked at Akainu. In fact, the intelligence departments of all major forces have already guessed that the leader of the Akatsuki organization is Luo Xiu. After all, the latter did not hide his abilities too much.

It's just that they are not completely sure!

"That's right... that kid is Luo Xiu, the one who mysteriously disappeared five years ago."

Akainu had no reason to deny it, so Zhan Guo immediately asked

"Do you have any way to contact him? Maybe we can talk to him... In the name of the navy, I know his village was once destroyed by pirates, and revenge on pirates has always been what he wants to do."

"Cooperating with our navy may be his best choice!"

Zhan Guo really wanted to cooperate with Luo Xiu, and even invited him to join the navy. A man who can kill Pluto Rayleigh, and so young... is really rare!

But Akainu's answer disappointed Zhan Guo.

He said softly with a gloomy face

"I can't contact that kid anymore, and it seems like he's unwilling to contact us... and……"

Akainu narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhan Guo and said,"I don't know if that brat is the brat I know. What they want to do now... maybe not just to kill all the pirates, he may want to do something bigger!"

Akainu may be one of the few people who can guess what Luo Xiu wants to do. Although they have only met once, they are the same kind of people.

"What do you mean?"

Zhan Guo's face changed slightly.


Akainu had already left the conference table and walked towards the door, but he did not forget to remind Zhan Guodao

"Don't try to find the little guy's trace, he may be more uncontrollable than you think!"


The door closed!

Aokiji and Kizaru looked at each other without saying anything. Zhan Guo looked at the direction where Akainu left with a sullen face, without saying anything...

I don't know what he was thinking?

Continue to report today's battle situation to all readers!!! This is the first time that the gifts of this book are ranked so high in the entire site!

Well (awkward smile) can I enter the top 50 of the gift list once, the first time I rank so high... Maybe this is the only chance in my life.

If I enter the top 50 of the gift list, I will directly update it!

Haha, the author keeps his word!

Now the author is going to save up manuscripts... If it doesn't reach 50 (I will also add a wave of updates)

Thank you!

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