Portgas, D. Ace, son of Pirate King Roger, was arrested, and the Navy announced that Ace would be publicly executed at the Marine Headquarters in Marinford... These two major news spread to all major seas at an extremely exaggerated speed!

Countless people were shocked. The legendary man, Pirate King Roger, actually had a child alive. This was extremely shocking news. After all, Pirate King Roger had become the faith of many pirates.

Countless people went to sea just to get the huge treasure buried at the end of the sea as he said before he died!

His child is naturally of great significance, but what people didn't expect is that this child actually survived under everyone's noses... He was actually the captain of the second squad of the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Four Emperors!


But the son of the Pirate King who just broke out was caught by the Navy, and announced that he would be publicly executed... This directly complicated the situation that was already undercurrent.

Countless forces have begun to move secretly because they know that something big should happen next!

The Whitebeard Pirates are famous for protecting their own... Will they choose to go to war with the Navy because of Ace?

A group of people are very curious!



In the New World, on a deserted island somewhere!

While many people were wondering whether the Whitebeard Pirates would choose to go to war with the Navy, no one expected that... the instigator of this incident was actually taking a leisurely walk! He didn't seem to care at all!

"Hehe... Boss Ace is still as arrogant as ever. He actually dared to come to me alone. I am so sorry!"

"My original plan was just for that Straw Hat Boy, but now you come to me on your own... I can only hand you over to the navy to deal with, which just happens to be a good opportunity to realize my plan... If my dad goes to war with the navy because of you... hehe, that would be great."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a rough appearance, thick hair on his body, and a burly figure. He had brown skin, black hair, and a turban. He wore two necklaces around his neck, bracelets on his wrists, and different styles of jewelry rings on his ten fingers. He had three flintlock rifles on his left waist. He laughed wildly, and his bare chest seemed to tell others that he was not easy to mess with!

He is Blackbeard, Marshall, Teach... a former member of the Whitebeard Pirates, the one who personally gave Ace to the navy and triggered this incident! He seemed extremely excited when he mentioned the possible battle of Marinford!

A pair of eyes inadvertently revealed a glimmer of danger, and he laughed wildly

"Let's make a mess... let's make a mess, let's make a mess... the next step is the era of Blackbeard!"

The burly Gizas Bajes hurriedly flattered him.

"The captain is extremely wise and will become the most powerful person on the sea in the future...White beard and red hair will all be trampled under your feet!"

Van Oka and Lafitte also echoed with a smile.

"The entire New World will crawl at the feet of our Blackbeard Pirates!"

"We will be the ultimate king of the entire sea!"


A group of people laughed loudly, and Blackbeard was about to join in the laughter subconsciously, but he suddenly sensed something.

His brows twisted into a"川" shape, and the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by unprecedented solemnity.

He looked at the few people and said in a deep voice,

"You go first!"

Lafitte and others were stunned for a moment, looking confused.

"What happened, Captain!"


Blackbeard's gloomy eyes answered him. Blackbeard's authority was still there in everyone's heart. Lafitte and others left immediately without hesitation!

After everyone had completely left, Blackbeard looked in a certain direction with a solemn face, and he said in a deep voice:

""Chief, are you here?"

If Lafitte and the others hadn't left yet, they would be so shocked that their eyeballs would pop out of their heads after hearing this. Their supreme captain would actually call someone else the chief!

Who on earth would have the qualifications?


As Blackbeard's voice fell, the space in front of Blackbeard also vibrated, and soon a figure began to slowly emerge.

It was just that the way it appeared was a little special. First the arms, then the head, and finally the rest of the limbs, as if they were squeezed out!

This person who suddenly appeared was wearing a strange red cloud black robe. His figure was directly covered by the wide black robe, and he wore a vortex mask on his face, revealing only a pair of blood-red eyes!

Red... Cloud black robe, a pair of bloodshot eyes!

If someone saw this, they would be very surprised, because this person is the leader of the Akatsuki organization that has become famous recently, and countless people are looking for him, Luo Xiu!

And Blackbeard actually called him the leader, which means that Blackbeard is actually a member of the Akatsuki organization!

This is simply horrifying, but it is the real fact!

Blackbeard swallowed his saliva and looked at the person in front of him with a serious face. He hasn't met Luo Xiu for a long time. To be honest... He has not been in the Akatsuki organization for too long.

But he is very wary of Luo Xiu, especially recently he heard that the other party actually killed the Pluto Rayleigh!

"Blackbeard... You seem to be very free. Have you finished all the tasks I asked you to do?"There was silence for a while!

Luo Xiu glanced at Blackbeard and suddenly spoke softly. Blackbeard narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"I dare not, I dare not... Chief, I have done everything you ordered. I have spread the news that Ace will be publicly executed by the Navy to the entire New World as quickly as possible, especially to the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates... They will definitely pay attention to this information."

"And I also spread the word that the navy might lynch Ace... to expand the conflict between the two as much as possible. According to my father's temper, this war will almost certainly break out!"

"You'd better really do it... Otherwise... you know." Luo Xiu narrowed his eyes and his murderous aura shocked everyone beside him.

Blackbeard narrowed his eyes slightly and lowered his head. Luo Xiu continued,

"In seven days, I will go and see the Whitebeard Pirates rush to Marinford. By then, I will make the last remnants of this old era die there!"

"By then, I can do what I promised you. The power of Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit will belong to you. You must do your best to injure the opponent. I will be responsible for the final finishing work!"

""Yes! My dear leader!"

Hearing this, Blackbeard finally licked his lips excitedly. This was the fundamental reason why he joined the Akatsuki organization and worked for Luo Xiu!

Luo Xiu said nothing, but suddenly put his hands behind his back and looked into the distance. I don't know what he was thinking about?

Blackbeard stared at the other's back, his eyes narrowed... his mind unconsciously fell into memories!

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