Time passed bit by bit. As the news of the Navy's public execution of Portgas, D., and Ace, the son of the Pirate King, spread to all major seas, it has been six days!

That means there is only one day left before the public execution of Ace! The public execution will be on time at 12 noon tomorrow, and it will be broadcast live. If nothing unexpected happens, everyone in the New World will have the opportunity to witness the head of Roger's son fall to the ground!

Whether the Whitebeard Pirates will go to Marinford to rescue their second captain Ace is still a mystery...

But it is certain that the next few days will definitely not be too peaceful. Anyone in the New World who has a little bit of brains can clearly feel that the atmosphere in this sea area has begun to change.

The atmosphere has obviously become anxious, and some more jumpy pirate groups or some organizations that are doing illegal things have become very honest.

And some really smart pirate groups have smelled the wind and started to hide and avoid the limelight. They don't want to be some innocent cannon fodder and be vented by the Navy!

Haven't you seen that on several major routes these days, on the voyage to Marinford... one warship after another appeared as if they were free. Normally, seeing a navy warship would make you tremble!

And they even saw many old acquaintances on those warships, all of whom had fought with them before, and were very difficult people in the navy!

They went to Marinford with such a big fanfare, even a fool would know what they were doing?

Maybe a war is really going to start!

Not to mention the Whitebeard Pirates on the other side, they look extremely normal on the surface, and now they can still be seen patrolling the sea area they command as usual.

And they are still talking and laughing, and they don't seem to care about Ace's affairs.

But everyone knows that the most normal thing is often the most abnormal now!

Those real big forces, such as Kaido and Charlotte Linlin, who are also one of the Four Emperors, have already known that the Whitebeard Pirates are making a big move!

It can be said that they are preparing for war!

As members of the Four Emperors, they really want to watch the fun and make trouble. Kaido even wants to add fuel to the fire... Some of his pirate ships have already started moving. If Whitebeard loses, he doesn't mind taking over the other party's territory!

Kaido never dislikes the size of his territory!

Charlotte Linlin is not convenient to come because of her own reasons, but those people are still eager to move. As long as there is a chance... they may choose to take action!

Like a group of hyenas looking at a wounded lion, as long as there is a little decline, they will swarm up!

The last remaining Four Emperors is also the youngest and most mysterious Red-Haired Shanks!

In fact, he was the first one to set off. Some people rumored that he had an exchange of interests with the Whitebeard Pirates and had been to the Whitebeard Pirates to discuss something before.

Unfortunately, the final result seems to be a failure. Red-haired Shanks seems to have fought with Whitebeard. The outcome is unknown, but this is enough to prove that he is very concerned about the Whitebeard Pirates!

It is foreseeable that the Red-haired Pirates will intervene in this incident.

On the sixth day, some people were surprised to find that a large number of cadres in the territory of the Red-haired Pirates had disappeared, and even Red-haired himself was not in his own territory.

No one knows where he went?

The four emperors have all moved together, which is the biggest problem in so many years. It is conceivable how great the influence of this incident is?

Everyone is looking forward to it!

Who will win this war?



On the other side of the Demon Island!

The Akatsuki organization, which had been sitting still, finally started to move. After spending a few days getting thoroughly familiar with the ninjutsu taught by Luo Xiu, all of them smiled confidently!

Especially Zoro, at this moment, he felt extremely powerful, and the Eight Gates Ninjutsu was indeed very suitable for him!

"Time's up!"

Xiao Lan was the first to open her eyes, her dark eyebrows slightly frowned as she looked at Luo and Zoro who were still concentrating on their training. The latter immediately restrained his breath.

"Got it!"

Luo and Zoro said in unison.

Several people followed Lan out of the cave, greedily breathing the air outside. Although it was filled with the smell of decay, it smelled so good at the moment. After six days of hard training, Zoro and his friends had already felt a sense of rebirth. They felt that if the self six days ago stood in front of them, they would be easily defeated by the current self!

As they got to know more about the ninjutsu skills given by Luo Xiu, Zoro and Luo's admiration for Luo Xiu became deeper.

If there really is a god in the world, it must be Luo Xiu?

After Zoro and his friends walked out of the cave and came to the seaside, they suddenly found that there was already a figure standing by the sea waiting for them!

Red clouds, black robes, a pair of bloodshot eyes!

If it's not Luo Xiu, then who else?


Sauron and Luo hurriedly went up to him and said respectfully, only the girl walked up slowly and said softly

"Brother Xiu!

Luo Xiu carefully looked at the status of several people and nodded with satisfaction. It was almost the same as he imagined... Those ninjutsu were indeed suitable for them.

"Are you all ready?"

Luo Xiu asked, and several people nodded immediately, their faces full of solemnity, because they knew that what was waiting for them was a real challenge!

Compared with the previous incident in the Sabaody Archipelago, they were as immature as children!

"Let’s go then… This time I’m going to make those pirates tremble with fear when they hear the word Akatsuki!"

"This time the mission must succeed, failure is not allowed!"

Luo Xiu replied in a deep voice. With him here, the outcome of the war at the top might be changed!

Ace's death? Red Hair's intervention? The Whitebeard Pirates' safe retreat...

No, no, no, all of this has to be changed!

He wants all the Whitebeard Pirates to be buried there, and if Red Hair Shanks dares to stop him... he must die there!


After that, several people slowly put their hands on Luo Xiu's shoulders. Luo Xiu's bloodshot eyes trembled slightly, and the figures of several people began to slowly disappear from the spot.

Soon, the Demon Island was quiet again!


What many people don't know is that on a voyage to Marinford, a young man with a noticeable scar on his face was hiding on a naval ship.

His eyes were full of stubbornness and unwillingness, and he murmured softly:

"Ace... I... I'm here to save you, wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

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