The next day!

Navy headquarters, Marinford!

As the sun began to rise today, this city that was entrenched on the Grand Line like a tiger began to move, and countless warships began to enter the port!

One after another, the navy with stars or stripes on their shoulders began to slowly step into the city, without any greetings... they walked to their posts one by one!

The same was true for the remaining ordinary navy soldiers, each fully armed, came to their posts... and looked forward with determination!

Although there was nothing in front of them at the moment, they still looked at it meticulously!

The whole Marinford was filled with a murderous atmosphere!

If an ordinary person stepped into the field, he might be frightened and collapsed to the ground. Only some truly strong people could be completely unaffected!

On the high platform!

Zhan Guo stood in this place where he could overlook the entire field. He said in a deep voice

"Is there any movement over there?"

The messenger behind him naturally knew what the other party was asking, and hurriedly said in a serious tone

"Report, sir... Everything is normal in the waters of the Whitebeard Pirates that we are monitoring!"

"Is this normal?"

Zhan Guo frowned slightly, thinking to himself, is it true that Whitebeard does not intend to come to Marinford and give up Ace? This is not the Whitebeard he knows!

Although he is old, his arrogance is still amazing. He is the real number one enemy of the Navy. As long as he is not dead... the Navy will not have peace!

The terrible consequences of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit may only be known by the strong men of the older generation.

But after a while, another messenger suddenly ran over in a panic.

"Report to the Marshal, several of the Whitebeard Pirates' ships that we were following have lost their tracks... their whereabouts are unknown!"

More and more panicked messengers began to run over.

"Report to the Marshal, the Whitebeard Pirates' First Division has lost its whereabouts.……"

"Report to the Marshal, the Whitebeard Pirates' Third Division has lost its trace and its whereabouts are unknown for the time being.……"

"Report to the Marshal, the Whitebeard Pirates' main ship, the Moby Dick, has disappeared on the main channel, and Whitebeard himself is nowhere to be found.……"

One by one, information about the Whitebeard Pirates began to arrive, and they all told one thing: the other party was on the move.


Sengoku sighed. In fact, he was very conflicted about whether Whitebeard would come to Marineford to start a war.

He wanted him to come over to start a war because he was so well prepared and this was the home ground of the navy. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to deal a heavy blow to the Whitebeard Pirates.

He didn't want him to come over to start a war because this was a war after all, and war would definitely result in casualties... and the opponent they faced was the powerful Four Emperors.

Sengoku could foresee how heavy the casualties would be on the navy, even if the final result was victory!

Looking at the navy soldiers who were eager to fight, Sengoku sighed helplessly.

"Alas... there are no winners in war, only losers!"

Zhan Guo's somewhat depressed state would naturally not be seen by other navy officers, so Zhan Guo quickly adjusted his mentality and his expression returned to seriousness!

However, the strong but white-haired old man who had been standing shoulder to shoulder with Zhan Guo still looked lonely!

"Garp...are you okay?"

Sengoku frowned as he looked at his old friend who was known as a naval hero.

He was almost heartless all the time in the past, but now he was so depressed!

Seeing Sengoku looking at him, Garp raised his eyes with some disappointment.

"I went to see him!"

Sengoku's heart skipped a beat. He naturally knew who Garp was referring to. The existence of that child had always been tacitly approved... Sengoku also knew about the relationship between Garp and Ace, but now that it was exposed, it was different. This was fundamentally different!

"What did he say to you?"

Zhan Guo's face was gloomy, and his eyes were fixed on this old friend.

"He said he... doesn't regret it!"

Garp looked at Sengoku and said softly, then slammed his head down heavily.

When he saw Ace sitting in the cell like that yesterday, he was so heartbroken that he could hardly breathe. He still remembered the stubborn and scary little kid when he was a child, who always followed him around and made trouble.

Now... how did it become like this!

Become a pirate! In fact, Garp never wanted Ace to be a pirate. He tried his best to brainwash Luffy and Ace, hoping that they could become navy in the future.

But... it was still useless. The two of them went to sea one after another, leaving this old man, a naval hero, at a loss as to how to deal with himself.

"Well, I should have been more resolute at that time... I wouldn't have fallen to this point, and Ace wouldn't have become a crappy pirate... Freedom, fucking freedom."

"I should be more resolute.……"

Garp muttered to himself, his strong shoulders slumped down little by little, not like the Garp that Sengoku knew at all.

Sengoku frowned as he looked at him, and after a moment of hesitation, he said firmly

"Garp, you must always remember that you are a Marine first...and a hero to all of us in the Navy!"

"All the navy is watching you... You can't let them down!"

Sengoku was really afraid that Garp would do something impulsive, otherwise he couldn't control the consequences, so he could only remind him like this.

"Got it!"

Garp replied in a deep voice, and then strode away without looking back!

Seeing this, Zhan Guo was helpless and could only look at the messengers on the side and said in a deep voice

"The time is almost up, let those who are responsible for the handover with Impel Down City prepare to hand over Ace... There must be no mistakes!"

"Yes! Marshal!"

Everyone answered and immediately strode away. Zhan Guo looked at the harbor ahead with a gloomy face!

His eyes flickered!

Let me continue to share today's results with all the spectators!!! Hehe... I'm still No. 42!

(The following words are not included in the total number of words)

Now I'm ranked No. 42 on the gift list, just a little bit away from No. 40!

Can you give me a small gift to help me get up there! Just wait a moment...

Thank you!

Three updates for three consecutive days!!! (Written by staying up late)


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