Impel Down!

As the first prison in the pirate world, it has always been called the nightmare of pirates, because countless pirates caught by the navy will be sent to this place to receive real punishment!

It is located in the doldrums of the first half of the Grand Line, with extremely strict protection facilities. The prison imprisoned some serious criminals from various sea areas. It is very gloomy and terrifying, with various monster jailers and videophone bugs for surveillance. There are a large number of large sea kings on the seabed outside the prison, so Impel Down has the reputation of"iron wall"!

Impel Down is divided into six layers!

They are the first layer of Red Lotus Hell!

The second layer of Warcraft Hell!

The third layer of Hunger Hell!

The fourth layer of Scorching Hell!

The fifth layer of Extreme Cold Hell!

And the mysterious sixth layer... Infinite Hell! The first five layers are all for some ordinary prisoners, so that these criminals can enjoy the pain of the flesh, which can be regarded as paying the price for their evil deeds!

The sixth layer is different. The prisoners here are some famous figures on the sea. Just pulling one out can cause a bloody storm, so the defense here is also the most strict.

For example, Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea who was recently defeated by Straw Hat Boy Luffy, and Jinbe, the Sea Knight who refused to cooperate with the Navy, as well as Portgas, D, and Ace, the protagonists of this incident!

They are all imprisoned on this floor! In fact, there are rumors from the outside world that there is actually a mysterious opponent on the seventh floor of Impel Down, and even more terrifying characters are imprisoned there... Their existence may have a huge impact on the current situation, so they are imprisoned on the seventh floor forever by the Navy.

Of course... this is just a rumor, and no one knows whether there is a seventh floor!

And at this moment, because of Ace, Impel Down, which is already known for its tight defense, has become even tighter, and several exits are strictly controlled!

Unless there are special circumstances, no one can step into Impel Down!

And at the gate of Impel Down at this moment, there is a person who echoes such qualifications.

"I didn't expect that the leader would let me sneak into Impel Down... This is exactly what I want. I have been coveting some of the guys in there for a long time!"


A burly man with three guns on his waist and a big mouth with several missing front teeth when he smiles, who else could it be but the extremely famous Blackbeard in this period?

At this moment, because he delivered Ace to the navy, he finally got a seat in the Seven Warlords of the Sea as he wished.

And as a Seven Warlord of the Sea, he was qualified to enter Impel Down.

After finally checking the formalities, he watched the gate of Impel Down creak open, and the corners of Blackbeard's mouth curled up... He suppressed his excitement and walked in slowly.

Not long after he stepped in, he heard a burst of shouting and cursing accompanied by wailing!


"Let me die... Let me die!"

"Devil, you are the hurts so much, I'm going to die, I'm really going to die, I was wrong……"

"Please spare me...ahhhh……"

What he saw was the wailing of prisoners in the Red Lotus Hell. The jailer with a black beard who was beating people inside did not feel unhappy at all when hearing these screams. He even enjoyed listening to them.

"Hehe... That's it, keep screaming, and enjoy the punishment of the Red Lotus Hell!"

These jailers have been here for many years and are already half perverted, so they are quite used to this kind of situation!

He even looked back with evil taste, wanting to see if Blackbeard would be scared out of control, or even wet his pants... She likes to watch this kind of scene the most!

But when he looked at it, he saw a crazy laughing face.


A devilish hum came from Blackbeard's mouth.

"What a wonderful sound... It's like the sound of nature, wow... It's just too far away, it would be nice if I could get closer to feel it."

"This Red Lotus Hell is still too easy. I should definitely add some more things here... For example, corrosive poisons or poisonous gases, otherwise they will have a chance to breathe."

The jailer listened to the words that came out of Blackbeard's mouth, and his whole smile froze. This is the real King of Hell!

Tsk tsk...

The jailer subconsciously moved away from Blackbeard! Blackbeard didn't have time to pay attention to the jailer's thoughts. He just looked at the rows of cells in the distance with burning eyes, and his heart was so excited.

Recruiting some powerful men here, plus the Zhenzhen Fruit he obtained later, he might not be able to get out of that guy's control in the future!

""Tsk tsk... My Lord Chief, you really trust me!"

Blackbeard murmured. Even though he was abused by Luo Xiu last time, it could not erase his heart. Anyway, as long as he had the chance, he would be the first to kill Luo Xiu!

Dong! Dong...

As he spoke, Blackbeard followed the jailer to the elevator entrance. This was the first legal way to go downstairs.

Swish! Swish...

Blackbeard sat in the elevator and slowly sank. He slowly disappeared into the darkness, with a huge smile on his face.

"The plan... has begun!"

When Blackbeard had safely entered Impel Down, a figure also followed him in.

It was a figure that looked extremely thin, with a conspicuous scar on his silly face, and a worn straw hat hanging behind him.

It was Straw Hat Boy Luffy!

At this moment, he successfully entered Impel Down with the help of Empress Hancock at almost the same time as in the original work!

But unlike Blackbeard, he came here for only one purpose, which was to save his brother, Fire Fist Ace!

"Ace...wait a minute, I'm coming to save you!"

Luffy encouraged himself, and then continued to tiptoe and blend in!

What Luffy didn't know...even Blackbeard didn't know that there was a pair of eyes watching them secretly!

Blood-red eyes!

"Very good... Everything is going according to plan. By then, Luffy and Blackbeard should be similar to the original... wreaking havoc throughout Impel Down."

"At that time, many criminals here will be released at once, and then they will be taken to Marinford... to cooperate with the Whitebeard Pirates to attack the navy."

The owner of the blood-red eyes murmured, wearing a red cloud and black robe, hiding in a hidden corner of the Red Lotus Hell.

Who else could it be but Luo Xiu?

Luo Xiu was already here before Blackbeard and Luffy sneaked into Impel Down, and he watched them sneak in step by step.

And he spared Luffy's life and asked Blackbeard to come here just for this moment, so that they could do something similar to the original work!

That is to let go of the prisoners in Impel Down!

In fact, to be honest, Luo Xiu can easily enter and exit Impel Down with the power of God, and even let go of all the pirates in Impel Down!

But Luo Xiu can't... He has the most basic bottom line.

Although it may be suspected of taking off his pants to fart, these evil pirates cannot be released by his hands, even if the final result is that these pirates will die in his hands, these are two different concepts.

So Luo Xiu chose to follow the development of the original work and let Luffy release this group of people.

And Luo Xiu thought there would be no resistance to killing Luffy at this time!

Before letting go of these pirates in Impel Down, Luffy might still be called an adventurer, but after letting go of these criminals, it was different...

He became a pure pirate!

"The future Pirate King Luffy... falling in my hands should be a good ending!"

Lu Xiu murmured, and his figure slowly disappeared again!

In the warden's exclusive office in Impel Down!

Magellan, who was working, frowned and said

"Strange... Why do I feel a strange fluctuation suddenly appear in the city, but it disappears immediately?……"

"Is it an illusion?"

Magellan pondered for a while and decided to go out to check. Today is a very important day. After all, it is the day when the Navy publicly executes Ace.

When he learned that Ace was about to hand over to the people from the Navy Headquarters, Magellan smiled with relief.

I hope this day can be peaceful!

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