
Scenes like this can happen in almost every corner of the battlefield, because for a war of this level, ordinary people die the most frequently!

And will their death cause any consequences?... No, it won't even cause a ripple.

The tall navy soldier, who was protecting the body of the thin soldier, fought for more than ten minutes, and undoubtedly died in the hands of the pirates, becoming one of the countless cold corpses on the ground.

Before he died, his eyes were still wide open, and I don't know what he was thinking?

And countless navy soldiers or pirates stepped over the bodies of their companions and continued to rush forward.

The death of their companions can only speed up their pace of attack, which is why it is difficult to stop the war once it starts!

War is so cold and cruel!




Countless shouts at the top of their lungs became the composition of the war, and the confrontation between the strong men who really dominated the direction of the war really began!

Aokiji, one of the three admirals of the navy, attacked first, and then froze the world with one move! He directly froze all the nearby sea areas, forming a solid ice surface. Some members of the Whitebeard Pirates were frozen into ice sculptures because they couldn't dodge in time.

But not long after he attacked, Marco, the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, also attacked at the same time!

His arms turned into a pair of blue-green flame wings, and he rushed directly towards Aokiji!

"How can I let you get close to my most respected father?……"

The battle between the two of them has begun!

Several of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, such as the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk, have shown a desire to fight.

"Whitebeard is known as the strongest man on the sea... I really want to learn from him!"

Hawkeye said, and raised the black knife Nighthawk and chopped it down. A huge blade light appeared instantly... and then rushed straight towards Whitebeard!

"Don't even think about getting close to Daddy!"

There was another huge exclamation, and the captain of the third team,"Diamond" Joz, directly used the power of his fruit, and his arms formed a solid diamond wall to block the attack!

Hawkeye Mihawk felt bored and did not continue to attack. After all, he wanted a fair fight.

The status of the other seven warlords of the sea was similar. After launching several waves of attacks on the Whitebeard Pirates, they began to slack off!

They almost had the word perfunctory written on their faces!

This made Sengoku in the stands in the distance very upset. He had already cursed these seven warlords of the sea dozens of times in his heart!

But what made Sengoku most uncomfortable was Kizaru and Aokiji. As navy men, these two guys didn't even try their best... Is it so difficult to fight against Marco? What

's going on? If Sengoku didn't have the commander of the entire army, it would be inconvenient for him to go out and fight directly. Fighting, he wanted to go straight up!

But fortunately, there was one person who made Sengoku feel a little relieved, that was Akainu!

The fiery red figure rushed to the forefront as always, with a fiery aura that was released without any concealment.

And no matter whether there was a strong man in front, as long as it was a pirate... Akainu would not let it go, and would directly kill it with one punch!

In a blink of an eye, the number of pirates who died at the hands of Akainu reached three digits!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Whitebeard had to rush up immediately, because he knew that only he could deal with Akainu!

Bang! Bang!

The fists and swords met, and after the two collided together... The huge sonic boom could be heard throughout the battlefield of Marinford.

And the two did not retreat even half a step!

Even though such a collision would make the two feel a lot of pain, neither of them could retreat, because it represented the morale of both sides!

"Newgate...you are really old. Are you coming to Marinford...to die?"

Akainu said coldly with an expressionless face, and Whitebeard replied with a smile.

"Old... maybe, but still good enough to handle a brat like you!"

"Then let's fight!"

Bang bang!

The battle between the strongest men from both camps has also started completely!

In fact, there are three other people who made similar moves to Akainu, that is, Konan and the other three. Their hatred for pirates is no less than anyone else.

How could they let go of such a good opportunity to kill pirates?

They opened fire at full power, and the number of pirates who died in their hands was catching up with Akainu, the admiral of the navy!

Vice Admiral Tenko, also known as Xiaohu, directly used the power of the second awakening of the devil fruit ability, transformed into a giant tiger and rushed directly into the camp of the Whitebeard Pirates to start his battle!

Xiaolong followed closely behind, and his strength was temporarily weaker than his younger brother, so he chose to provide support to the opponent!

And Xiaonan He was gathering strength in the back, preparing to kill a captain of the Whitebeard Pirates to open up the situation!

Anyway, at present, it is still unclear which direction the balance of victory will tilt in the battle between the two sides! The battlefield of Marinford at this moment is similar to the scene in the original work!

They have been fighting all the time, just waiting for the appearance of a breaker!

The breaker in the original work is the appearance of Straw Hat Boy Luffy, because he brought countless pirates from Impel Down and made Marinford fall into complete chaos.

But now the breaker... is behind the Whitebeard Pirates. Just when everyone was fighting hard, with a slight space fluctuation... several figures suddenly appeared on the battlefield out of thin air!

"Oh... Is this the Navy Headquarters, Marinford? It's really impressive!"

"Indeed...otherwise why is it called the City of Steel? However...the current situation does not seem to be very good for the Navy. If they fight directly with their main bodies, even if they win...they will suffer heavy losses."

"Why bother? We are not here just to help the navy. We are here specifically to��…"

The speaker licked the corner of his mouth and said excitedly,

"Hunting pirates!"

Some Whitebeard Pirates who were transporting the wounded in the rear looked at the few people who suddenly appeared with a puzzled look.

These guys are a bit strange... Are they from their Whitebeard Pirates?

But their weird clothes attracted his attention.

Because these people are wearing the same clothes, red clothes and black robes... The wide robes cover most of their bodies, and it is even difficult to tell their gender.

"Red clouds and black robes?... This... How come it's familiar?"

The pirate muttered with a somewhat unpleasant expression, because he recalled a bad rumor.

It seems that a group of people like this appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago some time ago. They all wore red clouds and black robes, and the leader also had a pair of……

"Unique blood eyes……"

The pirate muttered, and the next moment he felt as if his brain was pierced by a needle. He turned his head and saw one of the figures turning his head to look at him.

And his eyes happened to be blood red!

Reporting the results, all aspects have declined...

I really don’t know what to say?! ?! The data has declined in all aspects!

The reading income is only 50 yuan, I can’t afford to eat, is it because I wrote it too badly?

Brothers... I really don’t have any water, the previous ones are all foreshadowing, everyone, don’t support the book, if you support it, feed it to death, even if you do, feed it one for love!

It’s too difficult!!!

Please support with small gifts!!

The author promises that the later part will be very interesting, killing Luffy, Ace... just kill a group of them, it’s so cool!!!!

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