Without waiting for the pirate to react, Luo Xiu used an illusion to make him faint, and then killed him with one knife!

Then he looked deeply at the battlefield of Marinford at this moment. The more he looked... Luo Xiu's light brows frowned more deeply!

Almost exactly the same as the original work, the only high-level combat force on the navy side of the entire battlefield was Akainu, and the rest were either paddling or distracted.

Especially Kizaru and Aokiji, who are also admirals of the navy. Based on Luo Xiu's understanding of their strength, the strength of these two guys is definitely not comparable to Marco.

How could the latter stop them, plus the so-called navy hero Garp who just sat in front of Ace and didn't take action! He actually let his soldiers be slaughtered by pirates!

Is this also called a navy hero?

Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru... Five general-level forces, plus dozens of navy vice admirals, and those seven warlords of the sea!

With such a strong lineup, the Whitebeard Pirates will have to fight head-on. The combat power of both sides is obviously not at the same level... If they fight, they can't say that they will be crushed, but at least they will be beaten back step by step!

But the fact is not like this. Before Luo Xiu appeared, he actually felt that more people died on the navy side. This is absolutely absurd!

""Oh... Is this the navy? It's getting more and more disappointing!"

Luo Xiu sneered. This was actually one of the fundamental reasons why Luo Xiu didn't join the navy. A group of high-ranking navy officers simply didn't have the courage to eliminate pirates.

Not only that, many people also have inextricable ties with many pirates, such as Aokiji... Can such a navy really eliminate pirates?

Luo Xiu thought it was impossible!

At most, it would maintain a delicate balance, but this was definitely not what Luo Xiu wanted.

So in addition to destroying the pirates, he also had to help the navy correct its wrong path!

It's just that the method of correction might seem a bit cruel to others!

But who isn't cruel in this era?

""Let's start the change from this war... Let these navy see what it means to truly eliminate pirates!"

Luo Xiu murmured, his bloodshot eyes trembling slightly!

Killing... Start!




On the main battlefield ahead, the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates were still fighting fiercely. Who wouldn't be crazy to see their former companions being killed by the other side and then become a cold corpse?

So the fight between the two became more intense, and casualties were gradually increasing. Those high-level combat forces simply couldn't spare the time to protect their weak teammates.

On the battlefield, the only one you can rely on is yourself!

"Ace... We are here to save you!"

Some of the crew members who had received Ace's favor continued to rush forward, even though they could not get close to the navy's defense line.

Ace, who was in great pain, could only shed tears helplessly. Suddenly, he seemed to see something... His eyes were full of disbelief, and he shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Everyone...be careful behind you!"


A group of Whitebeard Pirates looked at Ace in surprise. What was he talking about?

Because the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy were fighting hard in front, they didn't know what happened in the back at first!

After the wailing in the back was deafening and they saw the unbelievable eyes of the Navy who were fighting with them, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates finally reacted.

And when they turned around and looked at their own camp, they were dumbfounded.

Corpses, corpses everywhere!

At this moment, the back of the Whitebeard Pirates was full of corpses in just a short while, and blood was all over the ground... The degree of tragedy was even higher than the battlefield in the front where they were fighting with the Navy!

"This...what happened?"

"Why...who attacked our rear?"

"Ahhhhh… Damn bastards, it’s them, those damn bastards!"

Diamond Joz and the others held their heads and murmured in disbelief, their eyes red and they looked ahead with murderous intent…

The four people in red cloud and black robes were particularly conspicuous on the battlefield of Marinford at this moment. They seemed to have not noticed the murderous eyes of the Whitebeard Pirates at all. They have been harvesting lives expressionlessly!

Even Luo Xiu felt that it was not fast enough, and directly used Wood Release, Flower Tree World Advent, this Wood Release big move… and attacked this group of ordinary pirates directly.

Pure dimensionality reduction attack!

This group of pirates is no match for this ninjutsu at all, and large areas of them began to die.

"Kill as much as you want! Everyone!"

Luo Xiu's deep voice exploded from the field, and Zoro, Luo, and Xiao Lan all smiled.

""Okay... Chief!"

Bang bang!

Then the three of them also started their own attack methods, and they went straight into the rear of the Whitebeard Pirates as if they were in an empty space, and just killed them indiscriminately!

The group of Whitebeard Pirates were furious...

They never thought that this group of people who had recently become famous would actually appear behind them and kill them!

"It’s that Akatsuki organization… the organization that slaughtered pirates in the Sabaody Archipelago some time ago!"

"Are they here to help us?... Are they really from our navy?"

"Great, these pirates are finished!"

Unlike the Whitebeard Pirates who were furious, the navy was so excited, especially some of the navy who had witnessed the Battle of Sabaody Archipelago.

They personally felt how powerful these members of Akatsuki were. Even the two ordinary members had power far beyond the supernovas of pirates. It was not difficult to deal with some captains of the Whitebeard Pirates! Sengoku, who had been controlling the battle from a distance, saw���He was stunned at the first sight... but then he was ecstatic again!

Although Akainu told him that Luo Xiu's Akatsuki organization might not be in the same camp as their navy, they were willing to kill pirates with their navy at the moment.

At this moment, Sengoku didn't mind treating the other party as an ally, and immediately ordered the navy to start cooperating with Luo Xiu's attack.

With the intervention of Luo Xiu and others, the battlefield has undergone a qualitative change!

The Whitebeard Pirates have begun to retreat, and there is no way to do anything... Otherwise, Luo Xiu and others will go crazy in the back!

Marco and other squad captains directly abandoned their opponents and ran wildly to the back!

The navy did not feel the opponent's strong killing intent from a distance. At this moment, in the eyes of the Whitebeard Pirates... the existence of Luo Xiu and others is more hateful than the navy!


Whitebeard, who was fighting against Akainu, was also the first to feel the commotion at the back of the battlefield. He also wanted to get rid of Akainu and deal with Luo Xiu and his men first.

But how could Akainu do what he wanted and fight with full strength... He held Whitebeard tightly and didn't let him relax at all.

At the same time, he looked at Luo Xiu from time to time, muttering with a look of disbelief.

"Has this little brat Luo Xiu become like this?...hiss……"

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