As Sengoku intervened again, the battle situation in the field once again showed a strange trend!

Countless people subconsciously looked over here at this moment, including the fleeing Whitebeard Pirates and others!

Because Luo Xiu's next decision will affect many things... The Navy looked at this side with complicated eyes!

Because their Navy claimed to be righteous but attacked Luo Xiu, which was really a slap in the face. After all, if the other party hadn't helped just now, who knows how many more people would have died on the Navy side?

Now they have to deal with others!

This behavior is also extremely shameful among pirates!

"Are Sengoku and Garp both idiots?... Do we have to provoke that brat?"

Akainu's face turned black when he saw this scene. He thought he should be one of the people who understood Luo Xiu, and he knew how principled Luo Xiu was.

As long as it didn't involve his bottom line, he wouldn't do anything that was against the will of heaven and earth, and he could even try to negotiate, but if his bottom line was broken, there would be no room for negotiation!

And the facts were almost exactly as Akainu expected!

When Sengoku said those words, Luo Xiu's face under the mask immediately turned cold, and his bloodshot eyes stared at Sengoku!

The murderous intent accompanied by anger was extremely strong at this moment! Sengoku's heart skipped a beat when he was stared at like this, and Luo Xiu's cold voice rang out the next moment.

"Just now when Garp attacked me because of Luffy, you didn't help... Now that he is about to be killed by me, you, Sengoku, start to intervene!"

"Now you want me to give your navy some face... With a navy like yours... are you worthy of it?"

"Warring States... The navy during your time as Admiral was the most disappointing to me. You were not tough enough externally, but you were ruthless internally.……"

Luo Xiu's words made Zhan Guo's face turn red and white, and the faces of the navy officers were also ugly.

Especially when they were scolded in front of the pirates, they all felt very embarrassed!

"No matter what?... I can't let you kill Garp here!"

Sengoku finally got a little angry. Luo Xiu really didn't give him any face. He just insisted on being stubborn. If he had the guts, he would fight the Admiral of the Navy.

See if he could do better than himself. Sengoku worked hard enough. He was not selfish at all and almost gave his whole body to the Navy!

"Then you all... just stay here... there is no need for high-ranking navy officers like you to exist!"

Luo Xiu was too lazy to argue with him, and then he pressed down with his sword, and huge energy poured down again!

Zhan Guo hurriedly pushed up. He had just watched Garp and Luo Xiu fighting from a distance, and he couldn't really feel how powerful Luo Xiu was.

But now... in just a dozen seconds, Zhan Guo felt a lot of pressure!

This is his transformed state!

Zhan Guo's face turned red!

And he was fighting against Garp together. Although Garp didn't look very good now, and his combat power was less than 50%, he still stared at Luo Xiu! It's too late to surrender at this point... It's better to die decently!

"Zhan Guo, please get out of the way... This is my own business!"

"Get lost... Let's solve this matter first!!"


Sengoku roared repeatedly and raised his sword a little bit. Just when Sengoku thought he had a chance of winning, Luo Xiu, who was standing on Susanoo, just glanced at him coldly!

He pressed his right hand down!


Sengoku Garp immediately felt an unstoppable force coming, and then spit out a mouthful of blood... He was suddenly hit on the ground by this blow!

The whole Marinford trembled again!

They only then realized that Luo Xiu was still holding back. Maybe this was Luo Xiu's last mercy to Marinford!

After all, this world still needs someone to maintain order. It's impossible for Luo Xiu to do it alone!

"The consumption in this state is too terrible... Even with the blessing of Hashirama's cells, it can only last for about 10 minutes."

Luo Xiu muttered to himself with a cold face. He knew that he needed to fight quickly, because if he waited a little longer, another uninvited guest would arrive!

Luo Xiu didn't think that he could conquer the whole world by himself, otherwise he wouldn't have to lay out step by step!

Boom! Boom!

The two supreme fighters of the navy were beaten so badly by Luo Xiu alone. Their figures were constantly bombarded in every corner. Although Luo Xiu tried his best not to destroy Marinford.

But it was still not something that Sengoku and Garp could resist!

And the occurrence of this scene also means that Luo Xiu's current strength has reached a new level in the history of the world.

Even Roger or the resurrected Rocks can't do this!

While a shocking battle broke out on Luo Xiu's side!

On the other side, the members of the Akatsuki organization On the battlefield, it has also reached a critical moment!

Take Blackbeard for example!

Xiaolan, who had already dealt with the Empress, did not go to help Luo Xiu nor to help Zoro and Luo. Instead, he came to Blackbeard's battlefield first.

Blackbeard is now fighting with the seriously injured and dying Whitebeard. This is the best solution Blackbeard can think of!

Even the old man with low blood is not someone Blackbeard can fight with now, so he had to adopt some shameless tactics.

Whitebeard was worn down little by little, while he tried his best to save his life and dragged back little by little, which made Whitebeard very uncomfortable. After all, he was really injured too badly! Blackbeard, who was fighting at the moment, was stunned when he saw the beautiful woman in a red cloud and black robe coming here, and then he was overjoyed.

A cold laugh came out of his mouth.

" are finally here. I thought the leader was just kidding me when he promised."

"Oh... he's trying to trick you, but you're worthy of being tricked by him!"

"Hehehe... Let's not talk too much, just help me solve this big trouble first, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

Blackbeard smiled a bit honestly, and he seemed to be very honest, but it was a bit out of tune with what he was doing now!

"I know!"

Xiao Lan replied indifferently.

The communication between the two of them was familiar. It would be a lie to say that they didn't know each other... Whitebeard's brows turned into a river when he saw this scene! Blackbeard actually knew the member of the Akatsuki organization in front of him. The amount of information was simply too much!

In other words, Blackbeard was also a member of the Akatsuki organization... This small organization was too scary. What on earth did they want to do?

Whitebeard was really shocked at this moment. Decades of ups and downs had never made him feel so absurd!

"What on earth do you, the so-called Akatsuki organization, want to do?"

Whitebeard stared at Xiaolan and said in a deep voice.

Xiaolan answered her with a calm voice, and she smiled.

"Create a new era, a truly peaceful and fair new era!"

"Create a new era?"

Whitebeard's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he heard. He couldn't imagine that the purpose of the Akatsuki organization was this?

What Xiaolan didn't know was that the mouth of a stern man who had been paying attention to the movements here on the battlefield also froze... The cigarette fell directly to the ground!

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