"Create a new era?"

Hearing Xiaolan's answer, Whitebeard's eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he heard. He could never have imagined that the purpose of the Akatsuki organization was this?

He thought that this group of people were simply injured by pirates and wanted to retaliate against them. After all, he had heard about Luo Xiu's information.

But hearing the other party's honest answer with his own ears, even Whitebeard was moved. This was far more shocking than the impact of Luo Xiu's powerful strength!

He knew very well what it meant to create a new era... Although pirates are very prosperous in this era, they are still suppressed by the World Government, and the World Government is ruled by that group of people! It has not changed in eight hundred years!

It has always been that group of people on the top of the mountain!

If you want to create a new era, the enemy you face is not the pirates, but everyone... To be precise, all the superiors. After all, they are the first to collapse when the times change.

No one will���Why is

Monkey, D., and Dragon known as the most vicious criminal in the world? It is because the revolutionary army he led did such things, and the World Government would not tolerate him!

""Huh... your Akatsuki organization is really amazing. I didn't expect that I would meet such amazing people like you when I am old!"

Whitebeard took a deep breath, staring at the beautiful woman in front of him with his tiger eyes... As he spoke, he actually laughed.

"Creating a new era is indeed a great feat... Interesting... Very interesting"

"Akatsuki organization... hehe……"

Xiaolan stared at Whitebeard without saying a word. Whitebeard was still talking to himself. When Xiaolan came over to intervene in the battle... he knew he was dead!

The vitality that was constantly draining from his body was not enough to sustain the joint attack against Blackbeard Teach and this member from Akatsuki.

Knowing that his death was approaching, Whitebeard didn't care about Ace's death or the hatred of other crew members at this moment. He had done everything he could!


At this moment, he was attracted by what Xiaolan said about creating a new era. For people like them... the temptation of this kind of thing is still very great.

For example, wasn't his dream when he first created the Whitebeard Pirates to find a group of family members he could trust?... To put it in a broader sense, wasn't it because he was disappointed with this era, so he could only look for some like-minded people like looking for a needle in a haystack!

So this so-called Akatsuki organization actually wanted to do such a thing, and Whitebeard's hatred for them even faded a little.……


Looking at the direction where Luo Xiu was fighting, Whitebeard suddenly laughed, and the laughter was deafening. He knew... this group of navy would also experience a wave of purges sooner or later!

Just like their pirate group!

Xiaolan stared at the old man. He didn't know what the old man was laughing at. Maybe this was also one of the old man's obsessions?

However, out of fear of Whitebeard, Xiaolan still had a cold face and finally spoke out

"What I said just now was out of respect for a dying man... Now, Whitebeard, you can die!"

"Blackbeard... take action!"


Blackbeard stood up with a grim smile. He didn't care about the innovation era. He just wanted the Shock Fruit! Only by getting this thing could he escape from Luo Xiu's control.

Seeing Blackbeard walking towards him, Whitebeard also put away his smile and looked at Blackbeard with murderous intent.

"Teach...I don't know how you deserve to join such a terrible organization, but even if I die, I will leave you an indelible mark!!!"

"Come and die!!!!"

"Hehehe... Come on then!"

Boom! Boom!

The two of them fought again, but anyone could see that Whitebeard was already at the end of his strength... and Blackbeard was getting braver and braver!

But even so, the old man fought extremely fiercely, leaving several huge scars on Blackbeard's chest... The latter wailed endlessly!

However, every time Whitebeard was about to deal a fatal blow, Xiaolan would use the Mind Fruit to interfere... So Whitebeard had no chance of winning at all!

Finally, after a stalemate of three minutes, the old man in his twilight years swung his last knife against Xiaolan's control.

Blackbeard was hit by this knife and knelt directly on the ground... like a dead dog!

And Whitebeard in After taking a final look at the direction of the Whitebeard Pirates' retreat, he smiled freely... and then his breath slowly dissipated.

However, this old man did not fall down when he died. He stood on the battlefield with Kusunokiri, looking majestic as if he was looking at everyone... without losing his monstrous spirit!

Whitebeard, Edward, Newgate!

Died today!

Died at the hands of two members of the Akatsuki organization!

Countless members of the Whitebeard Pirates cried out in grief and wanted to come for revenge, but they were still dragged away by their companions... Everyone was in tears!

Many people on the navy side also looked at this old man, their faces became more solemn. Although they were enemies... but the other party's spirit of dying rather than surrendering was still very admirable!

"Hehehe... Dad, I won by one point after all... Wahahaha……"

Blackbeard also climbed up at this moment, his miserable face was now full of excited smiles, although this battle was difficult.

But the final result was good!

"Hehehe... Tremor-Tremor Fruit... Here I come!"

Blackbeard grinned and walked directly to Whitebeard's body. Countless people glared at him but were ignored by Blackbeard.

Some people wanted to stop him but were easily stopped by Blue.


Xiaolan urged, seeming to know what Blackbeard was going to do, which made Blackbeard stunned.

He didn't know why he felt that the woman in front of him was more anxious than himself... Could it be that obtaining the Tremor-Tremor Fruit would be good for them? Blackbeard couldn't help but think about it!

But the next moment, Xiaolan looked at him coldly without emotion, and Blackbeard's heart skipped a beat... Then he walked over with a serious face.

A slap filled the surroundings with smoke and dust!

"Damn you bitches... When I get the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, do you really think I'm afraid of you?... Haha, you'll never know how powerful I am with two devil fruits!"

Blackbeard cursed inwardly, and then merged into the smoke... No one could see what he was doing inside?

And Xiaolan was watching this scene coldly outside, and for some reason, the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up.

A playful smile appeared!

(The following are not included in the total number of words)

The income is 26 yuan, this income is simply explosive!!!


My head is numb, this income is really too low.

The rule of Tomato is that new readers are valuable, old readers are not valuable, and now they are all old readers who support my book... I really sincerely beg everyone to come after reading.

Can you generate electricity for love or something? (One every fifteen seconds)

Thank you!!!

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