The Plains In Super

Chapter 26 - Unknown

Right when we entered the classroom where our last class for today would take place, the man wearing a white long sleeves shirt, black slacks, and hair that was neatly gelled up above his thin-framed glasses sneaked to us from behind.

Von and I stood frozen in our position but Lei was able to counter his attacks and we were able to witness their sparring session inside the classroom. Their clashing attacks released strong gushes of air that made a mess out of my and Von's hair.

"As expected from the great assassin clan." He said while they appeared and disappeared in different places faster than what my eyes could follow.

For a moment, I felt like time stopped as I saw the two of them in mid-air. The teacher was smirking while Lei had a smile that I had never seen before. He looked alive, his eyes were burning with fire, very different from his usual cold and unamused expression.

They were both enjoying this. How can they pull off those moves in a short amount of time with a smile!?

I saw Von relaxed a little bit, attempting to open his Stat-hut after exhaling a little heavier than usual, but it only lasted for a second as a small shining black star was shot to his face, making him stood stiffer than he originally was, swallowing his saliva upon seeing the image of a sharp star that stopped in a finger's distance from his eye..

It was caught by Lei who stretched his body in an awkward position just to catch it.

The air around us stopped moving violently, indicating the end of their little sparring session.

"Not bad." The teacher clapped, removing the dust from his hands as Lei pulled the star away from Von's face.

"W-what the hell." Von was still nervous. His legs were jiggling like jelly.

"I... thought this was a history class?" I trailed off.

"It is! Welcome to my history class!" The teacher said with ease as if nothing just happened, "My name is Grandoise, you can call me Sir Grand. I am here on behalf of your real history teacher."

"Real history teacher? So you mean you're fake?" Von butted in while Lei assisted him to the nearest chair.

"Yes and no. Your history teacher has yet to arrive on this island, but in the meantime, I, your weapon's master teacher, will teach history to you too... wait, there are only three of you here?" He trailed off, looking for more people but there was none.

Lei nodded while seating beside Von.

I, on the other hand, chose the farthest seat from the two of them. The one that was beside a window on the left.

"I was told that there will be fewer students here but I did not expect to teach only three students..." He shook his head but threw the thought right away upon looking at me.

"Aren't you the infamous trespasser? From outside the borders?" His eyes sparkled upon looking at me which made me feel uncomfortable for a minute.

"Uhh-" I don't know how to respond!! Should I confess that I am indeed that criminal or deny??

"I have never encountered a classroom with more than two historic children before!" He put his arm around me and Lei on the other side.

"Historic children?" I mumbled.

"Yes!! You, the trespasser, and this boy right here who is part of the assassin clan!" He patted our backs loudly upon laughing.

"W-what about me?" Von intruded.

"You? You're the prince." Sir Grand faced Von with one of his eyebrows shot up.

"Yes! That's right! I am the prince! So why did you not include me in these 'Historic children' you're talking about??"

"Because you're not?" He said in a dead straight face that I could not help but laugh inside.

Von looked like crying upon hearing the teacher's biased remarks.

"I'm important too!!" He insisted but the teacher was just not having it.

"You're just one of those who will sit on the throne and do nothing. By the way, I heard from somewhere that your mother's planning to make a guild? Now that's a historic feat! Are you joining that guild?" He said in a tone that was obviously taunting.

Von puffed his cheeks, tears escaping from his eyes that spread in the air as he turned to the side. "No." He said while sulking.

Lei tried to go to him but Sir Grand stopped him.

"Then you are not someone worth putting in the history books. Go cry over there little prince, you are distracting my class."

I could not help but smile widely upon hearing the teacher's harsh words to Von. He was totally titled from having the upper hand against me this morning to being cast aside by the teacher this evening!

I felt like my revenge was fulfilled very soon because of that!

Von stayed in the corner that whole time while Sir Grand discussed things about the history.

Since it was just the first day of our history lesson, I was satisfied by the amount of information that I gathered from the discussion.

The lesson was all about the clans of different superhumans who had gone to a different path than the usual or the path that most of the superhumans would take which was the strong path.

More and more superhumans had forgotten the importance of technique and precision to one's move because of the strength that they could acquire from training.

They had this saying, "Techniques are nothing more than a waste of time if you can just beat your opponents using strength."

But Lei's family, or so to say, the assassin clan, and other superhumans who chose to prioritize techniques and the use of weapons walked away from this nonsense and gave meaning and depth to the use of weapons and techniques rather than strength.

Even if they were looked down on and made fun of by the people, this did not stop them from training hard and acquiring the respect from the new titles that they could now proudly show to the whole world.

"Lei could you please show them the title," The teacher kindly requested, and Lei obliged with a sigh.

[Name: Clyden Lei June [Title: None

[Race: Superhuman [Blood: Ordinaire

[Class: Knight, Student [Rank: None

[Party: None

[Role: Assassin

[Level: 4

[Super's Attributes:]

[Sense:15/30 [Hearing: 5 [Vision: 5 [Smell: 5

[Agility: 14/30 [Strength: 5 [Speed: 5 [Resistance: 1


[Stealth Lvl.5]

[Tai Jutsu Lvl. 4]

[Shurikenjutsu Lvl.4]

Wow! wait... so Lei had a better status than me all this time!? When and how did he learn all of these skills?? Ahh, I'm so jealous!

"Now that we have seen this young man's skills, can I take a look at both of your profiles so I can assess which type of role will suit you best?" The teacher said.

Waiit!! I-i'm not ready for this.

This is embarrassing!! I have a lot of nones compared to these two!

[Name: Devon Khalil Lorestifa [Title: Young Prince of Yvandir

[Race: Superhuman [Blood: Engua

[Class: Royal, Student [Rank: Prince

[Party: None

[Role: None

[Level: None

[Super's Attributes:]

[Sense:12/30 [Hearing:5 [Vision: 5 [Smell: 2

[Agility: 7/20 [Strength: 2 [Speed: None [Resistance: 5

[Flight: 7/10


[Precision Lvl.3]

Von didn't hesitate to show his stats and even managed to look down at me despite his strength of two.

On second thought, Von should be the one embarrassed here not me.

[Name: Gemma [Title: None

[Race: Superhuman [Blood: Unknown

[Class: Student [Rank: None

[Party: Leviathan

[Role: Support

[Level: None

[Super's Attributes:]

[Sense: 15/30 [Hearing: 7 [Vision: 5 [Smell: 3

[Agility: 10/20 [Strength: 4 [Speed: 5 [Resistance: 1



Von looked at me in disbelief upon seeing my stats which I accepted with a smirk.

'So, who's the boss now lazy prince?'

As I was waiting for the teacher to react or dismiss us upon seeing our stats, I noticed that he was not moving, kind of lost in his thoughts while looking at my stats.

"Sir?" I called for his attention which brought him back to reality.

"Uhh, Yes? What is this unknown?" He pointed at my 'Blood' status.

I answered with a shrug, confused if this 'unknown' must be something to be concerned about or not.

I also noticed Von and Lei's stare at me as if I was some alien.

"What?" I asked them.

"It is clearly stated here that you are from our kind, superhumans... but why is your blood unknown? It should be 'Ordinaire' like Lei's if you were an ordinary person like us but this... this is new!" He exclaimed which I could not determine if he was afraid or amused because of it.

Not long after, they dismissed the thought and focused the conversation on Venedette's party.

"Leviathan? The great sea monster?"

"Uhuhh!" I nodded energetically, having a lot to say about the name Leviathan but the conversation went a different path.

"How about you boys? You will not join the Princess' clan?" He glanced at their status and saw the 'None' in their Party.

Upon hearing Sir Grand's question, Von crossed his arms and sat uncomfortably.

"That Guild will disband anyway so there's no need to join-"

The teacher cut him off after noticing a letter on their profile's lower-left corner. "An invitation. Prince, Lei."

Lei looked at Von, assessing if he will let him join or not.

Seriously, what is the deal with these two? Von is not even his master but why do they still need the permission of each other?

Well, I guess at some point he is Lei's master...

But still! Can he not make decisions like this for himself!?

"This is quite a history in itself. The princess of Yvandir, forming a guild for unknown reasons? The first guild from Yvandir to join the tournament. I wonder how will this go." Sir Grand chuckled after asking the same question that I was also meaning to ask.

I wonder how will this go...

Especially with Von acting that way.

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