The Plains In Super

Chapter 27 - Argue

"What is wrong with you!?" I turned Von around, stopping him from leaving this room.

"No, what is wrong with you!? Do you want my mom to die!?? Are you planning to kill her too!?" Von accused me of something that was completely out of line.

"Of course not! I joined the squad to protect her! How about you! Ranting like a child, do you want her to die!?"

"NO! That's why I'm trying to stop this!"

Our argument got interrupted when Sir Grand pushed us away from each other, walking through the space that he created to pass through the door which we were blocking.

He looked back at us and saluted playfully before leaving us here unattended, which led for the arguement to continue.

"Don't you want to seek vengeance for what happened to your sister!? You know the reason why Venedette is doing this! Why can't you just accept it and join her if you want to keep her safe!" I pushed him in the chest, grabbing his collar afterwards, shaking it with all my strength until he could not take it any more.

"Why would I join her if I wanted to keep her safe!? Are you dumb!?" He said, flying to the air and dragging me along with him.

"You're the dumb one here even your logic sucks!" I retarded back..

"Let go you dumbass!"

"Not until you join Venedette's squad!"

"I'm not joining!! Can't you hear!? You're already dumb, are you also deaf!?"

"No! You're the dumb one here!"

We managed to get out of the classroom despite our argument and flew through the hallways while still fighting in mid-air.

I had thought that he would go down and surrender after a few seconds but he managed to fly while carrying me through that hallway for more than five minutes now.

"Let go!!"


"LET GO!!" Instead of doing what he wanted me to do, I used my other hand to climb up to him even more.

"W-what are you doing!!? Let go already you heavy piece of shit!" He said while trying to push my hands away from his shirt but my hold was too tight for his wimpy arms to influence.

"Bleeh!" I stuck out my tongue to him while his shorts were slowly slipping because of my weight..

"Hey!! HEY!! What are you doing!!! Let go of me already you pervert!! Guards!! Maids!! This ugly monster is harassing me!!!!" He screamed through his lungs.

Below us, the lot of maid whom we passed by and saw us bickering was following us with concern.

But I can't let go yet!

I need to make him join no matter what!!

Soon enough, Von bumped onto the roof of an archway while he was not paying attention in front. "OUCH!" He shouted and held his head as we descended to the ground.

Unlike him who fell on his back, I landed safely with my feet for the height was not that high for me yet to lose my balance.

But just as I thought I was safe, a hand grabbed my feet, causing me to fall backwards and hit my spine to the floor.

"OUCH!!!" The both of us complained while the maids flocked to help us.

This guy!!!

I swear if only he was not Venedette's son I would have killed him already with my own two hands!

The nerve of him to smirk at me like that as if he had won!

"Dream on." He stuck out his tongue and showed me an ugly face while still complaining about his busted head.

"You wimp!" I could not help but burst in anger.

This guy is really getting on my nerves.

Ugh, I hate this feeling!

On second thought, I think the group will be much better without him!

The maids rushed to carry us and gave us some healing potions on the way to the hospital wing.

"I swear! It's not even that bad, just bring me to my room please." I would rather suffer in my bed than see his face in the infirmary!

"Ouch!! It hurts can't you guys run faster!?" Von said nastily.

Ugh! That spoiled brat!! Even his attitude sucks even more than mine!

I managed to convince the maids to bring me to my room instead of the infirmary. But when we passed through the classroom, I asked them to halt and went to Lei who was still sitting inside the classroom, deeply looking at the words written on the board.

"Why are you still here? Your master had gone to the infirmary already, are you not going to stay beside him?" I was obviously mocking his service to the Prince but he did not respond immediately so I walked closer to him and blocked his field of vision to the board.

"Are you angry at me?" I tried to catch his attention but it was as if he was looking at something else.

Ah! His Stat-hut!

"Do you want to join the guild?" As if on cue he immediately glared at me.

"What? Did I just said something wrong?" I looked at his eye and found a shade of blue that was I was too inattentive to notice before. All along I thought his eyes were as black as his hair but if you look at it quite closely, you will notice the shade of blue that was slightly lighter than black.

"What is it that you want from me? Aren't you supposed to go to your room now?"

"You saw what happened?"

"No, the maids are waiting for you." He mentioned me to look at the door where the maids were breathing quite heavily upon seeing me hold my back.

I had just found out this morning during the potions class that the bones are somewhat harder to fix than shallow to deep scars by the use of a normal healing potion.

"This is nothing," I assured him, trying to get back to the point but he seemed like he was not ready for this kind of conversation yet.

"So what? You don't need Von's permission to join the guild. Venedette is the leader and she has the upper hand over Von." I said carelessly which made Lei furious.

"I serve the Prince first then the Princess if I were to join this guild without his approval then I might as well abandon my duties. Now if you must." He looked at me closer in the eye again and pushed me around to the maids.

I got star-struck by his eyes again that I almost forgot how to speak.

He wants to join. That's for sure! That little brat of a Prince was always getting in the way! Ugh, I really hate him!


[Notification: A new member has joined the guild Leviathan.]

I was lying peacefully on my bed to my sides when I heard an automatic voice speak to my head.

"A new member!?"

I opened the letter excitedly but was a little bit disappointed when I saw that it was Fily.

"I already knew she's joining but what about Lei? And Von... Actually never mind Von, just Lei." I let out a sigh and got into thinking.

But why is it that Venedette wanted us- kids, to join her guild?

I did not understand, if Venedette wants to win then she should recruit more experienced people than kids... right?

'System, show me the guild members, please.' I activated the telepathic voice communication setting of this device yesterday as I found it more convenient. The system was adapting to my voice and I could hear the slight changes that had happened to hers to match mine. But there were slight inconveniences that I experienced with it enough to guess the reason why most of them prefer the manual clicking settings.

[Showing the guild members]

My screen was bombarded with different names of different people with different skills and different guilds.

'Wait I meant the members of the guild Leviathan'

[Showing members of the guild Leviathan]

Phew! Now there were only three names of which was Venedette's, Fily's, and mine.

You just have to be more specific with the telepathic voice communication for it to work properly. I guess I could get used to that over time.

Looking at my screen, I was surprised to see more details about Venedette and Fily such as their progress, history log, and current location!

"Woah! So Venedette really did go somewhere far away! But she's moving constantly, is she flying again? Where is she going now?"

I traced the direction of where Venedette was coming from, there was a city named Amberfield where she probably came from and was now heading to the Silverwoods- or the village after it which was called Tiraned. All of them were filled with trees according to the map so I was assuming that this place must be a jungle biome.

I stopped watching the red dot labelled as Vendette as it stopped moving in the village of Tiraned just as I was expecting.

Instead, I grabbed my glass tablet and searched for answers all night about why was she recruiting kids and not adults. Is this normal for a guild that would face several older and bigger guilds in this tournament...?

And at some point, I think I underestimated Venedette's judgement about this whole thing.

Her members were not just some normal Superhumans after all.

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