The Plains In Super

Chapter 28 - Healer

'Royals tend to raise their guild members instead of recruiting them from the streets.' I mentally read the articles in front of me.

'But why?'

'In most cases, these are only applicable to special super kids who are worth the time and resources to train rather than wasting their money with plebs.' That makes sense.

'But still, why kids?'

I typed the exact same question in the forum that I was asking answers from.

My questions were answered by several kinds of people in the same forum in no time.

'Young superhumans have the greatest chance to maximize their potential at a young age with this type of training instead of training alone or in a public academy.'

Public academy? What are those even?.

I did not type that question but instead asked for something more important than that.

'But why?' I entered the message and they all typed again.

The reply took longer than I expected with several annoying remarks from them.

'What are you? 2 years old? How could you not know this?'

'You must be living in a rock for the past few years or something?'

'Let it go guys, she must have been new to this kind of stuff.'

'But still! It's very uncommon for superhumans inside and outside the border to not know about this tournament! Unless you're from the wastelands...'

'The leech? Come on how can a leech obtain a tablet?'

'You're not the leech are you?'

'What is that?' I lied.

'See? she doesn't even know what a leech is! Just answer her question guys.' A boy defended me which helped me calm down my drumming heartbeat at that moment.

Not long after, the one girl who was typing for quite a long time now had finally sent her message to the forum. It was so long that the people spammed comments complaining about how long it was. But for me, it was a blessing.

'Thank you!' I replied before starting to read the block of words that she had sent to me.

In conclusion, the Royal guilds are on a whole different level than normal guilds with normal superhuman warriors for several reasons.

One, they have the money to train those with special traits such as me, Fily, and Lei. Two, young superhumans can maximize their stats faster if trained well. So that was why Lei's status are already way ahead of us even though we're the same age. And the third one, guilds are already considered as a job and special superhumans past the age of 18 were to serve a government or a private institution and thus not allowing them to join the tournament.

Those with a concrete job had to resign from their job if they want to join the tournament but special superhumans did not need to join the guilds especially if they were already past the age of 18 because of their demand in the insitutuions.

So does this mean that Vendette will resign from her job as the Princess of this island if she manages to recruit more members and get her guild to be listed officially in the participants for the tournament?

That's insane!

I shook my head upon realizing the strict qualifications of this tournament.

'Why do special superhumans quit their jobs upon joining the tournament?'

'To be honest, that would be a dumb move. Special superhumans are demanded over the whole world, the nine countries are killing each other just to have them.'

To have them? The countries kill each other for special superhumans? So that means... the price for this tournament is?

'What is the price for this tournament?' I typed, beads of sweat started damping my forehead. I hope it's not what I'm thinking...

'Families.' Was her only answer.

I shook my head, trying hard to comprehend what she just said but I still could not understand it.


'Yes, families. Special families are the price.'

What? You mean... like Fily's family?

'What was the price last year?' Yumeki's team won last year... It would be troublesome if they also have a Fily on their side.

'The blacksmiths.'

Suddenly, I felt a chill down my spine. I did not imagine how dark this tournament would be. I should have known. If the winner last year was a criminal in disguise, for sure she will use dirty tactics to win again.

Somehow I understood why Von was so against it.

I searched for the tournament's data and found out the number of guilds we would need to fight to reach the international level.

The tournament happens every ten years and lasts for at least ten months.

With roughly a thousand guilds here in Clandamascarene, just how many will we need to fight in order to get to the top?

This is to say that Yumeki's guild will reach the top with no doubt because of her cheats.

Ugh!! What could a mere child like me do in this situation...

Now that I have seen the dangers and risks that we'll be needing to face, I kind of want to back out and just stay comfortably here in the castle.

But who am I kidding? If Venedette lost, the castle would be gone.

And besides, she had already put her faith in me- or at least to you Mr.gemstone, a cheat that could par with Yumeki's...

If only I could master or even actively use you before the tournament starts, the chances would be better for both Venedette and her people.

It was no secret to us that Vendette put Yvandir on the line when she announced the formation of her guild. Just that simple announcement caused an uproar on the internet. People complaining about their Princess and some who were supporting her. However, most of the comments were threatening to take Yvandir for themselves when the Princess dies.

How rude! I will not let the Princess die or lose and there is still Von who could rule the island instead of her!

But then I got into thinking, who am I kidding?

How could he possibly defend this island with that wimpy body of his?

If only he would train and be disciplined like Lei or the other Princes in this country then it would not be so easy for peiple to send out these threats.

But instead, he chose to be lazy.

Poor Vendette, how could she live knowing that her son is a mess?

Anyway, I shouldn't be thinking about that wimpy prince and his problems in the future.

"Get to work Gem! We've got to maximize our stats as early as we can!" I shook my head to erase the thoughts of Von from my head and tried researching about a skillset that would benefit me the most.

A skillset that would benefit me and my Salamandite's powers...

But what is the power of my Salamandite?

Get to thinking Gem!


Hmm what else...

Giving me and Von infinite water and oxygen? or was it a potion? But it did not taste anything like the cold taste of a healing potion so it's not safe to assume it has infinite healing powers.

Healing powers?

Come to think of it, when I first arrived at this island Venedette told me about being in a stone cocoon, and when I hatched from it all my wounds and fractures were gone.

But healing potions could not heal bones at that incredible speed.

So there must be something else in it that can heal faster than healing potions, that's for sure.

Are there a skillset for healers?

I grabbed the glass tablet again from my bed and searched those exact same words.

Skillset for healers.

But there was no such thing as a 'healer' role in every party's list.

A healer. Someone who could heal. I wonder if Yumeki's gemstones also have the same powers as mine? Healing gemstone.

Ahhhh, I wish I could talk to you sooner Mr.gemstone.

Hopefully, the pages of the book that Fily would be able to crack open this weekend would tell us how to activate you.

Several thoughts of worry and glory that I may attain from being the first Healer in a guuld ransacked my mind.

How ironic would it be for someone like me who accidentally killed somebody to be a healer for a Guild instead?

And besides, I could still be wanted and hated by the people at that time. I wonder how Venedette managed to clear my name to the Queen.

Wait... is joining the tournament my punishment for killing that guy!??

But this will help Venedette either way so should I be thankful or angered by this? I think I should be just grateful and do my best to prove that I am guilty but I will still repent for my accidental sin!

Mr.gemstone killed that man! Not me! But either way, he is mine so I will take the responsibility and also help Vendette along the way.

Now I'm starting to regret dragging Fily into this mess.

I should have not convinced her to join!

Ahh silly me! But Fily would be a great help to the team.

I'll just do my best to keep them alive for I will be their healer anyways!

The first-ever healer in the history of this tournament!

Thinking about being the first superhuman to have the role 'Healer' in a guild dozed me off to sleep.

I should request this to Venedette soon enough when the gemstone cooperates with me.

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