The Plains In Super

Chapter 29 - Mr. Gemini

"Gem! Gem!! I found something interesting!!" Fily shouted first thing in the morning, trying to wake me up.

Slowly, I lifted my arms up to lessen the beams of light that were hurting my eyes.

"M-morning," I greeted her as she sat uncomfortably in my bed.

"You won't believe what I'm about to tell you." She said, patting her hands on my shoulders.

Wait, today is neither a Saturday nor a Sunday. Why is she awake?

"I know what you're thinking but this is important. I need to be awake to see it with my own eyes."

"See what?" I look at her with my brows furrowed..

She then inhaled dramatically and met me with a big smile afterward.

"Guess what I've found out?"

That big smile and shining eyes... did she??

"Yes!! I've found it!! Two chapters in and there were instructions on how to use it!"


As soon as I heard that statement, I got off my bed and jumped with her around my room.

"W-what is it!??" I asked while we were in the middle of our celebratory jumping. Your girl got to make sure what was up before jumping to conclusions.

"Name! You've got to name it Gem! Give it a name!" She said breathily while pulling me towards the couch near the door.

"Name it? I only need to name it then it will answer to me?" I asked, still wonder-struck about the sudden information.


As if agreeing, my gemstone started buzzing like it was also as excited as us.

"It's moving." I met Fily with a smile, this might really be it!

"W-what should I name it?" I added not long after. I'm still very nervous and excited at the same time!

"Anything! It's up to you Gem, it's your gemstone!"

Gemstone... Gem...

I want to name it something close to me.



That's right! I heard it said something like Gemini before! Maybe that's his name!?

But will it be okay?

Gemini sounds like a girl's name...


I shook my head upon seeing Fily's wide eyes looking at me.

"I'm... okay," I said, meeting her smile and standing to prepare myself for the activation.

I hope this works.


After a long silence, I looked back at Fily and raised a brow at her. Nothing happened.

"Try again?" She encouraged me and so I followed her advice again.

'Come on Mr. gemstone, please work.'

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes while my hands were clutching the gemstone tightly.

'Today Mr. gemstone, I shall give you a name. And it shall be-'

"Gemini," I said out loud.

Slowly, I tried opening my eyes, I did not expect it would be this easy!

"Whoa," Fily blurted out while holding her breath as the gemstone wrapped the whole room around its marvelous cyan glow.

Suddenly, I felt something carrying me from the back. It lifted me up in the air while the whole room was swirling with bright cyan beams.

[Finally Miss Gem.] A familiar voice said.

'Mr. gemstone? Is that you?' I tried to reply in my mind but it did not respond.

"Mr. gemstone?" I called to him further but he was silent so I looked at Fily to ask for help.

"Call him by his name." She looked at me with even larger eyes.

"Okay." I nodded and inhaled a good amount of breath to calm down my beating heart.

Here we go Gem.

'Are you there, Gemini?'

[Yes, at your service master.]

Oh my god, it worked!

Fily met my eyes with the same excitement.

'Uhmm... hi?'

I struggled to find the right words to say. This is so nerve-wracking!!

[Nice to meet you master. Ask away, I will be at your service forever.]

Slowly, the lights started exploding into fragments of dust. Fily and I did not utter a single word until all of them were gone.

The lights brought me down and exploded like the rest of them while my necklace's light glowed even brighter than before.

"Congratulations Gem!" Fily greeted me with a hug as I slouched there in the floor where they gently brought me down.

"Thank you so much." I whispered to her back while we were hugging. My heart was beating so fast that I could not even talk properly after that.

After all those worries of getting myself to the edge of death just to talk with Mr.gemstone, I can't believe how easy the solution turned out to be!

But I'm still thankful for Fily. If she was not here, I would have never thought about that simple solution by myself!

"You're a genius." I complimented her which she responded with a laugh.

"Of course, you're talking to Leviathan's one and only Sage alright?" She said proudly which made me laugh too despite my tears of joy.

We stayed there for a little longer until Fily decided to get back to her work.

"But before I go, could you ask him about the keys?" She said, urging me to sit on the couch and not on the floor.

"Do we still need those?" I asked out of curiosity.

If Mr. gemstone could talk to me now, then the book wouldn't be much of a help anymore, right?

"Of course! My gut says that Mr. Gemini right here could only tell you things about its ability. You can ask him for confirmation?" She shrugged and watched as I asked Mr. Gemini the same question.

'Do you know the contents of the book Mr. Gemini?'

[Unfortunately, I could only provide you details about the abilities that I bestow upon you, master. As for the book, I'm afraid you may need to feed me first before my system allows you to obtain the keys.]

"System? Food? Fily, Mr. Gemini said I need to feed him in exchange for the keys!" I complained to her which she responded with that 'I told you so' look.

"Food, of course, we need to feed him. The book clearly states that Salamandites require energy to live." She said while walking closer to me.

"They're alive!?" I exhaled violently, how could a stone be alive?

Fily's smile slowly turned into a laugh after watching my expression.


"I'm sorry, it's just... I thought I already told you guys that Salamandites are not stones nor a magic-driven thing." She held her stomach and bent her body forwards while preventing herself from laughing too hard.

"Then what are they?" I asked, my face turning into a serious frown as I held both of her shoulders in front of me so she could see that I am serious here.

"Sorry." She stated, shaking the funny thoughts out of her head.

"So?" I raised a brow at her.

Fily blinked a few more times to calm herself down before answering me, "Salamandites are the second discovery of the first generation. This time, instead of an evolutionary formula, they infused them into technology as the moderator to the superhuman evolution. But the older generations were so enraged by this technology that they chose to bury it instead of utilizing it for the future. And now it has resurfaced in the wrong hands." She was nervous at first but her tone became serious during her last sentence.

"Wrong hands--" I was repeating the key points that I needed to note from her short lecture when she interrupted me.

"I meant Yumeki, not you." She cautiously said which made me smile.

"I know," I assured her while mentally taking care of the notes carefully.

So it was not magic. That's actually quite a shocker but still amazing.

"I probably need to go. See you again at the weekend Gem! And Mr. Gemini! Prepare yourselves for my questions! I will be asking a lot!" She shouted one by one as she stepped backwards to the door.

"Thank you Fily!!" I shouted back at her and blew a flying kiss before she completely closed the door between us.

"Ah, now to the questions Mr. gemstone- I mean Mr. Gemini!" I thought happily while free falling to my bed.

[Anything, master.] The baritone voice spoke in my head.

Unlike the Stat-hut system's voice, which was cold and uncomfortable to listen to, Mr. Gemini's voice was closer to a human's voice, with slight emotions but was still firm and calculated.

'Should I also name my stat-hut? It may also reveal its new powers to me when I name her?' I laughed at myself. Stat-hut has a user guide, it's unlikely for it to have additional powers beyond what the guide says.

Maybe I just got too excited by the power of 'names.'

I wonder what names did Yumeki decided to give her stones?

Should I also think of a name for Venedette's stones?

Right, Venedette! I need to report to her about my progress!!

Or maybe I should just do it later? When I gather enough information about Mr. Gemini's powers and also about the 'Healer' role.

Ahhh, I have a feeling that this day's going to be my second most productive and busiest day ever in the castle!

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