The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 1026

Hello, this fit is too much!

Chapter 600 is persecuted

Mechanical Legion, which is in the mountains, is chasing the elves.

In the forest, the sorrow of the girl is desperate: "How do you become a big escape! What is going on?"

"Discover the goals, [Princess]."

A robot is rushing red, and brushed over. Night knife god Ten Xiangchang hopple, ready to dry with the robot.

"What, a very realistic mechanical army. This lady will not be scared, let them see my courage! Hey? I am killing the public ..."

"Stupid, in my body!"

Wu Hexi woven his arm and dragged her arm.

Tenxiang complained: "Wait, weave!"

"Do you think it is a robot that others pretend? Their goal is you." Shiwi said quickly, "You have no elves, it is impossible to be their opponents!"


Missile washing.

On the other hand, the ground suddenly collapsed, and a robot fell into the pit and struggled to craw down. The three groups of girls explored the small head from the bush, and the gesture of a winner.

"Can't catch you!" Mountain blowing tie said happily, "The day of trap is used."

Ye Yaku Ma said: "Hey? It doesn't seem like a classmate who wears leather cases."

"It's really uncomfortable."

After they, the other robot produced an attack judgment, raised the guns of the black hole, and seeing to see the flower.


Just listening to a gun, the robot was run through a head through a bullet, and the spark was down. After the tree, I walked out of a graphic shadow, it was the madness of Timea.

Mad three smiles: "You are nothing?"

"This time is the simulation toy gun, so cool." Mountain blowing Yaishi said, "Can Tudaki classmate, can I touch your gun?"

"It is more excited than the ghost or guns." Mason looks very excited.

"It's really uncomfortable!"

Timei madness three in the stylus. I didn't expect to be a ring of the truth meeting. Because of this, there is no panic of everyone. When she is sought after by the little girl, there is something that is obey.

I am disgusted by life. When will this, this pair is full of blood, want to save people?

"It must be, it will be as soon as possible and you will be." The mad three lights.

"It's really disappointing. Do you break the bronze iron to prevent my trutinous conference? Break the army song (" gabriel)! "

Purple silver girls illusion out of the fit, and the golden brilliant organs behind them. If the miracle is typically standing in the depths of the forest, the road lights like the night are as dazzling. When the Elf Song Ji played the sound of Tianzhu, broke the silence of the forest.


The first reaction of the United States is to try to control the mechanical army and the result has failed. She realized that [Broken Song Ji] can only dominate the organism. So, the girl's jade hand smashed the keyboard, the melody was changed.

"Requiem"! "

A invisible sound is spreading all over the side, and it has arrailled the tide-like mechanical legion.

"I have to save."

Wuhe is sitting on the ground, panting. She didn't have a physical strength, and later was taken up by the night knife and ten incense, very shameful. Two girls have met the United States in the process of escape.

Mei Jiu Sheng said: "Shiwi sauce, ten fragrant sauce, are you nothing?"

"No ... beautiful nine care!" Tenxiang face changed.

New robots are broken. Suddenly realized that this is an individual who is immunized by an individual who is immunized. Special materials are used, and the inherent frequency is not easy to resonate with air.

This death, this technology ... is prepared to deal with her!

"[Freedomdom] Expand, the sound shock absorber starts. Identify the target and capture, [Song Ji (Diva)]."

The robot reached out of the pliers, sprayed the fishing net, covering the mighty nine. The girl was hanging and struggled desperately.

"Don't mess with my hair, I feel very annoying. Only Darling is qualified to have a bundle of Play!"


On the occasion of the millennium, the Wuhe Shiwi feels spiritual. The girl ignited the raging fire and illusion of a giant ax. She seems to feel the blood of the chest, delicate:



Blue-haired girl is inadequate, giving a sense of light, but the waving of the giant ax is like a God. Just hit the robot. The fishing net made from polymer composites is not easy to cut off, and it is blown up.

Beautiful nine is getting stripped, and it is shocked: "This is ... Angel of the inflammation of piano sauce?"

"Fortunately, there is Yu to lend me the spirit of the piano. Total feeling is very high."

Wuhashi textured the giant ax, love is not released. My sister is protecting her with her will.

Beautiful nine is a smile: "That is to say, two of you have born."

"That ..." Show DC sweat.

"Ah, now it is not jealous now? As a sister, I will protect the hometown of your brother." The secret sound of the madwalk.

Diji mad three led the division of the army to come and snipe the mechanical army. After all, she is just a branch, and she has not used the eligibility of [Zafkiel]. It can be summoned, and the bullet is also very common.

Thanks to the new artifact, you can transfer the damage to the shadow in the battle, and you will never let the difference harm. [The death of night shadows] is the gentle care of your brother, and each of the artifacts copied in the body.

"Let you see my new bullet." The mad three grin smile, "moving the bomb!"

The girl lifted the exquisite gun, the shadow flowed into the muzzle, condensed into bullets. As long as the shadow of the other party can cause killing, power and enemy shadow area to be proportional to the body. In strict, the goal is to be betrayed by his shadow.


The clumsy and huge robot is directly collapsed by "garbage".

Wu Zhishi's weaving trough: "So problem. What is the shadow area of ​​the opponent?"

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