The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 1027

"What is mathematics, the most is hurt!"

Zi black hair girl tears, holding his head squatting. The night knife who is not afraid of the sky is not afraid of ten incenses, finally being scared.

The singular songs and mad guns are too obvious. Everyone is gradually attracted to fight side by side. In fact, the goal of the Mechanical Legion is the elves, and there is no interest in the general girl.

"There are people injured!"

" !"

There have been no more than a sense of rattan, the clothes are hurt. She is lying on the ground, the thigh blood flow is not limited, but also "really can't stand it."

The weave and she laughed: "When is this, don't say your oral zen!"

"It doesn't matter, you can use my ability to calm." Beautiful nine presses the key, "Requiem!"

"I really don't hurt one thing." Beauty clothes.

Everyone is in the heart: so, the existence of the elf is completely exposed. Anyway, it is a beautiful nick-registered valve, and then delete memories afterwards.

"It's a beautiful nine people, listening to your song, you can analgesia." Ye Yakai worshiped, "If the hospital also plays Miku's songs in 24 hours."

Everyone: "..."

"The DEM community is too chaos, the behavior of killing civilians is very shameful. I know the weakness of this model of the robot." Suddenly a strange female voice.

Everyone is looking forward, and a girl will come out after the tree. Her length and beads have seventeen points similar to the beads, and the hair is combed into two bouquels, slightly childish.

The mad three frown: "You are the next door ..."

"My name is Okayaki. Due to the military's confidentiality agreement, I can't expose the identity. If I am here, I can prove that I am myself."

"Tell me, the information of these robots."

Sprouting the United States used the tone of the order. The sound of the sound of the sound of the sky, and he immediately helped the United States. It seems that this female student is really no magic, just a technician.

The US Ji Hui is not afraid, saying: "ASHCROFT [beta], is known to 'beast'. In order to prevent mechanical rebellion, leave a dark door after the brain, as long as it is attacking there ..."

The beauty nine and mad three pairs, nodded, confirmed that it is a trusted object.


Three changes. A high-pressure wind can be lowered from the sky, the robot is flying on the sky, falling seven zero. With a gorgeous starry sky as a background, a beautiful elves flew in the heavens, and they can easily see the shadows of the Snee Squirting and Yape.

"Eight Dance?"

The girls look up to the sky, and they can't speak. From the beginning, there is no need to break through the weakness, which is simpler in the way the mechanical legion is simpler.

Eight dance smile: "Do you understand me? I have to wash a good friend of the brand together. Fengqi, refresh!"

The mad three is interesting: "The younger brother Jun seems to have a thing you can't do. What did you do, just let the sisters flow?

The impact of the elves started!

On the other hand, the peak of the magician has entered the white heat.

, ,, A moment of breath has blown away the robot of the week. She didn't put the massive weapon in the eyes, just want to overcome this powerful magician!


Ai Lianhao is standing, only lifting the sword. White-haired girl is a pupil, seeing an incredible scene. She is proud of the [Spirit Warrior], which is turned down to the light sword of the wings.

The gun tip and the light sword are like it, it is like a needle tip to Mai Mang. It is impossible to block the force. What is this kind of swordsmanship?

I have a gun flower, shaking a gun, swing. She is on a stent, the long gun is stuck in the sword and go straight to the first level of Ai Lian. The hot sword passed through her cheeks and cut a mouth, and hemorrhage.

Girls are seeking to see, as if there is no feeling.


The white hair girl clen a long gun, and the magic shield that appeared in the air was stopped.

The two can't hold it.

"In your age, it is a good gun. It's amazing. I didn't mention it in the military information. I would like to use guns." Ai Lian is interested. "

"You can not ask!"

Ai Lian is said: "Hey, it is too young. I have had such a combat experience after the sediment of the years. The magician strongly determined how much is finally pointed to the magic. You can't even break my defense, what and me hit?"


Ai Lian waved the sword, and the seven knife was taken in an instant. Knife sword shadow, dense numbness of the whole sky.

The pupil of the kiship is only shocked.


"" Sound, the girl reads the shield and crushing. She has a knife in her body, and the body is full of swords. The armor of the female Wushen is also broken. The origami corner is bleeding, and the bottom is bleak.

Is this the strength of the world's first magician? My attack can't break, even a sword can't help it. I am still too weak.

Ai Lian grin smiled, clamped the neck of origami, lifted in the air.

"Little ghost, you will die, you will die!"

A magic cannon landed from the sky, followed by the laser blade. Only listening to the sound of "", Ai Lian rushed to meet, and was forced to retreat. When she came back, I was already saved.

The girl's blue hair is sliding gently, gradually. She is cool, dressed in the armor of the devil, keeps half a pose, holding a serious injured origami.

"Nothing, ?"

White-haired girl is weak: "Chong Palace Lieutenant ..."

"Chongyong is really, you have been betrayed." Ai Lian's eyes sharply.

That's really hate: "No, haven't you deceive it with me?"

"You will not be arrogant to be enemy? The first five to the first distance is like the gap between human and wizards." Ai Lian smiled, "before, you have the qualifications for me. No. This sword is good, who is your sword taught? "

"It's a big man. He church us a lot." The true tone becomes gentle.

Is it a man?

I don't know why, Ai Lian has an ominous premonition, it seems to be seen in something. This feels like being taking a shower, tapped by the norms.

"In this world, people who can threaten my people have not born. You are not my opponents I [Pandragon] together ..."

"Add me?" Suddenly a male voice suddenly sounded.

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