The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 1081

"It's so good, there are so many daughters." Mad three cold laughed, "You should call me a 'aunt'."

"Who wants!"

"The black woman, there is a one-on-one order."

Nicbe played a ghost face. Diji mad three endured a shot to collapse their impulses. Have a fierce killing on the battlefield, and this is the Liang Zi.

The thoughts of Biece have fly five years ago. After all, I can't stand it. Origami returns to the past, you will know the truth. Will it be left in that era, is a person spent five years alone? No, I have seen me in her memory, is it ...

[Time and Space Jump] has excellent experience, countless times. .

Unlike the meat wearing [twelve bomb], [time and space jump] is closer to the soul of [six bomb]. However, Biece is not a person of this world. The first time in this world is half a year ago, with super power may only return to the origin, and it is impossible to press the hour to point the earlier point in time.

Now rely on a black bullet.

Bun said calmly: "There is no other kis folded paper in this world. That is to say, she is destined to be brought back, but will not stay in that era. Third, use your [twelve bomb , Send me back. "

"I really didn't have a bullet." The mad three should be said, "Unless you give me the magic."

"Hey!" Nibei is anxious.

They have not endured the rain of the father, how can other women steal? Buni often gives another woman to draw, so that they are very tasteful. In fact, the daughter is full of graffiti, which is more than writing the correct word.

Human painting?

Nibe reminded: "Father, there is a bad woman to keep up."

"Hey, it is a bad man. Are you so embarrassed to make a grass outside?" A high-cold female voice.

The night knife god is gone from the dark. She has a purple black hair such as a water, crystal hair accessories and colorimeter. Look carefully, the eyes are cold and deep, and people don't dare to rise.

"Ten fragrance? No, it is Miss Tianxiang. I obviously didn't use [Shuxing] ..." Baccan reacted.

The girl said proudly: "I want to come, I want to go. Who can stop me?"

Since the reverse turn, the night knife gods can be in their own will, account for ten incense. Just to meet the wish of this child. After the spiritual recession of the Magic, even unable to appear.

The strange switch is opened.

Beautiful face, uneven body, and full of temperament. She wears a student uniform just like the ice princess in the school, very good.

Mad three play taste: "Is it turned to ten incense?"

"I'm a folding paper, it seems that this name is right. I have the obsession of the woman." Tianxiang does not take a punishment, "Hey, I will bring her back with you."

Both sponsored: "My name is , not called 'feed'."

In addition to the minority, most of the wizards are just a unsecured dark personality. Like the night knife, the soul is so interesting, it is really a little.

: If it is a fragrant, maybe unspeak the heart knot of origami.

"Well, you first promise not to give me a chaos."

Tianxiang struggled and said, "Hey, I know ... Master."

This title is actually stem from the beginning of Busak and Tenxiang, very naive.

"Three third, now give you a replenishment time."

The first step in Biece is in front of the mad waist, and the other hand picks her oblique Liuhai, showing a beautiful golden pupil. The moment of gaze is like a watermast.

Time stacking magic, transforming [unlimited magic] into endless time. The clock plate of the girl's left eye, the hour and flying backwards, I don't know how many circles have been earned.

Time arc!

"Brother Jun, I am full ..."

Timei mad three full face red, send a sudden and breath.

Night knife god Tianxiang remembered bad memories. She bites her lips and casts the eyes of killing people. In order to cross the opponent to find fate, I can only endure.

Nicbe can change back to paper, drilling into [God Error], or it will be abandoned in this era.

"The younger brother control energy, the charging is completed. Are you ready? Twelve bomb (Yud · Bet)!"

Timei mad three grin smile and raised the muzzle of the black hole.


August 3, August 3, sunny.

I opened a blind, breathing fresh air. The sun is so eye-catching, she fleszes in the sky with the gesture of the elf, overlooking the unfamiliar city.

"Mom and Dad ..."

The vision of the elves has great improvements. Origami finds a family address five years ago, and the parents of the health are far away. A heart finally put down. When she saw the young himself, there is a subtle feeling.


A explosion occurred in the direction of the five hometown. Subsequently, the sky flames swept the city. That is to describe the "Tiangong Act" in history. That year, young origami didn't know what happened.

"Weave, piano ..."

Wuhe Sisters will not have anything. White-haired girls are no longer concerned, just want to find out the murderer who killed their parents, first slaughter it!

"It's a surprising, your body is ... The angel of the light? Some spiritual crystal is clear in my hand, I haven't been issued yet."

A group of mosaics in the sky and a noisy female voice. Look, [Phantom (PHANTOM) has just given Wuheqin Ling Crystal.

This guy really appeared in the case of the case!


I feel yourself. She firmly agreed that in five years ago, she killed the origin of the origina, avoiding the latter generation of disasters.

Extinction Angels · Artelif!

The white hair girl entered the form of a female martial arts, with the royal formation of the gun, brewing the white light of destruction. She gathered the spiritual power of the whole body and gave all efforts.


"call out--"

A horrible light beam scored the horizon, running through [phantom]. Unfortunately, the latter fluctuated, with the image of a pink woman, still no injury.

"It turns out, I have made this kind of thing in the future. I will remember, remind you to come to this time and space."

What ... mean?

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