The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 1082

I'm suddenly realized what it is. A neighborhood was destroyed by shelling, and the odds walked.

Before several seconds, people noticed that there was a glitter star in the sky, and it was dazzling than the sun.

Young origami: "It's so beautiful."

"Is the meteor? It seems to fall ..."

"Not good, origami sauce!"

The parents showed the color of the fear, and they pushed the daughter. Then, they have been drowning from the sky.

In the hot white light, this couple shed the tears of joy because of rescue to the daughter. The crystal tear droplets floated, and along with the flesh and blood, vaporization, smile no longer.

"Dad, Mom ..."

Young origami is sitting in place, can't believe in front of you. She got a madness, she could only catch the surface melted magma, and even the ashes did not leave.


how come……

In the sky, the brain of the kiship is blank. It turned out that the real murderer killed the parents was actually myself. At that moment, what is the father and the mother?


This sound from the desperate sorrow of the soul, as if he can live through paradise.

The white hair girl huddled and hugged his head. The brain is trembling. Her pupil is uneasy, and the beautiful face is twisted, and it has long been tears.

Why, will it become this?

"No matter who you are, I will never let you go ..."

Young origami looks at the sky, red eyes. In dazzling white light, the line of sight is blurred. From this moment, the seeds of hatred were buried in the heart, which is unfortunate to start.

It turned out to be like this, I am ... what did you do! If you can't revenge for your parents, what is the meaning of everything saved so far?

Don't blame anyone, I only have myself.

I raised my hair again, and it was ancient well. th. Her pure white solid is quickly eroded, converted to a paint black. The girl was wrapped in a darkness, floating in the sky.

Realistic escape, completely enclosing your mind.

"Reverse? It's a unpleasant good embryo. I will find you in the future, girl." Said the phantom said, "? This time the sky is ripple, some people chase."


Both , feel this time and space. The night knife gods are standing around him, like a rebellious elves that refuse to go go. The first experience is very fresh, and it is very fresh to the girl.

The weave and the piano are experiencing the most painful moments. It is imperative to find origami!


Both Sakaire Press the book in a whole known, like a map of magnification, and take the entire city.

found it!

PS: Paper people ... daughter? If you have any girlfriends who can pregnancy, what is your girlfriend?

Chapter 628 breaks the butterfly

The summer, the mysterious flame makes the Tiangong City into a hot hell. Night knife gods lost power, it was not convenient to hurry.

"You!" The girl angrily.

: "Don't mess, now I can't take much."

Princess hug?

Tianxiang bite the lips, and finally failed to resist Master's atrocities. Because this is a spiritual force that is eager for B.

Nanjiao-cho, the streets were run through a horrible trajectory, like trains rolled through the train. In the hot summer, the asphalt road is irradiated under the sun, but I didn't want to melt into magma.

The purple black hair girl jumped from the "car" with a simply desperate movement. She glanced over her body, and the color of the face was facing.

"The air remains in the air. This power is not the power of [the last sword]!"

A white-haired Little Loli is lying in not far, has been crying. There are many wounds and burns on the body, and there are many blood. It is a five-year origami, and the girl holds the girl in distressing the girl, launches [healing].

"It's okay." Bun is so comfortable.

The young origami heard a gentle male voice between the half-dream half-awake. She tried to open his eyes, and I saw the brunette teenager handsome face. It was a gentle and handsome big brother. This is a lifetime.

In the end, Loli origami still slept in the past, must be tired.

Tianxiang also admitted that this man has a gentle side.


The Bashen suddenly looked back and saw the unstable phantom. This is a pink girl, wearing a summer student uniform, letting him think of a small scorpion. In accordance with the memory of the past, she seems to be the heroine in the PS3 game.

"Garden God?"

"Teenage, where are you knowing? You have the strength of the elves, hidden." The phantom opened.

A snack is clear: "It's you, Chongyong."

This woman splits spiritual crystallization and disguise the appearance of other girls. This is just an empty shell without power, the body doesn't know where to hide. In the state of [Phantom], you can immunize attacks from this world. Therefore, the Basaki did not do useless.

The phantom is vigilant: "How do you know my real name?"

"When you are still in the mother, I will know."

The phantom was stunned: "If you do this, I don't have a mother. If you want to say, my mother is this planet."

This is the truth.

: "What is the purpose of do you have a crystal?"

"You came from the future, I also got the magic of the whole life. In this case, I have already touched the five-river sister? Everything I do is just for a short wish. Teenager, I will have one."

After that, the phantom disappeared.

Is the real goal of weave?

Biece and Tianxiang come to a roof and look up to the sky. There is a huge black ball in the sky, and the night is swallowing day. People who are trapped in the fire seem like to eat, is an ominous sign.

Night knife God Tianxiang said: "Can feel familiar with the spiritual power."

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