The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plunder in Chapter 156

Surprise and face, said: "It is a feminist female Pope."

"Tu Yumen?" God split, "I will not betray it, it is."

The guy is a well-deserved [behind the knife].

"Soil door is a smart person. The world is not in line with the interests. Where can he escape?" B is coming back, "We stop [God's power], the rest of the people go to destroy the ceremony. Upper, please "

"it is good!"

The last knife has not understood the situation, it will be left behind. The bee is worried about Baki, decided to stay. Yindith has not moved.

The easiest way is to kill the knife. People who can be present will not be handled.

"Little prayer ... forget it, protect yourself."

The baby is busy, "I know!"

Bachelor's eyes flashes. When no one is noticed, communicate with the automatic secretary.

Can you listen to me? Small secretary. For half an hour for a limited time, if you have not been removed [Angel Fall], based on your judgment, kill the knife night!

Protect the good bee before this. Let me do this wicked.

Inbread turns into the head, the bottom of the blood flows.

In the night sky, Mi Xia lost human language and expression. Or, contest, people's communication. The top of the head embodies a golden ring, symbolizes the power of angel, as if there is no silent ridicule. Areas of the district to stop the angels, maybe?

Battle and the cracks in parallel.

"Miss Saints, I have to go up."


The cracked fire is in seven days seven knives, and the palm is sweating. Even if it is less than 20 saints in the world, hosting the power of God, no encountering this opponent. As a Christian, he swars a knife toward angel, this is a god.

"Thirty-minute, enough." Bai is relaxed, "I didn't have to make Noah's Ark. I thought I had to fight for three days and three nights."

The crack was amused and said, "Don't you let go even angels?"

"Hey, my sexual orientation is normal."

Mi Xia was moved. Ice cone-shaped feathers, each of them is filled with the sharp edge of angel. It's like a meteor shower, an overwhelming.

" !"


Both sponsored a god, the right hand, the light shield, blocked the bombardment of feathers. Every one seems to have a jack, enough to destroy this beach. At the moment, the high temperature of [atomic collapse] is touched, and the water is vaporized.



B is in a huge impact, almost fly out. He is a feet, launches [Vector Operation], pour your force in the land.


Like a rainstorm, a rainstorm. The whole sand beach is destroyed by angel's feathers, like a ladna that is bombed.

"Be careful."

Yintker drifted in the air and picked up the bee to pizza in the top of the Po. She put down the blonde girl and paying attention to the battle.

"The angel's surgery, the aunt, it is [ ]. It is incredible. "In Steick mysteri.

The bee bee is messy, sitting on the ground.

"That is superior!"

When B is hurt, the crack is not nothing. She is looking at the back of the teenager, unprecedented peace.

"Thank you, help me fight."

There is no knife, and the wire in the air flows in the moonlight. I don't know when, wrapped around Mi Xia. The girl turned to the eyeball, and there was a mistake.

Both split and cracked rushed from different directions to Mi Xia. He hangs his hand, and the palm of the eyes will take out the sword of the light. In the blessing of reflection, it does not feel hot. The cracking handle is placed on the scabbard and puts out the hand of the knife.

When the two jumped, grabbed the timing of rice is blocked.

Killing God!

Chapter 101, the most beautiful, a silhouette

The cracked fire is good at braided with steel wire. [Seven flashes], up to 100 cuts per second, even can't break, can only bind an angel.


The sea surface suddenly waves. In the way, the passive road of Biece and the cracked, the wings of the water, block the road. The cracked posture is jumped between the feather than the scales. A sword, the sword of the light cuts a feat.

Both With dynamic vision, the trajectory of the steel wire is captured. Long-lost, the last time or the enemy's move. He is a sly, and the fist has risen.

"Fire, dragon fire!"

[Flame Control], combustion along the four-way eight. The hands of Baki is like jade, [reflection] solves the defects of "self-burning".

This is ... The super power actually imitates the way the magic is used?

The crack was shocked. Seeing that it is to be swallowed by the Wing, the wire is incurred, the flame burns "feathers", leaving a line of life.

It is clear that the first cooperation has played a combination skill. Because of frequent communication, there is unintentionally cultivated tacit understanding.

: "Together."

"it is good!"

The crack took a sigh of breath, and the eyes captured the fightering fighter. She has no flying ability, and I have been jumping. Girls stepped on the wire, turned over the flame, liberated the power of the god.

Wei flash!

Both split the sword of the light, flew through the road opened. At the junction of the flame and sea water, the heat is transpised, and "Zi" sounds. To cooperate, you must keep up with the speed of the saints.


The saints can incorporate "God" in a short time, but the body is difficult to load so huge power. Therefore, the cracked and baked the cutter and hoped to end the battle in a moment. The speed of she broke out, exceeding the sound.

One thousandth of the realm!

At the same time, the time seems to stop at this moment. Water beads, slowly fall. Bien's right hand gripped in the right hand, sharpen the head of Mi Xia. The cracked shape is short, and the rice summer waist is made with a kneel. Two people pass the shoulders, and their sight is interlaced.

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