The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 157

In this newspaper, the magic name is gamble!

"Salvare000 (for the unable to save people)"

"CHARLOTTE45 (with the world as the meteor)"

The most beautiful is a silhouette. Mixia was taken into three paragraphs and crushed. If it is a harmonious manual for animation, the ink is sprayed to ten meters. The bloody scenes expected by Both Sakai did not appear.

Water flowers splash.

Mixia's head and waist are sprayed out of seawater, and the water flow is formed. Subsequently, she appeared in the sea outside of hundreds of meters, and it was not shocked.

what? !

The crack shock: "This simply escaped my sealing and printing."

"Hydrocence! If it is the power system of the" Sea O King "world, called elementification. Trouble." B is scratched, "the opponent is the ability of natural lines, I have no domineering."

I shouted: "Don't say something that people can't understand!"

Mi Xia gesture with intact angels, floating in the night sky, she moved the lips, and the first time I recognized the language of humans, but it was a dolly declaration.

"I, is the sea."

71% of the surface of the Earth is the ocean. The angel battle with the power of the blue planet with the power of the company, there is no victory.

B is flying in the air and secretly clenching his fist. Previously, the superiority of one party was plundered and became the strongest in the urban city. In front of the fabulous character, it is still unbearable.

Do you want to be an enemy with angel?

The crack stepped on the shoal and jumped again. She endured the pain of the whole body and liberated the holy marks again. Battle in units of one percent!


Under the foot of rice, a water dragon live. This is the true gesture of the water style, following the [Spar Snake] is not a level.

God crackled the dragon, but it was taken from another dragon by another dragon. Seeing that I have to fall into the deep sea, I will move when I will move, and I raise one hand.


Baked into a ladder, holding up the fate of the cracked, let her take again. Without flight, you can only furnish with tacit cooperation. Truncated jeans, hot pants, hip hips, showing snowy thighs.

The perspective is a bit subtle. The split is weird, it will not be much.

"call out--"

Rotary, Both spun around the nine light balls, shot the gold beam. He offers remote thermal suppression and covering the attack of saints.

Eight-feet Qiong !

"Good, saints!"

The crack is adjusted to the body shape, like a hawk, flies to Mi Xia. She is the rain behind her. The sun beam, it will hurt when you accidentally.

The girl wearing a snow-white T-shirt, and the water flowers turned into the meat. The next knotted, outlined a wonderful curve. The battle enters white heat, and the waves are turbulence. A beam risk is dangerous, and the heart is frightened.

Jeans cut into hot pants, and it was hot into cave pants. She is not a non-mainstream, asymmetrical dress is the needs of surgery. In fact, the style of jeans will be shy and shy.

Wait until this battle is over, then claim it.


No matter how many times "kill", rice is reborn in place. The mortal power is impossible to hurt an angel.

I do not know how long it has been. Both Sakura helped the cracked, like standing on the sea. The two are exhausted, and the gas is not allowed to breathe, and they can stand together.

"I know you have some reservations. I also put water when I fought with me. You are too kind, have you want to save even angels?"


The crack feels in the hand on the shoulders, which came back. She turned her head and looked at exhausted her face. Both split in giving her [cure], relieve the burden brought to the holy marks.

"I have a ability to control an angel for five seconds." B is whisper, "You seize this opportunity, liberate the truly powerful force."

"I won't leave it."

The cracked seven days of seven knives. She does want to save an angel. This child is just an inexplicable room, and you want to return to the heaven.

Completely liberation means that the body crashes. If you fall, there is no effort. At that time, the situation of Basaka would be more dangerous.


A split, a macro, pushed the crack. In the next second, the sea is skyrocketing. His pupil is shrinking, and the sea is swallowed in the sea, and only the impact force can be resistant to [reflection].


It should not fight with her at sea. The ocean is the home of Hundreds of columns.

If the rice is cold, the cold is vague. No, it is a true cold. Both split is frozen into ice, like a frozen coffin, sink into the sea.

" -"

In an instant, the cold is filled with sea, frozen a whole sea area. Under the moonlight, the sea level is like a mirror, as if it returns to the ice century.

" !"

God cracks on the ice. There is no trace of teenagers.

The girl is stunned: isn't there any change? We have a short time, and it is already a companion in parallel.

"Xiaoyu!" The bee bee is shocked.

In Steick said: "Add hundreds of columns not just the form of water, there is a nature change. Don't worry, the owner is not so easy to fall."


At this moment, Both sponsor were sealed in the ice. It is a fantastic underwater world in front of you, and the fish group is fixed in the cruising gesture. He felt the oppression of the ice, if not [reflection], has been crushed into a meat sauce.

Vector operation!

Both split the oxygen from the ice cubes and slowed it. Due to the screening of reflection, it can even breathe in deep sea. In the place of bitter, [constant temperature] has played a role.

His mind woke up and thinking about the ability to add hundreds of columns. Scientific interpretation is a condensed physics. For example, liquids and solid state are well known. Mi Xia has the power of water and also includes water and ice conversion.

Soil, gas, water, fire ... The most plain element theory interprets the material composition of the world and the cornerstone of magic. That is the way to the magician, the fire is water!

The ice is intermittently emits the beam, and the glass is broken in reverse light. [Atomic collapse] Break through the ice layer. Both Sakura is a flame, all over the body. High temperature melted ice. Under the blessing of [reflection], you don't have to use [speed regeneration] hard to resist.

This time, it is true firepower.

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