The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plunder chapter 158

"Yan Emperor mode!"

From the dark ice, a dumbful roar. Subsequently, "". A hand is covered with a flame, breaking out. Ice cubes were broken, and the spin was melted into water. He refers to the pan and climbs the ice, as if hell returns.

Mi Xia was a mistake overlooking the sea. Among the ice cave, a tyranical left eye is exposed.

"I caught you, angel."

The golden lights, and the split invaded the angel's mind. There is no doubt that is the gaze of evil spirits.


Chapter 102 Scientific Side Angel, falling

In the sky, Mixia stopped action.

The crack reaction. It must be that the control is successful, and the opportunity is only once!

Was five seconds?

The girl took a deep breath and raised the seven days of seven days. Singing in the wind swaying in the wind, messy hair has a beautiful feeling. She is cold, and the blade is full of cold light.


The stronger the opponent, the heavier damage caused. This hit will perfuse the power of all the saints.

At this moment, the fire is fired as aware of his weaknesses. Even if the mouth sounds say to protect your companions, but can't entrust them, fight against the coarse martial arts. This time, someone can stand by her side and will play the power of each other.

thank you.

"My name ... is a fire!"

[Split], has a sacred person of the god attribute. The cracks bite the teeth, and the cherry is red blood. Because the pain of the body crash. Every cell is | . She is exhausted, throwing a seven-day seven knife.

"call out!"

Ignore the power of the gods, as the arrow of the string. In an instant, the thorn was born. The girl is hidden, floating back. The wing of the water is running. Too knife flying in the air, inserted on the ice.

Mi Xia was biased and watched a wing of a wing. The angel of the sheet is still standing in the empty.

What is wrong?

God cracking is desperate, falling in the blood. The skin of the original white, began to crack bleeding. She can't stand up again.

"No, it is broken and free ..."

At the moment, the massive information of Baku is poured into the mind. The brain is trembling. As soon as the [Magic Boards "was peeked, it was polluted by the original. The power of the angel is the same as the mortal. Mixia's body accommodated angel, has been changed.


If B is hit, it is aware of the body. He is falling into the ice and spitting a blood. This horrible enemy, don't say control for five seconds. I haven't persisted in three seconds.

The soul is boused.

Because of this, Mixia can avoid the blow to kill. Abandon the wings of the half of the water, to preserve life. The first time I felt an angry emotion. Where is the mortal in the district, dare to plunder the power of angels?

Angel's wrath!

The Bien is looked up and saw the rice summer of the whole water. Each feathers fall like a meteorite. He is rushing to meet, first to join the Jagney, then open an absolute defense. The layer is reinforced and has a hitting of the wind.


The pupil of the boring, only the chest pain. A feathers were broken with light blue masks, golden shields ... even breakdown on reflex, in the lane. Triple defense, even if you can't stop!

Blood is like.

It is a huge blood cave, as if you can see the fragile heart.

[Reflection] can't stop the power of angels. The saints do their best to threaten the angel. Angel wants to mortify mortals, but in a playback point.

Ice layer ablation. The split is poured back and falls into the sea. The sight is gradually blurred, the surrounding scene is fly back. He saw high angels, showing indifferent eyes.

Humans are bugs.

I said with the god, I am a person who is not talented. Constantly plundering the ability, step by step, it is Level5, and stands to the saint. However, it is super power, but also wants to plunder the angel, too real.

Biece is a depression into the sea. The sparkling sea is getting more and more distant. The deep, cold sea water, from all sides.

Already, there is no way to use super power. It is impossible to collect slightly insignificant oxygen or reflect water pressure. The body temperature is disappearing, getting colder, getting more and more black.


After death, maybe I can return to the world of Charlotte. I still have something to say to Nai Xu. Sorry, this memories are not held.

Sea water is filled, the chest has been contaminated. Blood is like the proliferation in the ocean, attracting "merits". The internal organs must be crushed into minced meat, no one is still possible.

Xiaoyu - "

Both split, closed his eyes, and the familiar female voice sounded.

Naixu ... No, it is a little pray. This distance is impossible to hear the sound on the shore. Did you illusion?

It turns out that it is a sense of mind. Whether you are in the distance, you will be found by you, really can't escape. In front of your beloved girl, I don't want to lose ... In order to guard our daily!


Both Sakae opened his eyes and felt a strong heartbeat. The right eye is more painful than the chest, like a child. In the pain of suffocation, he strongly struggled, got a water. A series of bubbles are constantly floating, and they cannot change the fall.

The last time, vector operation. This body does not matter if it is ground, it doesn't matter, the brain is bullied by the angel.

I don't care about this world. How can I ... I watched the little prayer killed!

Both sponsing continuously manipulate water flow, becoming a promotion. He resists the resistance of the water, and the deep sea is high-speed, and the face is twisted by force.

"The earth is guarded by me!"

The body surface covers a layer of bubbles, fluid mechanisms are "cavitation". Based on the principle of Bernu, the faster flow rate, the lower the pressure. Vehicle rapid production, expansion, and collapse, forming an excitement in seawater. Each fine emulsion is accompanied by huge energy.

Today's Bay is there, is a meat fish.


A shadow is rushing up, an angered a boxing in the merits of rice. The girl can't prevent it, I was flying out. Both Sakai float in the air, the moist Liuhai covers his face.

"Great, Xiaoyu is still alive!"

The top of the sea, the bee bee has been crying into tears.

Yintke is cold and calm: "No, the situation of the owner is wrong. That kind of existence, it is already very difficult to live."

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