The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plunder chapter 175

Vector operation!

"call out!"

Light fluid out. The chest of Baki is run through, and the clothes are broken, bring a enchanting blood.

At this point, Yu Meiqin hid in the corner and witnessed this scene. She only felt something broken, the cheeks slipped, and the tears were shaking, trembled.

It is my incoherent. In the future, I will never let you get angry ... don't die!

"Ah?" The girl suddenly stopped.

The sea is very confused, it is impossible to kill the eighth place so simple. There is no realistic real.

Both the chest of Biece is empty, and it is printed with a virtual hole.

"It's really clever, I added [reflection] in the skin surface, and only the wound is a weak point." Said the brainthrics, "I have helped it."

After the Mei Mei Qin rid on the wall, she recalls her heart.

It turns out that every time I hugged, I have encountered the wound, endure pain. Has been hurt, but also to teach my nature, accompany me?

In an instant, the tears of tears collapsed. The first time I blame yourself is a steel plate.

The sea is a horizon: "What monsters do you have?"

"This problem should be that I asked you."

Both split the head and finish the fingertips. [Think of the cutting], the Haiyuan feels an invisible front, rushing down, was cut off in Liu Hai. When you raise your head, the eyes shocked on the onset. The sea is touched to touch the cheek, and the face flakes.

"I was found."

This guy is not a heroic!

The original clear teenager became face. The eyes are rushing to red, and the face is full of magic. This respect is unwilling to let Yuku see.

:: "Are you a magician?"

"My name is Aiji, belonging to Central America's largest magical association [there is the return of the wings]. Both sport, you at the same time, the science side and the magic side, is determined to be a threat. So, organize me I sneak into the school Urban destroyed you. "

: "I am just a general Japanese high school student."

"The last alchemist of this century, the eighth in the urban city [Senlu Wanxiang]. You are united by the magic banned book catalog, saints, super powers, draft disciplines, secrets ... have become a bass force that is not tolerant. "

I always feel that I am saying that the bouquet of the essays.

"I am good at stripping the skin to make a transformation of others. Just disguise your friends, pick up contradictions, you can solve the power from internal tiles ..."

Ai Li breathes, as if it feels that it is blindly killing. The momentum of Biece becomes different. This is the real [Senlu Vinchang]?

: "You said, to start with people around me?"

"Not bad!"

Ai Li has released a light. Both Sakura looked up, like "shooting". The beam is returned. "", Crushed the obsidian knife, and scratched the hand of the Aiger.


what? !

Aiji did not dare to confuse, it was proud of [Toravisca to help the Tetan gun], destroyed by his own attack?

Bun, I looked at it, and the right hand leather opened. Sure enough, you can't completely refleate it as long as it is magic. This feels like being separated by the flesh.

Not the sun, otherwise it is impossible to turn through the reflection. Reflecting the rays of Venus, let the substance decompose?

Super speed regeneration!

No action, the right hand of Baki quickly healed, clenched his fist. Not only that, the regeneration of the virtual hole has arrived in the last step. The pain gradually disappears. He is intact, and there is no scar.

Ai Li hugged the injured hand and had a deep desperation. Only one photo was abolished. The injury of the other party is still regenerated, what monster is this?

With the way, it also applied.


lifts the left hand, the fingertips are a little, and the rays are gathering. The golden beam is ejected. "", The hard-ease of borrowing Azu Li. For a time, the scene is extremely bloody.


Always depend on the light of Venus, but it is lost to the power of light, it is really ironic.

Ai Li's upper body falls on the ground, and the breath is dying. It has been moved. He moved his lips and said, "Finally, can I promise me a request?"

"Let's talk."

"Can you replace me ... Do you guard the world of Yu Mei Mei and her?"

Both eucalyptus eased the expression and said, "I said, where is a criminal person? It's too deep to play into the sea, the result is too deep, and the results also like the gun sister?"

It's a sinful woman.

"You still ... didn't answer me."

Ai Li's chest is dramatic, and it will die.

At this moment, the girls hiding behind the wall don't know why, and I am waiting for an answer.

"Sorry, I won't. She is Yumu Meiqin, not fragile to others to protect it." Bun said seriously, "In this world, I know her time is more than anyone. I started from my life. Like her. "

"Hey, then please." Ai Li finally relieved.

The Yanyu refers to the love of the secondary role, and the result is misunderstood.

At the same time, Yumu Meiqin's face was red, cried with pear. She drops on the wall, sitting in a knee. The short skirt turned up and safety pants.

This kind of answer is too embarrassed. Can you gentle me when you cry? As long as you cry, you will definitely save my hero. Why, do you make me so fragile?

At this moment, the girl confirmed their minds.

Chapter 113 Magic Wishes

The abandoned site is obsessed with Ai Li.

"Although I don't think about it, you threaten the people around me."

Both split, the fingertips were blocked. The magician who was caught by the waist has not been exhausted. [Vector operation] can keep blood inverted. I have experienced a long plunder, develop a good habit of a knife.

At this point, Yumu Meiqin hides in the dark. The mood is complicated, I don't want to see Both Sakai into a murder. Suddenly a melodious violin sound. She realized that it is a playing ring on the Summer Sacrifice.

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