The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 176

Stupid, what does this mean?

Both spalls to answer your phone. Did not display the number, it is a call from the Aresta: "Leave him a life, I am also useful. You took Fabi and Jenny, privately swallowed a lot of research information. This is the chip of the transaction."

"Well, BOSS."

Even if I once reached the realm of angel, I didn't believe in challenge the men. The strength of this guy is deeply unspeakable, and it seems to have a guardian angel. In the meant, it can only be imaginable with the snake.

Both sponsored and said, "You should have a life. Waiting for you is a super-rotating life. This feeling will have been useful."

I am not infected with the olete of the flag?

"That is nothing ..." Ai Li gasped pain.

Since then, the urban city is absorbed by the municipality, and it is a dirty scorpion. Even afraid of falling into the dark, you have to guard a common game girl. This consciousness lets Both people think of the original self - chasing friendly Niku.

But I have failed.

Ai Li's attack means the magical side is moving. Unconsciously, Both Sakura became the world of the world. When he saved the moment of Yintke, there was no way to look back.

At this time, there is a shadow on the building opposite the student apartment. The darkness of the monster is the Japanese magician, the suit is in the suit, and it has been closed and is one of the practice of closing the five sense. The purpose of this trip is the magic banned book catalog.

"100,000 Magic Guide, must have a method of unlocking the curse."

He pulled the sleeve, revealing the wrist, put a black bow., originally the instrument of the god dance, or the murderery.

Bar down!

The darkness of the molar bowing string, shocked the transparent iron ball, shocked the glass of the apartment. He switched into [string of the monk] and flew the air group.

Success sneak.

"Search for the string!"

The sound wave is like a sound, and a moment of sweeping through the entire building and sensing the target.

Darkness beliefs: "Is it in the next door, is it wrong?"

Bar back to the apartment and see the door. There is trace of invasion. The TV is played with "Magic Girl Luo La", and Yintke is unknown.

"Is it a step back? Usually the magician is not an opponent of the automatic secretary."

I thought of this, and B is put down. When he found Yinsk, the battle was over.

In the roof of a hotel, Yintick is floating in the air, open the red pup, long hair without wind. The rope is winding with a small body. She turned into seal instantly.


It is a magical array to draw a magic book. Biece does not understand the magic, and it seems that the enemy will go to the brain of Yintick.

"how come……"

The darkness of the devil fell to the ground, and he bleeds seven.

In Steick said: "The originality of the magic guide, the ordinary people will be crazy. This is the meaning of the handwriting and the recorder. You are already a dead, from the beginning, there is no battle."

"I also experienced this taste, your brain has been stirred into paste?" Both Sakike.


The darkness of the magic is looking up, and the right hand of Baki. His palm has a light ball, brewing the power of terror.

B is faintly said: "No matter what the purpose you have, you will prepare for this child."

I have encountered two attacks within one day, and the anger value continues to soar. He was touched against scales, he remembered that Naixu was bracked. Must kill a hundred, let the magician can't lose the challenge. It is now able to understand the practice of one party.

At this time, the darkness of the devil remembered a rumor. Index's guardian is a newcomer of the UK, there is a brilliant record of defeating the saints.

He opened his eyes for a long time and saw gorgeous light. A gentle face in the mind. Since righteousness to take the magistrate book, save the woman ... It's really too true.

Satellite track gun!


will gather [atomic collapse], and launched the shelling of nearly hand. The darkness is mightened by the sky, and the whole person vaporizes in high temperatures. A golden beam rises through the horizon.

"go home."

Both S found out, rang a white smoke. The power of this trick is the greatest, the range is especially horrible, but it is too long, it is not used. I don't know when I habits to kill, perhaps the negative impact of strength growth. At the moment of the incarnation angel, visit the people into ants.

Yintke's nods said: "According to his description, it is to save a woman curse, I want to get the magic book" Bozi "."

"Isn't it the Taoist classics in Ge Hong?" Baki said, "There is the online version of the Tianchao. Is your magician out of the era?"

Inbike Silk said: "I am original."


Both Complex. He is not the Virgin, and it is impossible to be loved by the enemy. As long as it is a threat, it must be destroyed in the bud.

"Like Ai Li, it is an infatuated fool."

In Steick said: "He said that this feeling is definitely not love, stubbornly pursues the magician ... Probably, only in the moment before the death, you can see your heart."

It is a bit surprised by B. Recently, the automatic secretary is getting more and more people, there is a trace of sadness in the words. The expression on the girl is over.

"Do you want to help him complete the wish?"

Yintke is cold and lounted: "I don't say this."

"I know." The sputum eased the expression, "I lived for a life. This matter doesn't need us to shoot, I will give it to the same para."

At dusk, the next day's study will, when Ma is copying a lot of homework from the Soil Gate and the Blue Earrings, and the bag is returned home. The door is open, the glass slag in the ground.

"Is my family have been killed?" When it was ambao.

Both huntees opened the door next door and said: "There is a magician attacking Inbike, but it is wrong. Otherwise, I want to repair the window. You have the function of the mold, it is really easy to use."

"I am a vacuum cleaner? Unfortunately!"

: "The upper strip, you go out. In the urban city, there is a lady being cursed, only to use your right hand. This is the wishes of the magician."

"The homework of the grandfather has not been written ..."


When a hemp: "You can't help me this ?!"

Based on the :: "

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