The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 179

He turned a bent in the background and returned to the classroom. The principal is still talking about the inspirational experience of Basaki, and the atmosphere is very good. No one pays attention to the prostitute.


There are people in the classroom. Kaikai Baise did not go to school. She put her hand in my mind, my legs were on the desk, and my face was full of "boring".

Is this guy really a girl?

"Level5's excellent life?" Kaikuki, "The whole school is deceived by your appearance. The cheapest checkers of the next three abuses."

She is the largest victim.

: "Thank you, praise. See you, your body is very good. This posture is not worried about side leakage?"


Kaikkai lily glanced at him, or let his feet down. Female menstrual period for 5 days. Therefore, she is still full of torture, relying on the painkillement to relieve.

Both split back to the seat and open the new textbook. [I don't forget], I will record all the first day after getting the textbook.

"Going to school is bored." Kaikai said with a self-container. "When I was on the machine, I was edited in only one special class. It is not the same as the pediatric course."

[Vector Operation], in order to operate electrical energy, heat, and exercise, you must have a complex calculation. From the Maxwell equation to the thermodynamics equation, one party can be skilled. When she saw the ability to be proud, the psychology was unbalanced.

Kaikko said that "I was divided into Level5, that is because the highest level5."

However, this guy is born, and it is better than yourself.

Both Sakai said: "Are you talking to me? I don't remember the point of relationship to the way to chat. How is it? Isn't you poor Level1?"


Kaikka lily is illegal.

: "I haven't talented, but it is cheating with golden fingers. It is also a crane tail in the super power. You will return to the first place sooner or later."

"If you have some names."

One day's courses began. The dream of Baki is the gray life of energy-saving emission reduction.

The sun is sprinkling in the class. He looked at the scenery outside the window. There is girl in a skirt to play tennis, swing sweat, and the skirt is flying. Recall the day to play the baseball with Naixu.

This is youth.

"Xiaomei teacher." Bluefa earrings raised hands, "from the beginning, Ah is just stealing the skirt of the tennis girl."

The upper strikes are angry: "Hey, don't hit a small report, Busaki is also watching!"

"How will it be." The Bashen is not changed, "I am relieved the tired of the eye, which is commonly known as 'eye-catching'."

Everyone nodded: "It turns out."

"Is this a learning method combined with work?"

Xiao Meng is sad: "The teacher didn't remember to cultivate the upper classmates into a sold cholle."

Powder Mi Loli went on the water of the water, as if she cried, she is a big sin. The boys in the class have been rubbed to teach as a numb.

"The upper, apologize!"

When Ma wants to cry, say: "Why do you have to treat, unfortunately!"

It is blew to the preparation system as a squad leader, and the responsibility is very strong. In the course, she found a Baki, discussing: "Since you know the new school students, you will take them familiar with the environment."

"and many more……"

Both Sakai did not refuse, the black is far away.

Lunch break time, some people have a good time to go to the canteen. Some people take out that they will set up with good friends. A whole morning, Kaikkai lily is sleeping on the table. This high school education is too small.

Ji Shen Qisha is on the edge of the desk, saying: "Bai Shun, go to eat together."

"it is good."

Bun, I looked at someone. White-haired girl sleeps in the fragrance, hanging from the mouth of the mouth. When I fell asleep, I was not so fierce, and I was very cute.

"Hey, open."

Kaikai has no response. Bastea suddenly realized that this partner of Level1 interferes with sound waves. When I was in class, I blocked the teacher's voice and slept very well.

Suddenly, I got a stool. The girl suddenly wakes up, and the young girl was thrown, I thought that the nuclear bomb was hit.


: "Wipe your mouth, go eat."

The Bai Bai Baiki is slightly red, and his mouth is scratched, and the face is not good.

"This uncle has not said to be with you."

Sakae asked: "Do you know where the canteen?"


The school cafeteria, the window has rishes the long team.

This scene has been met. In the Charlotte world, there is a friend who likes to move the beef tongue in an instant, put down the money, and help him also grab. I can't stop the car, and a broken glass fell from the second floor. That idiot makes it breaks, eats delicious beef tongue, and I have to cry.

[Instant movement] is brought from the companion. There is no side effects now.

Sakura: "Little witch, what do you want to eat?"

"Temple Wulu Winter Bar." The girl is confused, "Don't you queue?"

Ji Shenqisha only felt a wind blowing, and it was blessed to cover the skirt. Ban returned to the place, and there were more than two lunches in his hands.


Kaikkai Baishi slammed his mouth and impossible to hear him. She is going to the vending machine, ready to buy a place. Press your hand on the machine, but there is no reaction.

Ah, forgot to manipulate the current. This is ... How is it?

"That, you need to choose a place, then settle in ..." A weak female voice.

Kaikko turned back, a giant | The milk glasses were standing.

"I certainly know this thing." She said that.


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