The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plunder, Chapter 180

The glasses have apologized, giving people a feeling of inferiority. Instead, let Kaikai is embarrassed, although she has no feelings of embarrassment.

"Are you also a new way of transfer?"

"Hey?" Glasses.

Kaikko refers to her clothes and says: "Your school uniform, not this school."


Is this guy staying naturally?

There is no seat, so you can only spend the table. Four people sitting at a table. Bun, I saw the glasses, a little more familiar. Isn't this the end of his foreign school in the morning?

"I am rude, my name is wind." The glasses said.

Both sponsored: "I met the first time."

Campus life surrounded by a beautiful woman, which is the current express delivery? He can feel the hot eyes behind him, the idiot triple group is smashing.

When Ma scared: "Reopen the light friend."

"I don't have to be with us."

"I also want to have a lunch with the same girl!" Blue hair earrings cheered.

The expression of the gods has changed, and the eyes become sharp. She said: "The school uniforms on your body ... Is it a fog? I haven't read it there, I heard about your name."

"Yes." The wind said weakly.

Ji Qiu Sans wants to say.

The Bachelor's brain has a lightning and recalls. This is a key plot. No wonder it is familiar, the name is also very familiar. When he turned his head, no one was empty, only half of lunch left.

Be gone.

Kaikko is confused: "Is the power of stealth?"

"Be careful. Bestei, you still remember that the fog is known for the development of special capacity. My [vampire killer] is one of them." The gods were lowered, "Every assessment, 'Feng Yinghua 'This name will get the first grade, but no one has seen her true capacity. "

Just like a ghost student!

"I know." Banyan is thinking.

Who doesn't want a giant | milk tale.

Chapter 116 Health Room PL | AY

At the end of summer, old electric fan blows. Due to the low deviation value, high school students are not very good, and there is no conditional improvement facility. Tang Zang Level5, can only sit in the classroom without air-conditioned, often called the question.

"Ah, you are Level5." Teacher is curious, "let me know."

On this day, all schools know that there is a hobby.

Therefore, hidden strength is the correct choice. If it is not defeated, it is not exposed. He deviaze, look at "the culprit". White haired girls squatted on the table, licking his stomach, exudes the small beads in the forehead.

: "Teacher, Kaikai classmates seem uncomfortable."

"Hey ..." Kaikkai is weak.

The teachers on the stage pushed the eyegles and said, "Is it a new school? That ..."

"I sent her to the health room."

Bien 's two words do not say, grab the girl's collar run from the classroom. There is only a full class of classmates. Is this too simple?

"Let me go!" Suku is struggling.

"Do you start hurt again?"

The surface of the Ben is "smashing chicks", in fact, with the ability to pick up Kaikai. With a gentle princess, he sent a girl to the health room under the public, and this bridge did not exist.

"Forgot to take medicine." Kaikai said with his lips.

"Then I am honest to rest."

Kaikkko suspected: "You pretend to take care of the people, actually wants to go."


Both hobby. After the Kaikkai floated, it was shrouded with lavender, and I couldn't break away. It's really suppressed for a lifetime.


Don't worry, the door of the health room is automatically opened. It is a look that the eye is encompassed.

In the back of light, the wind is ice, Huang, the pleated skirt, hangs in the leg. She turned back and glasses, because of high myopia, I couldn't know. The girl's face is red in the velocity of the naked eye. I want to put in the skirt, I am planted in bed.




The old face is red, and the door is closed. Kaikai can't help but laugh, I feel that my stomach is not hurtful.

"Is this not open to kill?"

Both split mouth convulsions, "" You really have a lot. "

"Ben students ..."

The door opened a small seam, and the wind explored the small head, it seems to change the clothes. This is only in this, and the Kaikkai is thrown into the bed.


The wind is the small voice: "It doesn't matter, you are not intentional."

White-haired girls have been painful, bow, shout: "Betting, you apologize is me!"

"What happened to" Kaikai Classmates? "

Both sponsored: "The girl has a few days every month."

"This ... this way. Although he heard, there is no experience ..."

Feng Yiben Huawei has exchanged sportswear. White blouse, highlight the fullness of the European. This development has not been taken in cases, it is impossible. The answer is only one, she is not a woman, even is not human.

The glasses don't seem to realize this.

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