The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 184

Charlotte world, the sacrifice of the companion named "Bear". The role of playing the prophet is a perceptual super subject. After the little bear died, there was no opportunity to recycle. Later journey, Both split got similar abilities. If there is no "radar", it is impossible to plunder a world's super power.

"I remember ... the launch condition is a map."

Both split open GPS navigation, the precision is poor in the building. He truly needs, is a map of underground street. In an instant, the mind is a gentle smile, followed by a last gift.

"Sorry, the little bear brother." B is whispered, "My recklessness and can't die. Now, I want to save another companion."


The mobile phone map logs out another red dot. This capability can only be perceived by a nearby human unit. The original bear can predict the ability. [Ability Tracking] resonates, awakening [insight]. The two are integrated, which is the perfect perception.


The ability of the ability is an enforcement name. [Defective electricity (LV3)] is the last position. There is a fast flashing [space movement (LV4)] may be a black child in saving people. The magician is displayed [unrecognizable]. There is a red dot in being chased, showing [physical unknown].

wait for me!

Both is cold, and a tie in the wall. [Infiltration], the whole person is like a water flow, walking in the ground labyrinth of the four-way eight. Each wear a wall, tired and tired.

The underground street, the wind is like an ice, poor and helpless. She didn't know why she appeared here, inexplicably chased by a mysterious woman, and she ran forward.


With a rough female voice, a stone giant is broken. The wind is shocked, and it is heavy to fall in the corner. The glasses fallied on the ground and broke. Girl's bow is up, coughing a few times, breathing is difficult.

Xueli came out from the hole and revealed a bruise.

"End. Although I don't know what conspiracy is brewing. I killed you here, I can let the school city and the Qing Dynasty begestal, trigger the war."

"Why ..." The wind is painful.

"Elisi, kill her!"

Shi Li did not explain, holding a french crayon, drawing a spell in the air, transforming into a command. Stone giant moved, a truck like a high-speed driving, whispering.

Girls are afraid to close their eyes, but they have not waited for pain.


"Sorry, it is late." The ear sounded a familiar voice.

The wind opened his eyes, I saw a white hand stretched out from the wall behind her, through the black long hair, blocked the stone giant's punch. A large and small gap, giving a strong visual impact, as if a punch is on cotton.

"Who?" Xue Li shouted.

Both Sakuo float "water surface", first is a flat face, followed by body. He came out, the stone giant was defeated, and it was suppressed by a small man.

"Do you want to save this monster?"

Xueli did not pursue it, but sneered: "Little girl, see what you are now."

The girl is confused, and the dirty little hand explored on the ground and met the hands of Baki. He wants to say, pick up the broken glasses, and hand it to her.

"Thank you."

The wind is glazed on the glasses, and I saw my face from the reflective light from the glass window. Just, the head has been exploded. There is only half of the skull, and there is also a shiny crystal in the head.

"I am ... monster?"

At this moment, the wind and ice are clear. Why do you appear in a strange place, no one knows yourself, like being isolated by the world. She is not the world's human beings from the beginning.

The girl smashed his face and made a scream: "Ah!"

, can feel the delicate feelings of the skin. He gained the crystalline in the brain, and his right eye was faint, suddenly opened. This is the crystal resonance. Eyeball charge | blood, is crystallization.

I still need more super power to evolve!

If you start [plunder] here, the fantasy beasts are swallowing the wind, and the strength is the force he pursues. This woman is the key to liberating angel form. As a result, her personality will disappear.

Both He boycotted the temptation and calmed his mood. This is probably the trap of the inverted man. Once replaced, it is forced to become the core of the "Artificial Heaven Plan", let it go.

"Calm is a little!" Bai Sheng Sheng, "My [Cure] No way to repair non-organisms. You should be self-repair."

The wind is crying and saying: "But ..."

"Look at my eyes, we are similar."

Scarlet's right eye is a bit seep. It is a beautiful eye in the eyes of the girl. It is a beautiful eye.


The wind is wiped off tears, just like water, there is a circle, and the snowy skin heals. Both Sakae can't see the core, and the love is reluctant to return.

The so-called "virtual math district", with the school city in the same coordinates, similar to the marine building. Wind is ice Huawei is a collection of 2.3 million powerful AIM stand. Like the fantasy beast, it is still in infancy

- Artificial angel on the scientific side.

[So]: He is the same type of ability. As long as the touch map is launched, marking the human organism in the region.

Fusion [Insight], the name of the super capability can be perceived.

Chapter 119

Female magician named "Snow Li", with fluffy blonde, brown skin like a chocolate, black dress, and dress breaks down.

After her, Kapara is like a ghost up to four meters, and I have to go to the ceiling. The face, burly and powerful, giving people a strong sense of compression.

Xueli ridiculed: "It's a touching friendship."

"Your name is Xueli, right? What do you want to do."

Both split, staring at the magician.

Xueli said straight to the local: "I have an alternative goal, there is a key, banned book catalog, fantasy killer ... Kill one of the war."

In an instant, she felt the murderous murderous and hit a cold. I have returned to God, and the young people in front of the eyes are harmless, as if it is illusion.

B is easily said: "You still kill [fantasy killer], I don't stop. Anyway, no one is sad."

Xue Li snorted and said, "" Both Sakura, the double identity of the urban city and the Qingjiao, but also the nipples. Can you stop me? "

"You are not my opponent, give up." Bun said faintly.

"What joke is ?!"

Snowli waves white crayons. Shi Giants broke out, hit straight. A little fingertips, a golden light ball.


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