The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 185

A beam swept, directly put the stone giant twice, turned the gravel. Both Saki just put down his hand, and the crumbs were moved, re-splicing.

Xueli crazy said: "Don't worry about it. My Elis is not dead! Kabara surgery, human virtual image created with soil. Head, right hand, left hand and foot, respectively, four angels power!"

"This is not like an angel." Both spit.

With human hand, you cannot create perfect angels.

"So, just in an instant to defeat it?"

Both Saki raised his hand and felt the atmospheric molecule. The right hand is round, surrounds the airflow. The horrible wind energy is rapidly aggregated, as the light transmissive decline has become a black vortex. This is a simple application of [vector operation].

Air gun!

" -"

The Baki like a single soldier, the body shape. A group of air is like a shell, bombards the chest of the stone giant. High-speed rotating airflow, crushed every dust. It hides a core in the body and is milled as a powder.


In a narrow underground passage, a wave of waves broke out. The wind is sitting on the ground, and the long hair is blown by the wind. She is squatting, watching the back of the eye, it seems to have something melted.

Strong such as [atomic collapse] and [Vector Operation] exudes a strong AIM diffusion force field. In the eyes of the wind, the hot thing came in.

It turns out that you are part of my body.

The girl smashed his mouth, the sand fans his eyes, slipped and rolling tears.

I call the wind, like the sorrow of the stone giant. Snowy stayed in the original place, and the dirt falls like a rain. On the hair, on your face, Gottoli dress ... in the end. The woman hoped, and the long skirt has been dragged, and it becomes broken.

"Alice ..."

Shi Li reached out, the dirt like the sand, from the fingertips. Now she, but only the poor insects of the friend.

"Do you know why I have to provoke the war?"

Snowy is still a lot, like the anti-death before death, telling the past.

About 20 years ago, some people want to integrate magic and science. In accordance with the instructions of the big people, she handed the magic to a power. The name of the girl is Elis.

When Elis launches the magic moment, the body is on the verge of collapse, and it is blood. The radical knight displaced, prevents the exchange of science and magic. Elisi helped her escape, killing by the knight.

Snowli bites his teeth: "Super power and magician are close to the distance, only cause tragedy. In order not to repear the tragedy, it must be classified ..."

: "I said, what do you make a mistake?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you die your friend, isn't it a radical knight party?" Bay is cold, "What is the difference between your current practice? One day, I am actually the most annoying thing."


Snowy is sitting on the ground and began to shake.

"I used to peek the brain of the banned book, and I was dead. What is it? Now, she is my 'sister'." Both sport said seriously. "If she is [magic banned book directory], I will change Cheng [Scientific Forbidden Book Directory] Ok. "


Snow Li smiled if it was blocked. She and Alice failed twenty years ago. Twenty years later, I waited until a new answer.

A battle dust settled.

The wind, the wind, the face, weakly said: "Biece students, I am a monster, is it ugly?"

: "No, very beautiful."


"Human clan is maintained in the blood relationship." Both Saki joked, "We may contact the AIM farm ... Hidden brothers and sisters? So, you are not alone."

"Well!" The wind broke into a smile.

Electric waves, right.

Natural and sleepy | Milky glasses, these spute elements are intertwined together, great! However, I think that the two groups are just a AIM farm, and suddenly it tastes. Don't say that the blood is related, even the people are not counting.

: "Miss Xueli, you will be extradited back to the UK, accept the trial."

"I know." Xueli said quietly, "I saw your first side, I was sure. Alchemist is just a scorpion, you are a complete power. But I recognize you, new people."

Ban is shaking hands, saying: "Praise the arrival."

It is necessary to keep your relationship with the church, and the post will be given to the Soil Gate.

Afterwards, B is coming to some joints. Xueli's hatred was used. The purpose of Asaresta is to let the wind contact with magic and promote growth. As in the original, he was awakened by the angel.

[Vampire killer] proves the existence of vampires. Similarly, [Fantasy Killer] proves the possibility of fantasy organism.

If it is, angel is born due to human beliefs. Then, the individual's collective aggregate is also a kind of belief. This is the essence of artificial angels.


Bien came back to God and looked at the wind.

"The welcome of the students will have not ended yet, come with me."


The two came to the Student Canteen Restaurant. Even the store runs, and a wolf restaurant only has a few people.

"Brother, what happened? Yu Shun is worried."

The sputum is calmly: "Nothing, earthquake. Now the door is blocked, everyone is trapped in the ground. The space of the discipline is transferred by the disaster."

Ji Shenqisa said: "Isn't it a ghost?"

"Unfortunately, not."

Blue-haired earrings say: "Hey, the transfer of students next door is also?"

The wind is born, and the small face is exposed from the sputum.

"That ... good afternoon!"

Both sponsored and said: "Come here, sit down and eat it together."

The floor of the restaurant is pitted, and the table is dust. Both split, a bird, a wind blowing, all blowout garbage. Worth with the same decoration, a new look.

"Do you still want to eat?" As a heap.

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