The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plunder, Chapter 563

Ailika, from small to big, I have been bullied by you. This time I won. The late bird also has insects. He is very proud of you, never think of can't win the man?

: "Ah, I am immune magic is right, but you are not. Normal [teaching] does not need to pass the mouth ..."

"Why don't you say it early!"

Lily, the corner of the mouth, was shameless.

One part.

Ailika is dark, what are these two people get up? She refused to think, with Lily's innocence, it is impossible to cross this difficult gap.

The blonde girl licked the lips, and the brain touched a good girlfriend revealed the cute expression because of "difficult tooth".

From small to big, I always feel that Lily is very cute, I can't help but let people want to pick it. Silver white beautiful hair, high and glamorous appearance. Jelly-like pink lips, even girls can't help but want to bite. Do you sure like a cotton candy?

It's really a big king of your own home.

PS:? ? ?

Recently, the O Harbor is too active. Wait a minute, what do you say about PS in the last chapter?

Chapter 352, Shi Nanhua

Summer of Ming.

Autumn leaves in August, the heat is difficult to resist. When the maid went to work, the door door closed. Subsequently, the Yapan has an imperial door. The silver-haired girl is also controversial, and the little blush is rushing.

Yilin pushed the eyegle and said, "True."

"Do you say that secretly wearing our maid dress player Play?" Caiang eyes bright.

Ailiana sneaked and said: "Which one can be used in the bust of Miss Lisia ...

Carlian said: "No, I am talking about the big people in the big man, and it is the loyal dog of Miss."

Everyone: "..."

"What are you talking about?" Both Sakai did not have a good airway, "" Come on the uniform, go to work. "

"Yes ~"

The dressing room, the caroline is put on the maid, and the puppy sniffs. According to I'm, it is a sharp sense of detective, as I steal the original of Miss.

Yili believes: "What are you doing?"

"Look at the smell of the residual devil. It is not good to stain the maid dress." Caia said.

There is a statue of Yinglan wind in the café, such as a black mushy man. The maid is very curious, around the stone.

"It's still a strong, actually is solid."

"Do you want to renovate the store? We are a maid cafe, and the deacon is not coming."

: "

"Wolf King ?!"

The girls were shocked. This is too miserable to furnish the campione. The big devil of Ben is definitely the most evil spirits in history.

"The magic king on the high high is also today." Alilka tongue.

: "

"Director, are you a devil ?!"

Ailiana has no fun.

: "Lily, waiting for you to learn [time accumulation] can also be young in this way."

"Thank you ..." Lily is embarrassed.

Although the witch is originally a growing roam, she happily accepted this kind of good intention. This is the magic of all women. Alilka is not happy.

"Why is me a space magic? I also want to keep my own beauty! There is a pleasant, you are too eccentric. Lily, I want to change you!"

B is reversed: "No, this is the magic of you tailored. Waiting for the results of cultivation, I know the power."

During the summer vacation, Sakuya stayed in the cafe. Two big sisters can always find a variety of excuses. Ailika is a coffee, a drink is all day. Lily, holding a notebook, sitting in the window.

Not long ago, Lilia was submitted to the "electric shock novel", but because the number of pages exceeded the standard and could not participate. Under the suggestion of Basaki, the largest network portal in Japan was thrown. "Become a novelist", served in the Web version.

Silver Knight is a pair of hands who are good at gripping the sword, but the knock is very hard. She is the same as that I can't deal with the machine. Sakura bought her notebook, learned from boot.

In this way, "Sword's Fairy" became a web author. The past generation of Baki is three-flow, and it is very clear about the doorway of the network industry. Japan's light novels are also tangible, regardless of the trend of the times.

The novel original is a direct scanned electronic version, and it needs to be deleted. Lilia shares the novel written online for the first time. Each comment will take care of it. A good review can be happy for a long time, and a bad review will fall into the lost.

At this moment, the Knights of the Silver Hair, "" battle in the name "Computer".

It's just simple.

Aili sat down on the table, and Lilyna did not find it. Blonde girls have faced their faces, and enjoy a good face of good girlfriends. The witch put down the sword in his hand, holding a pen to achieve a dream, and thinking about something that I didn't want to think before I met Baki.

Lily, I didn't know if my psychological effects, and my mouth is still a shy odor, and the aftertaste is endless. She is accustomed to the bitterness of the coffee, reach out to the cup.


Empty in the cup is also. Lelija looked up and paired the sight of Elika. The blonde girl licked the lips, and the mouth also left the foam.

"You dred me ..."

"What is the big deal?" Alika muttered, ", today's coffee is a bit rich. The accidental mellow, like it is ... ."

Lily is ashamed: stupid, because it has added milk of Italian special coffee!

Recently, many girls have heard that Qioli original [Charlotte] has a super handsome store manager, from the nearby school. Some is JK in the pleated skirt, some are the babes of Shibuya, and even want to boldly Sao Shi.

A circle of girls in the cafe bar. Since it takes a very delicate water flow, a dedicated fine coffee pot is selected. He can feel the water temperature - [temperature preservation].

Both sponsor said: "There is no technical content. The three elements of the hand rush are the water temperature, time and powder ratio. The water temperature is too high, the bitterness is serious. Time is too short is also the same ..."

I always feel weird, I must be a difference in China and Japanese cultures.

: "Please use, your own coffee."

"Thank you ..." The little girl was opened.

Another girl like a curious baby, "said the store man, what is the story of these coffee?"

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