The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered in Chapter 564

"Latte is the 'Milk' in Italian. If you want to show a cup of latte, the waiter will only give you milk, the correct statement is caffe latte. There is a Vienna musician. Said 'I am not in the cafe, just go to the cafe's road', the earliest to join the milk in the coffee is also the Vienna people. "

) It is an Italian dessert, the bitter taste with sweetness and coffee. Tira is pull, Mi is me, SU is coming. The meaning of Tiramsu is 'take me', therefore forms CP, and a beautiful love story……"

"The store is very good, the authentic Italian is also very good!"

He added a sentence in his heart, but it is only the marketing of the merchant.

"That, the storeman gave me a cup of cappuccino and a tiramisu, and if the CP was dismantled, it was too poor."

"Yeah." The girls have attached.

Bundle sales, get!

This age of girl is more important than chasing stars, and there are not many pockets spend money in the cafe. "Throw thousand gold" is just to attract the eyes of the store, too real.

It is nothing to do with B. It will be like a pastime like today. After the girl is checking, it will also "accidentally" drop a note written with the LINE number or email address.

Japan has "riding culture" and is not very good. Biece can't help but feel emotion, this is youth.

Today, I also scam the pockets of JK full of JK.

"The storeman is in charge of a little girl."

"Really welcomed. It is clear to eat, and it is possible to sell coffee."

The maid works, and stops talking.


Both Saki just sent a wave of customers and heard a crisp female voice. In the first time, I thought of Loli Goddess, my heart said that someone touched porcelain.

"Don't shout, I have no sister in this world."

Bika looked at the eyes, the petite girl was hide under the bar, and the one was too short. At a glance, I saw the pink buns, and this junior high school girl was a bit more familiar.

"You are ... Grass is static flowers?" .

Teenage girl said happily: "Both the brother remembers me!"

[I don't forget], I want to forget it. If the sister is known to the sister, he will be crying.

"How do you come over, what about hiding?"

The grass is quiet, "Stupid old brother is not there. I came with the school girl. I heard that the autumn leaves have a handsome shop manager, it is you."

At her side, she stood with a schoolboy, wearing a headband. This is more familiar, and there has been a small light of the edge of the Wanli Valley.

Surprise: "What do you say is Xiaoguang?"

It turns out that the age of Wanli Valley is twelve. It seems that there is a small first year. The grass is 4 years old, and the third day is the third day. Both people study in the middle of the private city, unexpectedly became good friends.

The girl is sweet and smiled: "King's brother."

"Wait a minute, why Xiaoguang is Xiaoguang? You can't take it differently." The grass is quiet, "it also wants to separate the brother, so you can't call 'grass.". "

: "That, small flower?"

"Super mixed!"

"Don't make trouble, static flowers. I invite you to drink coffee ... No, the child is still juice." Sakama training, "Don't play too late, or I call you brother."


The grass is quiet and the Valley is together, and the company has a lot of business. When they stood in front of Bassen, they put a pair of expressions.

"The store manager, we have to work part-time to be a maid!"


PS: The novel written in the Great Palace is also a pocket money to scam the student party. The rivers and lakes say - "Zero spending harvester".

Anyway, just use a little low-flow bridge to tease the little boys, then call the second to fight and kill, call it two yuan, right?

Chapter 353, wife's obligation

Both Sakura had the sister of the friend's home, and it has come back once. In Japan, junior high school students are prohibited from working. High school students in the age of 18 are also not allowed to work after nine points in the evening. Due to school vary from school, the school regulations are different.

"I can't recruit child labor here."

The grass is stupid. "" Because it is a summer vacation, we will make a lot of money. "

"You are king, who dares to manage your cafe?" Wanli Valley is awkward, "If the store is not retained, we will be deceived by the black society? Forced to participate in the work of the people, or only by assistance Make money ... "


JK is also, is it too much?

"I know. Take you. The summer vacation is over, it is a social practice. Let's talk about it, let you send you back." It sighed.

"Long live!"

Two girls are happy to raise, and they will cry together. Poor is all installed. It can be seen that it is a beautiful embryo. It will play so little, and it is a woman who has grown again.

"Remember, if someone harasss you, tell me, sin, add one, etc. We are a sound cafe." Auntie, "I let the aunt who leads the world ... Big sister take you, Yilin."

Yilin pushed the push eye mirror and said: "The big people, I just seem to hear ..."

"You must be your illusion." Buna does not change the color.

"As a maid, there is no way to oppose the owner's decision. Two little girls come with me, advanced in advance," Yi Lijin is serious, "there is a spare maid dress in the store, then give it back You are preparing to formally uniform. You are responsible for the kitchen to disappear, if you can't eat, you will take it out early. "


Two girls are like the enemy. Soon, they were put on the maid, whispered when the servants were not there.

Wanli Valley pinch the skirt, said: "Is this a sister hanging? It is so beautiful, like a sister."

"Shumei, or you have a way. This will be close to Beno. Even if you can only look at it every day."

Wanli Valley whisper: "We sell your baby, take his money, and become aid O. This is the work of the witch?"

Quantity of stupid said: "Banyan is so handsome, even if it is aid ... I can!"

The flower idiot did not save.

At this time, Wanli Valley wants to be a sister. It is forced by all parties to serve in the devil. This is the sorrow of the little family. If you can, she hopes to help the sister.

The grass is quiet, "Yes, why is you called him 'King'? What is the magic of the devil?

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