The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering Chapter 812

Jienoweiya holds her hand and said, "We are the same people. After the future, I will bid farewell to the ultimate pursuit of Tiangong, that is, 'Virgin Loss' unified front!"

"Yes?" Luo Weiwei was a pet.

Two people who have no festivals have a hills, which is a historic meeting.

Rosowe is reacted, why do you have to dedicate the chastity of the gods to another God? From time to time, she sneaked with a handsome face, and I don't feel the buccal flock. In the gods, the value of the is also a few.

"His Royal Highness, please allow me to follow you!"

"My team is overman." B is thinking about saying, "This, you give me the fiancee."


Roth Vweather is a bit disappointing. There is already a bad wife. Anyway, it can be close to him every day, and I will be relieved. The legendary "red-haired kill killing Ji" is also a good hostess.

Plus a hundred rings and laugh: "Xiaoyu is the Dark Bible. There is a strong enough Dark force, and you will not reject your rule."


said: "Don't you listen to a little nickname?"

"That, Tianlong people?" Plus hundreds of columns.

"... or the last one."

Dungeon, located on the edge of prison and purgatory. , , . Gu Lifia is a personal servant, Luo Vweiter is a female Wu Shen guard. It is a star arch for the moon.

The Walli team was captured. Black songs have certain action freedom under the monitor of the kitten. The monkey, Arthur and Leff are all being built.

"Warley said no longer asking." Both Sortress said faintly, "No one keeps you, just stay in a lifetime."

The hearts of the monkey and Arthur fall into the bottom of the valley. They spend hard and want to rescue Valley, but the latter is not a matter. Lost Valley of Bailong, can't support a team.

Monkey laughs: "Don't be so unrequited."

"If Sun Wukong is coming, I can also consider letting you." Bone said that "said that the old man is realized, don't make a born."

The monkey is like a cold. Arthur closed his eyes and did not ask for mercy. Today, it is a shame. Who can think of it, will the top seamless plan will be disapperated?

At the occasion of Bay, Arthur suddenly opened.

"It is really strong, but don't take a bad group. The darkness of the power attracts in this world will not disappear. You will have a heroic class sooner or later. Cao Cao is the strongest human."

"Cao Cao?" Barbed.

Arthur pushed glasses and said, "I am a member of the hero. Later, I lost my interest in their philosophy. I know that the man has more. The strongest demonstration - [Saint Gun in dusk], even if you control the second day, you will be tricky. "

"Thank you for your advice."

When the two came out of the big, Lilia said: "There is a ..."

: "Don't worry, I inherited the god of the unbeaten army, and occasionally I also want to compete for the title of the strongest humanity."

"Hey, it is a fun man." There is a loli sound in the ear.

I don't know when Ophi is sitting on the top of the prison. She is like a water, black long straight hair, wearing a chest, a chest, the chest is a X-shaped tape.

"Ofs ?!"

Baked in a calmly: "Are you coming to the prison?"

"No, I am not interested. If you can destroy your disaster, I have confirmed that you can be more reliable than them. Dragon's brave, accompany me to challenge the bad dragon." Ophi said.


Turning back, the original is like a stronger dragon god than Ofs. Ofs looked at them and did not show their meaning.

Qi Ya asked: "What is the purpose of the group you set up?"

"To go back to the sky."

Ophius stretches out of the sky. The sun is slight, and the fingers are sprinkled on her face, and there is a beautiful beauty. Unfortunately, the ghosts have destroyed aesthetics.

Immersion paper!

Bien's mind, white paper fluttering, turning into a children's underwear with x letters, set in Ofs. He is not a conscience discovery. When the face of the unmarried wife is staring at a half-naked Loli, it is too bad.

"Don't take off this time."

After saying, Both Sakarai is turned to go. This is just a small episode, habits the ghosts of Ophius.

Ophius presses the warm chest, and he said: "... Well."

Little witchfi was closed in the woman prison, and the three met.

"My brother, is he saying this?"


Leffi wroned: "Can't let Arthur's blood of Arthur, in order to guard the holy sword of the family, I can discard unnecessary self-esteem. I beg you to put me out. My magic is used for you. Yes, right ... I I recognize you to be a master, let's put my brother, is it good? "

This "selling your body" is a sister of others.

Lily is a good look. This is the option!

Both Sakae said: "I refuse."

I unexpectedly, Liya opened: "Lefifi Pandilaga, I can take you out, the condition is to be my genus."

"Well, I am loyal to you in the name of the Knight!" Leffi came to the spirit.

Do you don't know which one she sang is, is this not a wolf? It seems that Lefei is beautiful, and the strength is also good. Such a good girl is throwing in the prison.

"There is a woman, you have no opinion?" Lily smiled.

Biece has to say: "You are happy."

"This way, the chess pieces will be set."

The House of Ji Muni is assembled. The evil team led by Lilia, Queen is Ji Zhu Nai. Black songs served as a bishop, and Gaspar was adjusted to the position of the chariot. The new Knight is Luo Rowel and Lefy Pandraga.

"All right."

Both Sakuo has a collection of [spell gloves] to complete the reincarnation of the two knights.

Luo Weishe muttered: "I didn't expect it to go from the female Wushen for the devil ..."

Leffe got a new mount - the maid special grade provided by Gu Lifia - recovered a cheerful personality. I can only try to please the owner and find a chance to save my brother.

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