The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundering Chapter 813

" ... can you let me manage the Holy Sword? Ah, I don't have any other expectations, even if it is only daily maintenance ..."

Little witchfi is pitiful. B is blended with the Holy Sword and let her admire her heart. Seeing that the Sword of the Holy King and the king is taken away by this man, it can only lower the posture, just to guard the treasure of the home.

"This is a problem. However, the phases of Hand and Excalibur are best, you will take this."

Both ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Then, he took out the [Tu Long Jian] and threw it to Roswi.

"this is……"

"Leffi, by you to keep the Shengwang Jian. Luo Vweizer, I see you don't have a weapon. Anyway, you have battle magic, as long as you sword."

The artificial holy sword makes it simple. Leffi has the blood of Arthur, the best phase of the Holy prince. Although Luo Vavar is a devil, it will not hurt the Dragon Sword.

A man handed a holy sword and created a luxurious team. I don't know who stipulates that the Master of Commerce should take the holy sword.

Two girls who did not release their new weapons, and immediately captured loyalty. The owner is really generous.

"No problem? We have to meet on the field, you also strengthen my genus." Lily handed over hands.

: "My sword is your sword."

"My lovely, is it a servant?" Lily is deeply long.

Bishop is an Aysia. The knight is Ilina and H. Jienoweia served as a chariot. Dead servants from the completion, Waman and Asera respectively served as the bishop and the chariot.

The squad of the two sides is the magician and angel.

Luo Vweizha is a number of people, saying: "There seems to be a piece of chess."

"His Royal Highness, what about your queen?" Leffi is so proudly.

Both splendid and smiled: "Sister, please."

Jia Bayu took the chest and said: "Don't worry, I will become a reliable queen of Xiaoyu!"


The girls were shocked.

What is this treatment, actually let the legendary plus babies? This is one of the four big arms angels, the first beauty of the heavens. The hidden rules of the mortar, the queen is actually sexual partner.

Gu Lifia is complicated: add hundreds of columns to be a sister, and I am just a jigue?

"You are cheating!" Lily is not willing to show weakness, "My queen will not lose. The last bishop is coming on the road."

In the next second, the Lady descended from the sky and took away the wings of the fire. A golden spiral long hair, wearing a pink princess dress. With the contestant, she didn't hesitate to hesitate when she heard the summon.

Both the god came back, and the beautiful girl of blonde attributes has more and more.

"Do not die, return to the team." Laughter smiled.

PS: Recalling, the original is a small horse. Liriff has a child.

My honest is from a raicultamage. Most women are equipped with tools, or add hundreds of columns and ancient Relfia. For the Shentong, there is no doubt that my sister is more important.

Chapter 492

At the end of the summer, the Devil after the war resumed the vitality. The largest incentive is floating in the sky of Lucyfad, is a city of sky. Here to hold a new person to pull out.

Viewfare Shan Hill. On the main look, Odin enclosed, there is Salers, Michael and Assell three accompanying, another chairmanship.

"Is the primary god, but will you get a newcomer?" Odin said, "It is always a childlike."

Gu Relia is standing on the side, saying: "No, just a special show. The opponent is his unmarried wife. This is also the lady of Lily Miss officially participated in the Assergend of Rating Game."

"Oh, is the first lady in the future?"

There is a magic screen on the arena, and the live broadcast of the duel. Waiting for the room, the devil's new expensive tricks wanted to be shameful, including the rehabilitation of Zefadel.

Higa marks: "The original murderer is Dio Dora, the family's hatred has already been reported."

She is full of gratitude to Biqua. If it is not a hionship, you can punish the scum. After all, behind the Astalot family in Dio Dora is the devil Ajjka.

"Come on, the Hall!"

Hig La raised magic fluorescent cards, with a group of Miss "," Hall of the Hall of the Hall ". In the ladies and ladies, the popularity of Both Sakai is very high.

Zefadell is not full: "Hey, speakers."

"What do you mean, want to fight?" Higoura pin relative.

Due to the duel, floating in the void castle. The referee is one of the first Dihari Hyri, a seventy-two column. People call the emperor, champion. This person is the highest level of treatment in the "novice village" as the referee.

" ... There is a VS Lily Ji Junli, the game begins!"

The king, from the beginning of the general. Both sides of the Malang Hall are pulling the battle. After all, in front of the magic of Biece, tactics is meaningless.

The long hair of the fire flutters, Lily rigging jade, the bottom is the same hot war.

"I finally waited at this time. Teacher Ben, I have been looking forward to today, I will be high as you with you."

Can't help ... "Is it this styled? Lily classmates."

Bowl. The two seem to have returned to the time of the old school work. Miss strive to win a winner, you will suffocate every time you lose, shout "again". Later, she also lost her own.

and Lilia has been competing for the leading power of love. In addition to the Dragon Emperor, Liya hasn't let him touch for a long time. "Men is too easy to do it, it will not cherish it." It is the teacher of the righteous sister. The result is caused to roll the snowball in the hometown. Ji Zhu Nai This steals the cat into the biggest winner.

Lily said: "Do not make ban hands, otherwise it will be too rogue."

"Okay." Saku is pleased to promise.

"Do not use any kind of sacrifice."

"no problem."

Lily is blinking, saying: "Don't use any weapons."

"Like the same time like it? You want me to be a meat bag." Both Saki smaked, "I all promised you."

My girlfriend is awkward.

Lily is self-defeating, let's take a step and say: "This is what you said. That kind of KISS can also be sealed. All people are strengthened."

Is this going to turn KISS?

It is unbearable, saying: "There is a male in my genus!"

Warban: "..."

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