The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 814


The small soldiers led by Baki is an angel, and Lily is four female magic. Multi-racial big chaos, angels, angels, and even magic masters can participate, let the audience have too much addiction.

"Hard, is your sword grow?" Laughing said, "I have not forgotten the original agreement."

The wind is smashed, saying: "Let the brothers to revenge?"

"No, this!"

Laughing is flying, turning into a golden non-dead bird. The feature is no fear, the Excalibur in the hand blooms golden light. Her magic is not as good as Baki, but can also play three or four% of the power.


"Hey, is it for a brother? I want to join!"

Leffi sat in the broom floating in the sky and said: "This is intoxicating light, it is a priest of the king of the ancestors."

"New Little Witch, are you free to enjoy?"

Wisteria Ilina opened angel's wings, flying over the sky. She waves Outcrell and is blocked by Lefei with the magic shield.


Ilina Tucang: "Why is the witch to launch a magic, are you a knight?"

"People are the Master of Commerce." Leffe sold a cute.

"Battle Magic, Walky!"

Luo Vweiter lifted the Dragon Sword, and there were countless small magic arrays behind him. Colorful, dense linear occupies the entire sky. It is simply a human body. There is no magic correction of the knight's position, and there is a tonem. Instead, higher speeds compensate for the weaknesses of the magician.

Sassie said: "Is this a counterparty?"

"It is a matter of the Hall, leading the understanding of dozens of yuan." Mijia praised.

Guriffia took a mouth angle. In fact, he just reincarnate two pieces of chess pieces. Because the knight with the sword is too small.

Odin smiled: "Don't look at Lu Rowe, she is the best female Wu Zhen. Just a boyfriend's moisture."

Durano! "

Jienoweiya bombarded the earth. Roth Veur lost its balance and fell back. The sky is magic, naturally.


The two beautiful figure shuttle between the bullets, they are the queen. Ji Zhu Nai is no longer mindful, while opening the wings of the angel and the devil. A red white witch woman, blooms a beautiful piece. At the same time, add 10 columns to open ten white wings.


The atmosphere of the audience has reached the peak. This is the first beauty of the legendary heaven. I am very fortunate to see my true, I have no regret. It's great!

Jia Hundred columns: "I have to get rid of it. Self-introduction, I am the strongest female angel of the heavens."

Sheng Guangpu, causing killing of the devil's devil.

Natural dull open is black. Who can think of the real strength of the hundreds of columns, it is not under Sellaf. If you don't fall flat, you will be better in the battlefield.

"Hey, who is digging!"

I can't fly in Pharma. Jienoweia took Duran Duo, a little guilty.

"Unfortunately, my resistance to Shengguang is the strongest, but also thanks to the blood of the angels that have flowed in the body." Zhu Nai looked tongue, "I want to know, the sister of Mission Xiaoyu is How to experience it? The blazing angel has never whipped the creature. "


" !"

"Add hundreds of columns!"

Aysia quickly stretched a helping hand. She all his hands closed ten, [Smile in the Virgin] released a touch of green light and maintains the blood line of the player.

The black song smiled: "Long-lost sisters reunited, . This time, let us fight side by side."

"Yes, my sister is adult." The kitten wants to say, "But the sneak attack is too instructions ..., don't release the poison."

"The soldiers are not tall."

"Miss Black Song is really bad cat!"

Looking at the poisonous air shop, Aysian hand is helpless. Her chest is lit up. The mercury is emerging, and the blonde girl will be wrapped in a ball. Then, a black dragon and white snake have no attention to poisonous gas, rushing out. Woan and Agreera liberate their respective forms.

Ascale! "

Luo Vweiser came forward, and a sword killed the white scale. The Dragon Sword was used.


Warban hides the taboo of the eyes. This is the [steel] of the [Dragon Snake], and his owner will really add chaos. He did not switch into a giant wolf, but released a new power.

"Blood Holy Food Festival!"

He spurted the blood of a dragon and awakened the people around him in a different kill. The body is strengthened and won the demon fighting ability, which is only relying on the murder of the instinct. Just as [Disadvantagers]

The girls are red, and they are not controlled.

"To ... Sorry, I can't control myself!"


The holy sword in the hands of the double horses, blooms the golden light, dispersing the Debuff.

Ilina is complained in the trip: "What is, I can call or send it. The amount of milk will not lose to the Acy sauce, add hundreds of columns ..."

Wo Ban has no endurance, shouted: "Don't hit, is a friend!"

"Oh? Sorry, Waman." Ilina apologized, "Look at your death, I thought it was a demon. After all, it was a black dragon ..."

Warban still wants to say anything, is squatted by a giant who dropped from the sky. Gaspa opens [Rose's fingertips] to skyrocket. She is red, and the stimulation of the Blood Holy Fellows is very unsatisfactory.

"I want to suck ... More sweet blood!"

Finally, it became a vampire. An angel girl was chased. The person being caught will be absorbed very miserable. They are full of flushing, and they have reacted with holy marks.

"His Royal Highness, Help!"

Both Sakarango raised his hand, and the swirls of the soul were emerging in the sky. The cage is open. [Terminal Dragon] Jeada has been put out together with [The Devil Wolf of the Terminal] Finlier. One is one of the five dragon kings, the other is the top ten gods of the world.

Cheers of the audience, when the spectacked the audience saw this kind of snorkeling.

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