The Plunder of All Things

Hundreds of things plundered Chapter 815

"That is ... The beast that appeared in the Lusfade defending battle."

"All were taken by the Hall of the Son!"

The effect of promotion has reached, and next is to give red hair to kill the cite.

Lily said: "You cheat!"

Both sport smiled: "According to the agreement, I only use the power."

Lily is biting his lips, and his heart is nothing. Don't care about what strength ranks on the situation of the big chaos. She wants, just to show the best in front of the beloved man.


The girl broke out of the magic, and the long hair of the fire rushed. With her centered, the sky is full of destruction. This is the most beautiful gesture of Lily.

"Destroy the Magic Star!"

God speed!

His trick is very simple, but the flattened palm is hitting the chest of Lily. Anyway, it is a girlfriend, not so much scruple.


The horrible gas is induced. The girl only has a back to the brush, which has become a stunning reveal.

"I won." Both splendid smile.

Actually still laugh.

Lily does not stop cough, and you can't see the expression.

"You hit me? I am your unmarried wife, I have been in the house."

"Hey? Isn't it the fair match you want ..."

Lily is not still qi: "Can you make me?"

Both sponsored. I let me, a trick, what can be said. No, this is absolutely can't say exports, is Bad end.

A helpless smile is revealed, raising his hand: "Well, I am cast ..."

"Don't surrender!" Lily is beautiful.

Only in front of him, she is a regrets, love Sacred Miss. Do not win, not allowed. Can't let, you can't make it too obvious. Maybe, this is love.

There is only one song of the song in the brain, "Do you want me?" Fortunately, he has already prepared, showing the expression of winning coupons.

"I have been trying to develop a tyranny, but unfortunately I have never collected. Maybe it is often a new ability. Another sense, [Red Dragon Emperor]."

Both Sakuya opened the banner, this move violated the agreement. He has a red dragon armor, and the whole person is deformed into a small dragon, attached to the smooth ridge of Lily.

Girl said: "This is ..."

Meet your body!

The flesh of Baki is the armor of Red Dragon. From behind, the body shape and the beautiful curve of Lilia were equal to lending the ban on Lily.

His arm kewned the girl's arm, protect her thigh. The little hand that is nowhere to put, I have to habitually caught something. In the case of size, Yingying is grip. The palm of the Basaki forms a bump and bump, and the ankle is a packet of hip armor.

This is the real breast.

The sound full of magnetic sounds sounded in her heart: "This is ... Seamlessly connected to the mortar structure, to ensure that armor will not fall off. Right, I also prepared insertion, theory, my [unlimited magic] Source is constantly transmitted to your power furnace. "

Lily is shameful, and it is. If you are lie, isn't it to make a fortune in the battle? It's just a public office!

"It is forbidden to ban H is my dereliction of duty, do you revenge me?"

Lily is coming to tears. Miss Miss can't be in the day. Gu Lifia must look at her and steep under the eyelids of the righteous sister.

: "I will be your strength."

Lily, the expression became gentle. She can feel the warmth of the lower abdomen. One degree beyond the strength of the red hair, and the double strengthening of [Jun] and [Transfer].

"You are not a tyranny, but it is extreme ... Julong!"

Zhenhong crimson extinct Dragonar!

In fact, the middle and second moving names of the Yuti, "Dragon Blood".

Lilia was a vacant, and opened the devil and the wings of the dragon behind him. The long hair of a fire is fluttering. There are more knives in the right eye, and the Basaki can open evil eye assistance. The girl smashed, and she could feel the power of the lovers. There is no doubt that surpass the devil level!

In the eyes of the people, Lily is cool, and the armor is wrapped up and strict, like a domineering female god. In this way, the red-haired girl is a Longji, and the righteousness rushed to Finlier and Yeng. The force of the destruction and the integration of the dragon are integrated, and the horror wave is launched.


Under the "betrayal" of Baki, the genus and the servant quote from the hatred.

Diharis is already. He has never seen such a thing for so many years. The king of the two sides is entangled with you, I don't divide you, and who win? He quickly understood the intention of the Son.

"The winner, Lily Ji Junli!"

Lily is standing in the sky and win the cheers. Be a peak.


"Red-haired killing Ji!"

Lily has already heard it, can only feel the temperature of the lover. In order to fulfill the promise, I don't hesitate to make my own incarnation for armed, and I can see the favor of her.

As long as you are there, I will not be able to.

"Love War is I lost. From now on, I am your queen. Whether it will be hundreds of shi to you, let's take other girls ..." Lily is pretty red, "not wedding wife Obligations, including H.less H. "

In a variety of sense, love pass.

: "Easy, anywhere?"

"Stupid, you are now ... isn't it aware of what?"

In the War of Love, the first confession is the lost home. Lily's life creed is "I am not in". A is a unparalleled hometown madman, and rarely vows, once the promise will be realized.

He can feel the girl's skin. The mask is a face, kisses the lips. Every chest breathing is blooming in the fingertips, it seems to have to take her into the body.

The two reached the blend of the flesh and soul, and said in the depths of the soul.

"I love you."

Women are dying. However, it can only use this trick after it is dedicated. General lovers have only negative contacts. We are different, maybe be surpassed with the real number of imaginary contacts.

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